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Posts posted by sight_stv

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ohsh said:

    Did she say that?! I must have missed it. If yes it would be quite telling as it is almost exactly how SJK responded in the KBS interview after DOTS. No denial but just digression by saying that fans are projecting the love for the onscreen romance onto real life. Which turns out that fans are 100% right!


    Some reporter should just ask her or him straight up on whether there is any chances of them getting together in real life. No going around the bush again. 


    Yes its true, you can see it on several page before, its been translated by our chingu back there :D . That's it! the same case like songsong isnt it. Even their ( songsong ) label deny the dating rumour but everytime SHK or SJK interviewed about each other, they dont approve or deny it, they just complement each other so its make them so obvious and here we are, they get married.. 

    • Like 9
  2. 17 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    LOL JooWon is being such a kid here laughing happily doing the heart sign while KAJ is so calm. He was obviously crushing on KAJ like a little boy. So cute! OK I love JooWon and KNG but KNG matches KAJ better and they are almost the same age. :heart:


    Yes, when KAJ do the pose with KNG, she is the one that feeling shy but when KAJ do the pose with JW, JW is the one that feeling shy.. and JW is even told the media that he has feeling for KAJ but KAJ is taken aback by that. And in this point we can say its true KAJ has feeling for KNG too and she is not taken aback by that instead she drop more hint on the interview.. so KNG, what are you waiting for now lol you've everything that you need to tell her right now, you just need a simple push dont you? :D 

    • Like 8
  3. 9 minutes ago, lyserose said:

    Always appreciate your insights.


    I remember I watched a guerilla date interview of KAJ and she said that she hates guys "playing hard to get". She said girls are attractive playing hard to get but definitely not guys. So, if she is sending message (which I strongly feel she is) to a certain someone, I hope that someone won't take too much time to contemplate on what to do. 


    To have KAJ being so bold to drop hints of her interest in such a way and indirectly having her comments easily fanning the shippers, I came to think that probably she is CONFIDENT WITH NOT ONLY HER FEELINGS BUT ALSO HER CHANCE WITH HIM (and his feelings for her). I mean based on her interviews, almost everyone can read the meaning between the line. Sure she  is aware of that and choosing her words carefully meant she knew what she was trying to convey and hint.


    In the mean time, I am still anxiously waiting for that someone to give his interview and perspective. It seems now so many things coming from KAJ's side ( her stylist IG photo, agency releasing BTS which featured a lot of OTP spazzy moments and her interview). So, I still could not accept why the other side of the camp being all so quiet (though i know he is busy filming new movie).



    Brilliant sentence there! its quite interesting hint isnt it. Thats why i think the key is on KNG now but he is still busy filming to do interview or etc it makes me frustated.. but i think his filming will not take much time or is it? because its a movie and he is not the main lead from the sinopsis that i read so i hope he will be filming faster that the usual one

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  4. 14 minutes ago, uphie_ajah said:

    This thread moving faster day by day. Love reading all of your analysis and post

    @sight_stvyour strip is great as always. And those wedding picture. Aigooo:wub:.  

    In my country, i ship a couple also in a forum. There's a member there who really love making strips just like you. And somehow, our couple married this years, and their story is somehow quite similar with her strip. So i hope our Gum couple stories will be as beautiful as your strip. 

    And i forget to personally mention how happy I am see your fanmade video. That's so lovely. And thank you for putting my requested song on that. I'm beyond happy. :wub::)


    aww thank youu.. amen!! *fingercrossed* lets hope so! ahhh so its from you back then, thank you for suggesting that song for me too, its beautiful indeed :D 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:





    Title: [MD Interview] Kim AhJoong: "Unable-to-date style, when will I, I'm extremely curious too."



    [168, -8] But you are Kim NamGil match very well though.

    [107,-4] But you and Kim NamGil match fantastically though.

