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Posts posted by Rin<3

  1. ^ I'm a Korean American student myself studying abroad at SNU for the fall semester. And I can tell you that SNU offers a number of courses taught in English, and there are plenty of exchange students here. But I chose the most "Korean" school out of all possible options (as in, the one with least international exposure). I'd say that you check out Yonsei instead. Yonsei is actually considered to be one of the most international-friendly universities in Korea. It has a strong international studies program; therefore, it's a popular choice for those who want to study abroad in Korea. There are a lot of classes taught in English (a lot more than SNU) and many exchange/international students study there. Taking courses will definitely not be a problem. As an exchange student at SNU, I could recommend here as well because I personally like it here a lot. But I think for those whose Korean is more limited, Yonsei's atmosphere might be easier to deal with. I've heard that they have a great program for exchange students and people who have gone to Yonsei usually give positive reviews. As for being in Korea in general as an international student, Korea's quite big on English so there are signs written in English as well as announcements repeated in English after Korean in most cases (at subways and buses, etc). I think you'll be fine. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    aoitan - You might know this one already but I love Seoul Garden (in Raleigh). Highly recommend that one if you haven't tried there yet.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  3. This thread's pretty active these days! I posted once a long time ago. (: I'm at N.C. as well and will be starting school at N.C. State next week. <3

    Anyhow, aznch4mp - welcome to N.C., Wake County...where nothing really happens, haha. It's nice to hear that you're going to Green Hope b/c I just graduated from there this spring. I have a younger sister who's returning as a sophomore though. ^^ There aren't many Asians in N.C. but you'll come across several at Green Hope actually. But I personally couldn't make friends w/ a lot of them b/c the ones I met were all either really fobby or really Americanized (and I tend to be in-between), lol.

    As for salons, yeah, there is Hitto Salon like Jonanovi mentioned (Maynard's a street). A Korean lady who's friends w/ my mom worked there but she recently opened up her own shop; it's close to Hitto and it's called Co-Art. That lady cut my hair many times and did it very well. (: I always go to her for haircuts, etc.

    It's really awesome to see many (more than I expected) NC'ers on Soompi. ^^

  4. I also miss my old friends. A lot. Friends from elementary/middle school days.

    Maybe it's b/c I'm graduating high school now; I've been extremely nostalgic lately.

    It makes me sad knowing that time flew and things changed.

  5. How are the preparations for our Joondi gifts Judy and Irene? :)

    btw, what about our project, guys?

    ^ The deadline for the donations is April 1st. After that, I will order the build-a-bear stuff and the couple t-shirts online and have it mailed straight to Judy. April 8th is the deadline for those who want to sign their name, age, and address for the letter to Hyesun and Minho. I'll have that written that same week. Meanwhile, Judy will have the couple cups bought. I'm guessing she's buying the baskets too, if she's still planning on putting everything in a basket. She will mail everything out to Korea. I'm thinking that the gifts will get to Hyesun and Minho sometime from mid-April to late April; depends on how long it takes for Judy to get everything together, the shipping process, etc. (:

  6. I don't think these pictures were shared in this thread yet... ^^;;

    ...Abusive much? First the kid, now Hyesun, haha.



    stroberry - Honestly, ep 23 was sad >.<

    I didn't cry in the Macau scene (even though it was heart-breaking)...

    But like frypanit, I did tear up in today's scene.

    Junpyo was so broken.

    Ep 23 > ep 22 though...in my opinion (:

    Their last date together was too cute.

    OMG, when they were feeding each other...♥

    flower pot - I'm so w/ you`! Who knows what happened that night? ^^;;

    ROFL. Are some of us turning anti-Jihoo?

    But like Cheng, I'm finding myself liking him more and more each time too. As much as I love Jundi, there are times when I can't deny the occasional cute moments b/w Jihoo and Jandi.

    I blame the HyunJoong-fan-scriptwriter for the lack of Jundi scenes, haha. And Junpyo's mother who keeps separating the lovely couple...

