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Posts posted by sight_stv

  1. For me, maybe like 


    1) Interviewer : Viewers said you and KAJ have amazing chemistry that they cant differentiate between real and act, how do you response this?

    KNG : Ah really? actually we didnt have so much time to bond our relationship to raise the chemistry maybee because we're meant to be together? *ROFL!!!*


    2) Interviewer : Is it your first time working with KAJ right? what is your first impression from her?

    KNG : Yes its the first time we worked together. I watch some of her project and i thought ahh it will be nice if i can work with her, and then this happened. Im really glad to work with her. She is kind, warm, and has amazing talent. Now im become greedy to work with her again in the future.. i think our personality match each other *ROFL!!!*


    okay pardon my delulu mind becasue im still half awake lol :D:D 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, shiqin3381 said:

    KAJ should host with Lee Hwi Jae or Yoo Jae Sook.  Her partner Jun Hyun Mo can be a bit annoying sometime. But from those 3, Shin Dong Yup is the best choice.


    True if it is KNG, he will assist her with the dress situation.


    Why the vibe at red carpet is so awkward and stiff? :lol:



    Yes, i prefer Yoo Jae Sook, he is still number 1 for me :D KNG will absolutely do that.. if he is the one that stand beside her :wub:

    and agree for the red carpet even when she hold a pose with JHM it looks so awkward and stiff lol

    • Like 8
  3. OMGGG IM SO DONE!!! after tired with hectic work finally open this forum immediately and FOUND OUT THAT OUR RARE POKEMON ALREADY BEEN SUMMONED BY HIGH CUT!! and the posee OMGG really?! these two can show the same exact pose with different time and in different place?! is it real?? or its fate lol!! KNG looks so happy and confident aigoo.. andd KAJ.. no words can describe her.. so gorgeous and pretty.. ahhh these two really made for each other :wub: gonna back lurking again to finishing my work!! so bad i cant streaming... i will read all of the update from seoul awards on this forum :D:D and cant wait to see KNG interview!!

    • Like 16
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  4. 5 hours ago, 3z3zm3lp said:


    Both agencies must have juicy pics lol.  I think i saw this photo before, its not newly released i think.  Photo is candid shot, i guess the agencies are shippers too lol


    Yes of course :D. This photo is an old one, but to see KNG agency is the one to re-upload this photo so it seems they're testing it lol


    5 hours ago, shiqin3381 said:

    Yes. I think now KNG agency turn to testing water to see the outcome.


    So this mean they slept on set together?

    Since NG can sleep anywhere, AJ was sick. They slept together after shooting ep 16 due to tight schedule. It also very late to go back home 


    It seems like it! as we said before when we first discuss about this pic long time ago.. AJ hand :) 

    • Like 7
  5. @lovelycate chinguuuu, can you help me remove the video and gif from your quote post? because its violate soompi rules and can make the thread slower and can be suspended, soompi only allow us to quote text, you can simply delete the gif and image or video first, happy shipping :D 


    Omg already 150 pages!! Thank you everyone that active or lurker in this thread :D:D and as always thank you for everyone that contribute with information, gif, video, image, fanfic, etc, really appreciate that!! and i hope more people will come / delurk to join us support our couple! we still have a long rideee and gonna enjoy it, happy shipping guys :D 

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  6. 45 minutes ago, 3z3zm3lp said:


    I think she did not expect so many reporters, afterall it was just a small fansign/promo gathering. It felt like red carpet instead because of the photographers lol


    LOL!!! i know right!! the flash from camera is coming from everywhere, if she really sad she wont do the heart sign lol im grinning when i see she embarassed to do heart sign for 1 second, she can't even look at the camera and tried to hold her syhness :D:D 

    • Like 12
  7. 22 minutes ago, capristar said:

    Is it just me feeling this way? Somehow I feel KAJ look sad in pictures of her A+G FanSign. She lost her "in love" glow compared to her previous pictures in the interview articles! Something happened? Or it's just because it's not a staged photoshoot?


    Maybe she feeling nervous because so many reporter and you can see all the flash in the video lol, she looks really shy when she do the heart sign with her hands, she just can hold it for 1 - 2 seconds and she even look down while doing that, she must be really embarassed :D 

    • Like 13
  8. 6 minutes ago, capristar said:

    LUTYN is my "first" on everything: FIRST time I have a severe withdrawal syndrome, FIRST time I lurk on shipper's paradise and want to know more about KNG and KAG so badly, and FIRST time I finally join the internet discussion! :D Thank you for all your translation, analysis, drawing, and posting! It's so much fun and energetic!


    Welcome aboard! :D please feel free to join us chingu!

    • Like 5
  9. 7 minutes ago, amy_souma said:

    My take on uri pokemon's absence is that he is just busy filming. Based on his previous interviews, we know how much he loves his craft and the fact that he needs to film and be a new character immediately after LUTYN probably adds to the absence of news from him. However, I am not worried about their relationship though as sometimes, no news is good news :wub:  Marriage is a big step for anyone so I would rather have no news now but marriage news later if they are indeed in a relationship :heart:


    As for the DVD, bought mine straightaway and thankful that they decided to use yes24 which is easier to navigate. Praying hard that they will consider providing eng subs :unsure:


    So Agree, well said :D 

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  10. 2 hours ago, leba said:


    Haha. No post is too long for me, or us. Hehe. Especially when there’s a long wait for something to happen.... I also hope she and KNG really gets down to keeping in touch with each other and developing a great friendship and relationship. Is it really that normal that KNG finishes off a project and disappears into thin air? Or is this one of his few projects he does such things? 


