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    my skin type is normal, though it tends to get oily on the forehead, tip of the nose, chin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    don't really have too big of pores, but i do have freckles that i want to hide..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think my eye sockets are more sunked in.. so even if i sleep alot.. it looks like i still have dark circles..-_-"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i have a light colored face NC30 though it might have become darker because of summer. The undertone is yellow (??- that's what most Asian have right?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i would like something with SPF that would help even out the skin tone on my face because i have a glasses tan line -_-"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thank you for doing this~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Name: Angela
































































































































































    Email Address: PM me for it!
































































































































































    Gender: Female
































































































































































    Age: I'm 16: '92-er
































































































































































    Location: CA, u.s.a
































































































































































    Penpal Intro/Request: Hmmm I would prefer someone who is around 15-19 not from the U.S. Anywhere else is fine. Snail mail would be quite lovely! Male.. Female doesn't matter!

































  3. aahhh, does anybody know where i can watch their performance on the 10th?

    i live in the U.S. do i have to wait for it on youtube?

    u can download TVants and watch it there

    Ahaha lol dw , i was confused from the start :lol:

    Ahhmm. I always thought we're [we as in people in the US] a day behind asia. o_o.

    Ooooh >_< :wacko: ! lmao.

    sdfasf. i still cant stop rewatching Haru haru. its simply amaaaazinggg.



    click on that link and find your timezone =)

  4. their new mini album is amazing!!!

    every song is <3!!

    their mv is super sad..

    especially since GD got hurt..

    but i must admit.. the eyeliner was a bit too much..

    TOP and GD's acting is so gooddd!!

    haha the running scene is like Lies all over =)

    promised myself i wouldnt listen to it before my album came... but i fail =( haha

    anyone know when the 2nd mv is gonna come out?

  5. where's a good place to get my hair cut in HK??

    also a good sticker picture taking place because i remember this one place in mongkok in the trendy zone area n it has a lot of sticker picture booth.. .


    sorry if im constantly reposting this n annoying anyone.. because im leaving in 6 days.. n hopefully my question will b answered.. so i wont b lost in HK lol

  6. where's a good place to get my hair cut in HK??

    also a good sticker picture taking place because i remember this one place in mongkok in the trendy zone area n it has a lot of sticker picture booth.. .











    theres no 2% in langham but there is one at grand century place and pioneer centre which is also in mongkok : )
















    Website: www.2percenthk.com/

    I know there's one in Olympia City Shopping Centre which is not too far from Langham Place :)































    THANKS for your help! XD








































    prob. around mongkok would be nice since my hotel is around that area. would there b one in Langham Place (the mall) since ill b staying at the hotel..








































    does anyone have the address for the 2% store or the website??
















    i tried googling it.. nothing came up...=(








































    how would i get to fa yuan st.?? n is there an in fashion or in and out.. or whatever they go by ( i know they have diff. names) nearby that street?? also is there a good place to take cute sticker pictures?
















    n how would i get to trendy zone if i took the metro.. i remember walking a lot to get there..








































    업로드중 이거나 삭제된 파일이므로
















    다운로드 할 수 없습니다.
















    wat does this mean.. i get this when i try to download soemtihng from club box..








































    hmm right now.. its probably.. pshhh n cool beans (dont ask about this one... i dont know what i was thinking)









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