    It's funny...b/c you know she's going to be Jandi's mother-in-law one day. If you mix up the letters in mother-in-law, you get Woman Hitler, xD

    When Jandi said, "Among all the people I've met, you are the worst," to Junpyo's mother, I almost cracked up.

    FINALLY. Finally, she says those truthful words to her >.< Jandi's been too nice all this time.

    And her final visit to the patient (whom we all know the true identity of, haha)...was so sweet. His hand moved`! <3

    Also...I'm glad Jaekyung's gone >.<

    ^ This picture is so cute in a MinSun kind of way <3

    ...And for the #1 cutest couple (or family if you prefer) <3

    [Click] Listen to this BOF song while looking at these gifs. It matches, haha.

    (I did NOT make these gifs`! All credits to Daum`! I'm only sharing~)






    © Daum; KBS Official BOF Site; Tinypic

    -- No hotlinking please --

    My favorite Jundi scene in this week's eps. Junpyo was so jealous, xD

    And the kid was so freakin' adorable`! He represents Jundi's future <3

  7. ^ Of course`! ^^;;

    Please join in the Jundi spazz (:

    Yeah, they definitely deserve a happy ending <3

    Judy - Both sets of mugs are so cute <3

    I personally like the one where they're communicating through the cups, but the other one's really adorable too (:

    You can decide. You probably have better judgment since you can see the sets in person`!

    The couple shirts are very lovely too`! ^^;;

    For some reason, I can see so well Hyesun and Minho wearing the black one (that says "I love you" across it), haha.

    I honestly like all of them though. Are we doing a vote on this one?

    And I saw the long previews for eps 22+23.

    It was beyond lovable when Jandi headed towards Junpyo's room singing, "Junpyo-yah, let's play~" xD

    I love them ♥

  8. ^^ I agree; nothing can beat the Jundi visual <3

    Thank you for sharing the two pictures, musiquejunkie`! ^^;;

    I seriously can't wait for ep 22 <3

    And welcome to the thread, arfaziz`!

    LuvTvSeries - Thank you for sharing the lovely WPs`! I'm currently using the first one (:

    As for the letter, what I'll do is write it in Korean first, and then translate it to English and post it up here. Hope that sounds good (:

    The current donation status is updated on the livejournal incase anyone is curious (: I think we're on a pretty good track.

  9. To answer Songie's questions about the Joondified Project...

    We are NOT doing the scrapbook. We are only doing the build-a-bear and couple shirts/cups. They will all go in a basket, along w/ a letter that I'll be writing with all of our names signed on it, if you choose to give your name. If you do, please fill out the form of your name/age/location by April 8th on the livejournal.

    We've decided that Judy will buy the couple shirts and cups herself. She will also buy the baskets. I will order the build-a-bear stuff for Junpyo and Jandi online through Paypal, which will be mailed to Judy's address so she'll be putting everything together in the baskets and shipping it off to Korea. I'll print out the letter and mail it to her too. The gifts are going straight to LMH and GHS's agencies.

    And like she said, we are accepting donations now (completely optional). Again, I prefer Paypal. It's really easy and safe. PM me for email address (address if you have no choice but to mail), etc. Keep in mind that the deadline for donations is April 1st`! (livejournal for more info.)

    I'll definitely update the livejournal too and keep you guys updated.

    By the way, after reading Cheng's ep 22 spoilers, I can't help but feel sorry for Jaekyung. All of my irritation w/ her in the past couple of episodes are fading away.

  10. I apologize for leaving everything to Judy so far and keeping away from the Jundi thread for so long; my computer's been all messed up and I had to get everything re-set up.

    Ok, I PM'ed Judy w/ Songie's questions so hopefully she'll reply soon (: I was wondering about all of that myself. I'll come back w/ definite answers (unless she decides to come here and post herself, which will probably be the case).