    Haha. In my boredom, I tried to search out his Strange Family co-stars to see if they have IG... Apparently most of them do not have social media. And even if they do, they aren’t very active. So there goes my meagre attempts of stalking KNG... 


    Usually he still get interview like his recent movie "one day" but its just one interview if im correct :D lol its so hard to know KNG whereabout lol

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  11. Thank you as always! @etherealk408 and @siena for the information!! and for subbing team, i pay respect for all of you :D and finally i've time to post since this morning, welcome to the new member  :) and im happy to read all of your post since this morning!


    Because so many of you already share thoughts about KAJ recent interview, i want to share whats on my mind too :D 


    "I enjoyed shooting the drama through the hot response of fans and the  surrounding people. I knew a lot about HeoIm, but there are many things I don't know about Kim NamGil. There wasn't time to build a more personal relationship. We were busy acting. It's always like that at a drama location. But still I heard of talks of how the chemistry is good from the beginning. And there were expectations that it will get even better for the romance. When I'm acting melo or romance it's the same with dating. If you love enough then there will be no regrets. And it's the same with acting. If there's a melo line, if there's a person you love you have to give enough love so you won't be left with regrets. I think enough romance was showed this time around."


    i only want to explain my thoughts about that sentences. For me, she said "she knew a lot about HeoIm" that potrayed by KNG so im pretty sure she already fell in love for HI as she said on several interview that she has no regret, and she said "but there are many things i dont know about kim nam gil" the meaning of that sentences for me is she taking a lot interest in KNG, she said "many things" and even said "she didnt have time to build a more personal relationship" im pretty sure she getting more curious about KNG and taking a lot interest towards him, and the way she said she didnt have time to build personal relationship is like in fact she did want to build personal relationship with him ( because she already taking interest in KNG ) but she just has no time before because of shooting.. and maybe im right before that im pretty sure that they still at the stage of getting know each other ( more deep / more than friends ) because from the late interview that KAJ said the last she dating is when her 31 and the her last relationship is around 5/6 years long, so we can certain that KAJ is the type that really give her all for the one she love and she is not like "idol" that only date because of mere feelings, because she want to take this step seriously, so she want to know more deep about her the other half, beside KAJ is already 36 by now so she want to really have serious relationship. So the way she describe it in her recent interview is like she taking a lot interest on KNG and still getting know each other ( more than friends ) and i agree with @boingboingracquet with her clarify this, she can calming down the rumour so they can getting know each other behind the spotlight and develop a strong relationship before taking the big step towards marriage :) 


    i dont know if KNG or KAJ is on dispatch radar, but if they really on dispatch radar, im pretty sure dispatch will release the news right away about them if they are caught dating, but dispatch wont release the news if they feel the couple is considering marriage ( just like when dispatch didnt release about SSC because they know SSC already considering for marriage at that moment ) 


    Sorry for a long post chinguuu :D 

    • Like 20
  12. 7 minutes ago, yanki said:

    I am glad that it was a happy ending too lol. Having watched almost every series and movies of KNG... a happy ending is very rare lol (especially an ending where he gets or ended up with the girl LOL) Good thing it's a happy one... at least this one have a different ending for his character.


    Maybe it have relation with their real life that they both get each other in real life too lol even the conversation at the ending feels real, its like KNG ask KAJ if she already has boyfriend and she said no, only "boy" and "friends" LOL and he realize he cant live without her and finally KNG pursue her, beside we already knew how our queen feeling for KNG lol.. omg what i was thinking right now, its still in the morning and i already deluluing, pardon me :D  

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  13. 1 minute ago, clare009 said:


    I'm so glad they did. I have a terrible time with sad endings. I love timeslip dramas, but if the ending is sad, then it just kills it for me (Scarlet Heart anyone?) But YAY to our drama production team for bringing our couple back together again. And honestly, I think the message of this being their reward fits well with the story arc, so it doesn't feel tacked on or forced at all. 


    i watch that lol.. the major cliff hanger.. the moment its ended im like "its done?! really? just like that? looking at the picture?!" lol agree with you, so glad they did :D 

    • Like 4
  14. 9 minutes ago, gilgirl said:

    Sorry oot. Yup, I am a devoted runningman fan that religiously follow every ep but since gary left and get married, i feel empty and just watch runningman to entertain myself with no feeling attach anymore.


    Hoping my ultimate OTP this time will sail succesfully cause i'm afraid of another painful heart of mine due to sinked ship T_T.  *fingercross


    Yes, lets keep our hope high chingu! because our queen already drop so much hint, all we need is KNG point of view right now, cheer up :D 

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  15. 30 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    @sight_stv I know right... Its like another interview with KAJ praising KNG to the skies and she is like totally happily in love! Hope this is another couple transformed from reel to real life!



    Yes lol, she is already testing the water maybe 2 or 3 times.. and her agency already do it with post her photo with KNG lol, and for the d-cut of course they will watch together again and give their commentar lol! gonna be epic and a lot of things to spazz! maybe we just gonna wait another month not year until they announce it lol!

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