    [110, -8] From watching Kim NamGil on Life's Bar, he seems to be someone who's earnest, cute to people older than him and thinks a lot about acting. Even in reality, you two seem to match. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Knife-needle couple, can't you become a reality? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ




    @xxPeepsxx thank you!! they even received k-netz blessing right :D 

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  6. 24 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    @etherealk408 thanks for the translations and the analysis! I did not get to understand her stylist part on the kiss. Now i know the crew must be in awe of these 2 wonderful actors who put in their hearts in the scenes. Even the Ep8 KNG begging for DooChil's life was heartbreaking. And the crew even said they want to work with KNG and KAJ again if they have the chance. The 2 of them must be really talented and nice people on the set. :tongue:


    @sight_stv That is what EVERYONE wants. I am sure KAJ wants it too. How about you, KNG oppa? Don't play too hard to get ya? If you are really shy, then please KAJ pursue him because sometimes men are like kids or puppies, do not know what they really want or are missing out in life. HAHAHA


    YES!! 100%, there is no one that offense them, everyone support them! now KNG is the key here, we need his interview to be more certain! 


    and about her stylist its because KAJ stylist post KAJ and KNG kiss scene on her IG lol!! so its like KAJ stylist is ship our couple too lol

    20 minutes ago, Ohsh said:

    Thanks for all the translations! Enjoyed reading KAJ’s thoughts. As expected she is full of praise for her co star and very upfront with her feelings. I find her comment on her loving HI to the point of no regrets rather unusual for an interview reply, almost too revealing, to mention “love” in her personal capacity even if it was for a fictional character. She would have expected knets shippers to go nuts analyzing her reply, and yet she chose to answer in such a way rather than a typical safe manner. It is obvious that she really had strong feelings for KNG’s character during the shoot, and it was the most accurate way she could explain her feelings and she does not bother to hide it. Maybe she is even sending a message. Now I am most curious about what is KNG’s reaction when he sees her interview. Imagining him having his famous perverted grin on his face.


    we already so hot in here since yesterday lol! and its so right! its like KAJ is giving a hint for KNG to pursue her or at least be more straightforward, we need KNG post interview indeed to be more certain of it

    • Like 8
  7. 8 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    @sight_stv oh chingu, i LOVE your drama strip, especially the last photo so well-photoshopped! May it happens in 1-2 years time. Don't take too long KNG oppa. KAJ is really 36 this year? How does she looks so good, so young, so gorgeous and THAT FIGURE?! :D


    Fine fine...It is ok he has to film the movie straightaway so that both of them can sort out their true feelings. Then when he finally wraps up the filming, he can say BOGOSHIPYOSEO my KAJ! I miss you like crazy and let's get married NOW! :heart:


    I wish the interviewer would asked this question:


    Interviewer: Do you and Kim NamGil-sshi keep in contact or exchange numbers after the drama ended?

    KAJ: *sheepishly" Yes we are good friends now and he gave me his number before the filming ended, always texting me when I had the flu during the last 2 weeks. He said he did not mind kissing me deeply for the final episode but I did not want him to get infected with my flu. Oh, I just texted him yesterday to tell him I am doing an interview today.


    OMO OMO, my heart!! Because we know KAJ does not keep in contact with her ex co-stars ya? And she does not want to disturb her ex co-stars while they are filming the next project (based on Joowon/KAJ interview). So does this means.....:heart::heart::heart:


    sorry so much delulu going on after that straightforward interview! HAHA


    i know right, she still look gorgeous! i think its true, actually on the wiki said 34 but in korean term of age she is already 35 and tomorrow she will be 36 :D ( if someone from korean, maybe can correct me )


    LOL!! absolutely right, they need to miss each other to sort it out but why do i feel KAJ is giving a hint to KNG to pursue her in her interview lol :D 


    YES RIGHT?! thats what im talking about! they need some trigger question to brought up her real feelings about KNG ( even we already know from bts but we need something to make it more accurate ) thats why im hoping so much in her fanmeet we could get something like that, but ma heart not ready yet for hear her answer lol OTTOKEEE!!! :wub::wub:

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  8. 8 minutes ago, YuKo Wong said:

    looks like its the case from this translation from Soompi!


    hmmm.. why are they only covering them after the drama ended?!?!