    Make sure you check the Joondified Project site about the donations. On a side note: I also prefer that you use Paypal to make your donations, and only take the mailing route if you have no other choice. Keep in mind too - donations are completely optional.

    As for ep 20, I loved it`! Jandi being Junpyo's personal maid was too cute, haha.

    I can't wait 'till tomorrow b/c I'm thinking that Jaekyung will leave the show. I find her so irritating >.< (Not to mention how awesome it'll be to see Junpyo kneel down in front of Jaekyung, asking her to call off the wedding) <3

  11. 177z_Aym - Yep. From what I've seen and read on Daum, the Korean fans are just as frustrated as we are w/ BOF and the lack of Jundiness. Which is good b/c that means the PD is definitely aware of how annoyed we are w/ how things are going among the four ppl involved in the love square (:

    snowy22 - Thank you so much for the spoilers`! If they are real, then we have a lot of Jundi scenes to look forward to <3

    musiquejunkie - Thank you for sharing the picture`! Jundi in JeJudo <3

    F4fan - I was sad after reading grrly's article about the possibility of a different ending, but what you shared of Lee Min Jung's blog update gives me hope. I will also believe in a happy Jundi-filled ending.

    Yeah, like many of you said, I won't be able to tolerate an open ending either >.<

    Mary - Thank you for finally saying it`! You're right; I'm sure a lot of us wanted to say it but couldn't b/c we didn't want to be the bad one, haha. Jaekyung NEEDS to get it through her head that Junpyo is Jandi's and it would make everyone happier if she just backed off already >.< I probably won't hate her in the end (if she really will be helping Jundi get back together) but at this point in the drama, I'm really irritated w/ her character.

  12. This thread has been flying, haha.

    I just watched her performance of her self-composed song on Peppermint. It was so beautiful.

    Her voice is gorgeous and she has an amazing talent in composing songs.

    And sadly, I cannot speak Korean THAT well...so I'm not sure how fast I'll be able to translate these, I will do some every time I have time though. :)

    ^ Feel free to let me know if you need help in translating the messages (:

    Thank you again to dramalovers26 as well for also organizing all of this`! Hyesun definitely needs our support at times like this.

    And thank you to all those sharing the lovely pictures/gifs/artwork/etc.`! <3

  13. ^ I know`! >.<

    I've never been so annoyed and frustrated w/ a love square. And I'm starting to find Jaekyung really irritating. They need to end this draggy love square now and put Jundi back together b/c the series isn't as entertaining with this lack of Jundi scenes/moments. I'm getting impatient b/c it's March, we've hit the 20's now, and the series is slowly coming to an end.

    And I was really disappointed that the Jandi-being-Junpyo's-maid part didn't come out in ep 19 (like the preview made it seem)`!

    (sigh) More Jundi please ♥♥♥

  14. ^^ I know; same here. Thanks to VI-SOL5407, I'm changing from one Jundi WP to another each week, haha.

    And that banner is so pretty`! ^^;;

    Judy`! Thank you so much for updating the livejournal`! I've been kind of slow >.<

    ...The Minsun scandal was bound to happen. But I'm glad that they're laughing it off. I don't want them to be awkward for their scenes <3

    And I'm so glad to hear that they're extending the series to 25 episodes`! (:

    Only - 25 is such an...odd number, xD I don't understand why they couldn't just extend it to 26 eps; it just looks like a better stopping point. If they really run out of stuff to put in the drama, they can just have that one whole ep dedicated to Jundi to make up for all these Jundi-deprived eps, lol.

    As for the poll, I voted for build-a-bear (b/c those bears were so cute <3) and the scrapbook. I would have voted for the couple t-shirts and cups as well but I was thinking about the financial part.

    And I just assumed that they would all be in a basket...? Maybe I'm wrong but thinking that, I skipped over that one, haha.

