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Posts posted by counsel05
































































































































































































    Sulli at KOON WITH A VIEW opening store event
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    someone spotted Minho at Patbingsoo (ice red bean sherbet) shop in Apgujung on Thursday(Aug.1st)
































































    he said "I visited Sojugro, patbingsoo shop and saw shinee Minho there. he was clearly handsome."































































































































































































































































































































    The princess is back from SG ...
































































































































































































































































































































    I almost missed it .. thankfully still in time. To @jaysay ....
































































































































    More blessings, good health and many more birthdays to come and of course ... more Minsul moments to keep you smiling <:-P <:-P \:D/ \:D/ :x
































































































































































































































































    To our silent but active (in her own ways) Minsul crewmate @beth0826 ...
































































































































































































    Thank you @ravissant for the reminder :)
































































































































































































































































    A wet & competitive Minho

































































































































































































































































  7. totfeet

    said: hi friends, i just came back from the etude house pink party. One happy take away, Sulli was called to join her four brother-in-laws back on stage at one point of time, guess what,

    it was to represent MINHO and to help him award the winner for his minime draws.

    ... My heart was screaming, "she hereby present the award in the name of her husband."




    Sorry I am not a good photographer:-




  8. This post is for a fellow Minsul crewmate @mochi18 who wish to win a presscon pass 
    for the upcoming KPOP REPUBLIC in the PHILIPPINES
    @cmgw has already share to us the good news that she has won the press con pass for the said event and this time @mochi18 wishes to have the same opportunity in another waythru ETUDE PHILIIPINES PROMO in facebook.
    ✦One (1) winner with the highest number of LIKES on their SHARED SHINee, Exo-K & Dal Shabet Kpop Republic Concert poster will win Press Conference Pass on September 07, 2013 and meet their idols up close and personally!

    All she needs is your LIKE of her post in FACEBOOKshe is more than willing to accept your friends request so you can like her share. 
    Here is the link to the shared post: https://www.facebook.com/mochi18/posts/638102476209136

    Here is the link to @mochi18 Facebook timeline: 

    To fellow Minsul crewmates to another Minsul lover who asks for help to express our THREAD'S LOVE TO MINSUL via MINHO (in whatever way she can do it or make it possible)your LIKES is highly appreciated.
    THANK YOU VERY MUCHandGOOD LUCK @mochi18;) :x >:D<

    p.s.@stekatta is at KCON now while i posted thisand she herself will find a way to show Sulli our LOVE TO MINSULlet's wish her luck that Sulli will get the message :)

  9. peach20kr said:

    on Radio Star yesterday, first of all, I feel sorry for our maknae, soo-jung and Sull coz they might have been having difficult time with men who kept trying to flirt with girls and talking unpleasant stuff for girls as well. it's not fun show anymore for me ever since PD changed.

    Anyway, just brief summary about what Sulli said in her interview.

    the MC asked if it's true that Kyu-Hyun and Sulli were not close in SM, Kyu-Hyun said that Sulli didn't tell her phone number to him, that's why his phone had no Sulli's number. But Sulli said when her phone number changed a few days ago, she informed some of SM artists of her new number through group kakaotalk. but Kyu-Hyun didn't store her number while others did. sulli said that she heard the news about Kyun-hyun from someone once in a while and she was also told that Kyu-Hyun drank wine while playing a game. when the MC asked Sulli of what her dress concept for that day was, sulli said she wore a one piece dress that looked feminine and lovely. but then, the MC teased that Sulli's fashion looked like ajumma. (for a married woman, ㅋㅋㅋ) Because of "K" letter on sulli's dress, Kyu-hyun said that Sulli's fashion was for Kyu-Hyun, and when being asked if artists were still allowed to date each other inside SM, Kyu-Hyun answered that SM permitted them to date but no one has dated yet.

    Sulli always bought body cologne in a shopping mall. Recently Sulli went to see the rated 19+movie, "My PS partner" without knowing about what it was about.

    Q: Sulli, What would you like to do when you have a boyfriend?

    Sulli: things that are very simple. I'd like to just walk with him in the street or take a walk with him.

    KGR: Just do it? what are you afraid of?

    Sulli: oh No, what if we are taken a picture of?

    (hmmm, sulli expressed her extreme fear of being taken a picture of)

    Sulli's favorite song was "peach" sung by IU, coz IU made this song for Sulli. and IU always complimented Sulli about sulli's pretty white skin, silky hair and tall height.

    Sulli knew that she was called as peach among fans and the prettiest artists that she thought were Taeyeon and IU.

    the MC said Taemin and Sulli were selected as the best celebrities whom people wanted to kiss on Coming-of-Age Day.

    Q: Sulli, You haven't had a first kiss yet. right? Sulli: No, not yet, but I did it in the drama. (Minsul kiss scene was showing during her talk)

    Sulli preferred a sudden kiss , that means she wanted to be snatched and kissed (by her boyfriend)

    Regarding sokcho music core performance, MS did screencaps for me. she is very keen on capturing every minute moment.

     it wasn't my delusion that sulli smiled at someone on MC seats while performing. it surely happened.

    and according to MS, sulli also smiled and waved her hand to Minho after her stage.

    and regarding a fan account about what happened at ingigayo was originally from MS's friend who was there last sunday.

    I didn't know it until MS told me yesterday and she said she cried too when her friend told her.

    three out of eight main celebrity news today are about sulli,..

  10. After reading peach post saying about DAE to the BAK my excitement was so high i was like ...

    After watching the video and knowing the translation then checking thescreencaps ..

    THANK YOU MINHO & SULLIfor never failing to give us hints, whatever it is you have right nowtake your time, enjoy it, grow more mature & successful in your careers, then get married then have many Minsul babies (LOL)
    This thread sure has the best collaboration ever and this time coming from 
    @xyso (vid) @peach20kr (trans) @Timnat2010 (screencaps) & @ravissant (screencaps & analysis)GOOD JOB LADIES AS ALWAYS!!!

  11. I didn't get the chance yet to meet any of you unlike @jhologs, @chocwenz & @happychu meeting in Paris or like @foxiscully & @agie meeting in Indonesia or like @bananali @estherlim who were able to meet in Singaporebut nevertheless I know someday it will happen.But despite not meeting in person ALL OF YOUR BIRTHDAY GREETINGS thru PM, twitter & here makes me feel like I have known all of you in a more personal level and for a long time already

    Special shout outs to all the noona guardians and maknaes(you know who you are ladies):x >:D< :x

  12. Since i am already in the topic of families here, Let me also give a BIG THUMBS UP to the FANMOMS IN THE HOUSE.

    Despite their busy schedules whether as a full time mom or working momsthey never fail to share their insights, news, rants/raves about our beloved MINSUL.FANMOMS IN THE HOUSE@stekatta, @peach20kr @Timnat2010, @foxiscully, @fizaz @yannajasni @fangirl15 @glade0912
    p.s.to those FANMOMS out there that I have missed shout-outs to you too.:-bd :x >:D<
    MInsul is surely a stress reliever and buster to everybody from fanmoms, noona's, ahjummas, dongsaengs and namja's alike.

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