    yeah just like everyone said this before, she even said they close in middle filming, now i think they already really close and feeling comfortable to each other :D its sad that KNG need to work right away for a movie after drama ends so they cant do interview together

    • Like 9
  9. lol just found this article on naver ( im sure someone already translate it before about KAJ fans want her to be married and so )




    i laugh so hard in the comment section, all of k-netz comment "you should hang out with KNG" "there is a great guy named KNG" lol they all recommend KNG to her aigoo, our couple is loved by k-netz indeed :D 

    • Like 15
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  10. 4 hours ago, iamemilykay said:


    I won't be too greedy~~~ even if they don't tell us about them dating, at least do more work-related stuff together so that we  can still get to see them interact OR just appear together at events because their combined visuals is A-MA-ZINGGGG.....that's all I'm asking for....:D:tongue:


    THEN, when they're ready to walk down the aisle, just issue an official statement (completed with new beautiful couple photos) will do.....and I'll patiently wait for the day for wedding bells to ringggg.......hehehehehe! :heart:



    YES!! just some crucial hint is enough for us lol :D aigooo FINGER CROSSED!! *PRAY HARD*


    omg.. this thread is really on firee, even after midnight you guys still spazzing about our lovely couple! :D  

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  11. 14 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    Don't make us worry for you KNG oppa. You are not getting young anymore and KAJ is so hot, sexy, intelligent, pretty and witty with lovely voice! Have you heard her sing the song 'BYUL' on 200 pounds beauty movie? It was on my repeat mode for 20 times while waiting for LUTYN to air the last 2 episodes! Jeballl Don't lose this chance, she's already declaring she LIKES YOU So much! Jeballl :D


    we're so crazy about them lol! that song is truly love one :D why it feels KAJ really waiting... she even said she didnt even want to regret it and will give her all when she love someone aigooo that hint.. maybe in KNG mind right now "calm down guys, im still collecting my money to marry her right now, please wait a little more" LOL! *crazy*

    • Like 7
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  12. 13 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    @sight_stv Chingu dear, I love your comparisons again! So much similarities! I just hope KNG gets less busy and spend time with KAJ after his movie so that they can determine if they still have true feelings for each other. Then GET MARRIED asap yaaaaa!!!! It's really fate that let the both of them cross paths to have such amazing chemistry. Just be together before it's too late. :wub:


    Truee! he has so much work to do right now.. even his face look so tired :( please dont overwork yourself KNG! someone out there is already waiting for your move! it feels like they are fated to be together :D 

    • Like 12
  13. 15 minutes ago, leba said:

    My personal take is that, they haven’t really started dating or courtship. But they have probably conveyed their good feelings to each other in the process of filming and after everything ended. And they are probably looking forward to KNG being freer that they could meet up and get to know each other on a real life basis. :wub:


    me too loving CYK character and KAJ. 


    I feel like KAJ is already waiting to KNG make a move!! aigooo KNG fast!! :D 

    • Like 10
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  14. 28 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


    @etherealk408 Thanks dear for for your analysis. Now I feel sad that KNG OPPA wanted to win some award so much as mentioned in the LifeBar Ep18 so that he can give recognition and thanks to the crew. He's so underrated and so humble with his calibre status. No wonder KAJ admires and respects him so much. 


    JUST MAKE HIM YOURS, KAJ and you can call him OPPA all day long! This is one ship that everyone will approve of like the SSC! 



    I hope KNG doesn't just become professional in the drama and acted his best but revert back to his normal self after that. We will all be so heartbroken. He deserves a good spouse at this age. So does KAJ! :D


    i cannot say no agree to that! its 100% perfectly match made in heaven lol!!

    • Like 8
  15. OMGG finally i can get in touch with my pc and already read all your post that around 5 pages and all of your spazz lol what a crazy thread just because KAJ interview.. i agree with you all about how KAJ admire and praise KNG a lot! the way she said they close in the middle and fell in love just like CYK is a hint maybe? :D please KNG dont lose her!!