  15. So we are doing a poll? (:

    songielove - Sure`! You can do the scrapbook cover design; that'll be awesome <3

    If the final deadline does get set in April like spirtual_affection x3's hoping, then you should be able to work on it during your spring break, right? ^^;;

    drycleaner - Those scenes were so cute`! I crack up everytime I see Junpyo's "let's date" as the plane goes by, xD

    And I love everyone in this thread too <3 We're all so Jundified ♥

    Like Mary, I'll quickly say my name as well. Maybe we can all share our names.

    I'm Irene (:

  16. ^ Yes, we'll all work together to make this work <3

    dramalovers26 - I like the basket idea too, but I think voting/poll for this would be too complicated. I was hoping that we could talk about it and decide together. I'm sure most of us would like to go w/ the basket idea, but we just need to decide what will go in it.

    As for the wedding at JeJu Island, that would be so awesome if it was a Jaekyung-planned wedding <3 Please let it be~

    177z_Aym - The writer is actually talking about a MinSun dream she had (:

    spirtual_affection x3 - Thank you for organizing the ideas. But I can hold onto the donations and translate the messages as well. It's ok.

    Keep in mind - you can still join the Jundified project`! Any contribution would be greatly appreciated (it doesn't have to be financial; scrapbook-related work is a huge contribution).

  17. ^ No, I changed it to VI (:

    And sorry, VI-SOL5407 - that earlier list was just a temporary list of ppl who said that they would be joining the project themselves, haha. But I'm glad you're interested`! <3

    I <3 pInk - That is probably the best BOF MV I've seen so far. The song is just so fitting.

    Thank you for sharing`! <3 (Junpyo should be glad that he got to love someone like Jandi; she made him human, a man <3)

    I like the star idea too, but 1000 stars...seem like a LOT >.< If we decide to use this as one of our gifts and there really is a moon-shaped jar out there somewhere, maybe we could just fill it up regardless of the number...? ^^;;

    flower pot - I enjoyed reading your post`! (: Everything you said is so true (except...nothing against Jihoo, but I'm very very Junpyo-sided, xD).

    Ep 17 was really good. There weren't many Jundi scenes but the little moments w/ those two were strong enough to make up for the few amount of Jundiness overall.

    And I really like the new soundtrack added to the drama. It's so nice and fresh~

    So far it seems like we're going back and forth w/ the ideas of possibly gifting...

    - Jar of stars; couple cups and couple shirts; build-a-bear; digital scrapbook (it seems like we're definitely doing this one? ...or some kind of compilation of Jundi stuff~); ...and maybe I'm missing something...

    And of course, letters/messages to Jundi ♥

    We have until the 12th so we can keep thinking, but don't forget the price factor of the whole thing overall`! ^^;;

  18. ^ Yes, JP-JD ending all the way <3

    jina_bing_bang - That would be so pretty but sadly, I don't know how to fold stars (and I'm not sure if a moon is possible to fold, haha). But maybe there are people out there who can...? ^^;;

    dramalovers26 - I agree; she has a beautiful voice. But I'm looking forward to the new theme as well`! Thanks, blue_angel_1004`!

    Quickly sharing a few pics from eps 17 and 18~



    ^ T.T


    ^ Jandi looking at the Star&Moon necklace (:

    I'm thinking this is where Jandi will be saved by Junpyo (b/c it looks like she's in an indoor pool, and I think she was wearing a yellow shirt in those leaked pics).



    ^ The love square (...probably NGs & BTS though, xD)

    © KBS Official BOF site; Tinypic

    -- No hotlinking please --

  19. ^ Yeah, I like the idea of couple cups and couple shirts as well. Not only is it cute and Jundi-related, but they're also not as pricey.

    Remember how Jihoo's friend didn't let Jandi use that cup? Well now she can have her own w/ her and Junpyo on it <3

    And maybe we can make two scrapbooks? ^^;;

    I'm in eastern USA by the way. So yeah, definitely not the closest, haha.