    He look skinny and very tired in the picture, can he get rest already?! like maybe some thigh pillow from KAJ is enough to recharge his energy loll i must be crazy to think about that :wub: by the way there is no news yet whether KAJ give him some support or churros trucks maybe...i can't wait to see her vlive birthday and fanmeet, i really hope there is a trigger question :wink:


    here im pointing out the same reaction from KAJ and SHK when they both do the interview about their co-star!


    Q: You had great romantic chemistry with your co-star Song Joong-ki. Could you share the secret on how to make such great chemistry? 

    SHK: With the drama, Song has earned lot of fandom. When first read the script, thought that this drama's success depended on how the lead actor plays his part and he made it possible.  He played his role so attractively that it even made my heart flutter. That led to the unexpected response from the viewers. 


    KAJ: KAJ also thinks the viewers loved the drama because they really looked at it as a real lover and she said its all thanks to KNG, he is really open about her opinion so thats make them possible to do that.. she even fell in love like CYK did!


    they both said their partner make it possible to receive some unexpected response from the viewers!


    Q: What do you personally think about your partner (actor Song)? 

    SHK: He is younger than me, but thought found many things to learn from him. He did his job perfectly in the drama, and he is such great person.


    For KAJ i dont need to explain it right.. we see how KAJ praise and thanks KNG a lot! :D 







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  16. 10 hours ago, leba said:

     So KNG behaves differently when with KAJ? Haha. Why the difference? Why more serious? Haha. 


    just like what he said to his junior "focus on emotion" he too immerse to it to the point he fall in love with KAJ LOL!

    11 hours ago, shiqin3381 said:

    @sight_stv Thank for the lovely MV. Cant get enough of these two.:D


    KAJ took KNG arm naturally during Presscon. They are give the couple vibe whenever they are together.They so prefect together. :wub:

    Miss them so much now:bawling:


    Your welcome :D 

    11 hours ago, lyserose said:

    @sight_stv Beautiful MV. I love the last bit where you captioned ..."come and join us".



    Thank youu :D i want many shipper to join us so we can spazz together lol!!

    12 hours ago, jadore1 said:

    @xxpeepsxx  doesn't she lol ... i like that *snort* :star:

    @sight_stv i fall in love with them more and more with each video ...oh what a feeling :heart:  


    Thank youu :D 

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  17. 3 hours ago, YuMi said:

    finally you make it :w00t:, Thanks  alot for making this video, nice I love it you do a good job :thumbsup::blush:


    your welcome!! :D



    5 hours ago, mantleprey said:


    @sight_stv Such great observation you have! In fact, i think KAJ KNG has stronger chemistry compared to GooAhn couple. Look at the way KAJ stroke KNG's arms gently. :heart::heart:


    Yeah i feel it too, GooAhn still kind of a little awkward but even after that they do get married.. how about our couple that stronger than them?! :D 

    5 hours ago, iamemilykay said:


    And @sight_stv YESSS! On point comparisons you have there between our Gum couple and real life couples SJK-SHK, AJH-GHS! Thank you! I still rmbr the SongSong thread went crazy when we first saw that red carpet walk, because it was SOOO TELLING! And now, its THE PERFECT example to show how true couples hold/touch one another. I'm really hoping we won't have to wait long to hear good news from our Gum couple. Oh, and they can also skip the dating part and go straight to marriage announcement! :tongue:


    Your welcome!! yeah i know right, when that red carpet happen, that is 100% sure songsong already dating.. i hope they will skip dating part too or at least tell us about it lol :D 

    9 hours ago, amy_souma said:

    From the interview, I super love the fact that Kim Ah Joong express how highly she thinks of Kim Nam Gil. She even states that one of the reasons she chose to be in the drama besides thinking that the story is good and her being a fan of the PD, is because she is attracted to Kim Nam Gil's charms. I guess we can confirm it then that she was probably crushing on Kim Nam Gil at first based on the Vlive as the way she was looking at him was a look of admiration :wub:  Thank you @sight_stv for pointing the fact in your video :heart: I really loved the ending, the fact that both Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah Joong gave their ideas and just ad lib the scene is pure GOLD to me. These two actors are just perfect for each other. How can I move on? :cry:


    Thank youu :D 

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