    화제의 중심에 서 있는 F4 이민호, 김현중, 김범, 김준의 관심을 독차지하고 있는 금잔디 역의 구혜선은 준표(이민호 분)-잔디 커플이 이뤄지는 결말이 그려지기를 바랬다.

    구혜선은 조이뉴스24와의 인터뷰에서 "허무한 결말은 싫다"고 했다. 한낱 꿈이었다는 설정은 받아들이기 어렵다는 것이다. 그러면서 준표에 대한 나름대로의 인물 분석도 했다.

    "행복한 결말을 바라죠. 모두가 행복하기 위해서는 서로가 마음의 상처를 안 받았으면 좋겠어요. 준표의 경우 잔디와 헤어지게 되면 크게 상처를 받는 인물이예요. 지후(김현중 분)는 이미 단념을 했지만 준표나 잔디 인물 성격상 서로 헤어지게 되면 많이 힘들어 할 것 같아요."

    구혜선은 자신이 맡은 잔디의 진정한 첫사랑은 지후가 아닌 준표라고 했다. 지금까지 극 흐름을 봤을 때 지후의 경우 마음으로 동경했던 한 때 풋사랑에 불과하지만, 준표와는 연민과 애증 그리고 서로의 애뜻함이 묻어있다고 했다.

    그래서 잔디의 첫사랑인 준표와 해피엔딩이 이뤄지길 바란다고 했다.

    ^ Translation:

    Goo Hyesun, who plays Geum Jandi, has revealed that she would like a Junpyo-Jandi ending.

    "I don't want an empty ending. I want a happy ending. For everyone to be happy, I don't want either Junpyo nor Jandi's heart to be broken. If Junpyo and Jandi break up, that would be a huge heartbreak for Junpyo. As for Jihoo, he's already given up once. But for Junpyo and Jandi, it'd be very hard for them if they broke up."

    Goo Hyesun has said that her character Jandi's first love was not Jihoo, but Junpyo. Until now, with Jihoo was more of a puppy love out of admiration, while with Junpyo was sympathy, love and hatred, and annoyance with one another all mixed together.

    That's why she hopes for a happy ending with Jandi and her first love, Junpyo.

    © Daum; JUNSUxLOVE


    Hyesun is also Jundified (:

  20. ^ I'm also loving Jundified~

    And that scene was indeed beautiful <3

    spirtual_affection x3 - I'm guessing that's where Minho's international forum is sending their gifts?

    Anyhow, yeah - that is an address, but it's also a phone number and subways nearby.

    jina_bing_bang - I wonder if you remember me from the Jung Ilwoo thread...? ^^;; I was so High Kick-crazed during the time, xD

    But I'm glad you're joining in`! <3 I added you to the list.

    Like spirtual_affection x3 and dramalovers26 has said, silent readers - please, if you're interested, speak out and let us know if you would like to join`! <3 Any contribution is love (:

    And all of these ideas for the gift sound so great (:

    Couple cups, couple shirts...seem fitting since this is a Jundi project, haha.

    It's so difficult to decide >.<

  21. ^ I think it's perfectly fine if we don't get it in before the series ends since it's not like the BOF craze would end along w/ it, haha. They'll probably do a lot of talk shows and all that afterwards.

    It'll be great if all the members write a message to them. If you decide to be the one to mail it to Korea, we can send you the messages and you can just print it out and put it w/ the gifts.

    We don't necessarily have to order the gift either. Again, if you decide to be the mailing person, we can choose what we want to buy them and see if they have it in NYC.

    And I will translate the messages from English to Korean. I'll keep the English-written message and just translate it under the written message since they'll know that this is from fans overseas.

    Thank you so much for making the livejournal for this project`! <3

    This thread is kind of quiet today (maybe it's b/c it's Monday) but once we get a definite, full list of all those who are interested in participating, we can choose what to send to them, figure out the costs, and decide who will do what.

    P.S. I have the YG address (:

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