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    At first i was really disappointed that there was no preview for yongseo last saturday BUT WGM PD'S you never fail to surprise us gogumas! I hope yong and hyun see how the international gogumas really love them through this video <3 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the power of yongseo...and gogumas <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We should look at other scenario. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































        *Maybe he feelsthat it doesn’t need anymore as they are already close to each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































        *He doesn’t wantit to be a burden to hyun to speak informal to him.  If there's affection already, some guyssacrifice something important to him for the sake of the one he love the most. Andhe is willing to do it even it will take some pride out of him (if she's yours, she is yours).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For me backing off, dropping the banmal thing is not a bigdeal.  Just put it like this, a flower,leaves is only part of it. Even without leaves it is still a flower.  i think also, even he drop it (Banmal) in thelast ep, it doesn’t mean he is going to back off from each other.  Maybe it’s a process of slowing it down forhyun to speak banmal to him (voluntarily). 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That’s only my opinion xD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i agree with what you said, that's what i think so too. Hyun explained that she only spoke informally to her bro in laws because they weren't that close, and to break the barrier with his brothers he talked to them using informal language,I guess it's just her way of getting closer with them.As for Yong rejecting Hyun's usage of banmal, He thought that they're really that close since she doesn't have to use banmal with him to get closer. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just like the other gogumas, i felt that they were sort of apart from each other from the past episodes. But i am positive that it is a result of their month of no contact. If i were in their position, i would feel the same way too. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     It's not a question of being reel or real, So what if they do not have skinships? Their eyes tell us all. ;) I'm looking forward to the next episode, the way they stare at each other is just wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Yong gave Hyun the trophy and stood side by side :) brb for caps[
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hohoho yongseo's shoulders laugh.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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



























































































































    Yuri ah~are you giving us hints?laugh.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  13. Dear Gogumas~

    I'm not sure if i've posted here before but you see I spotted something random.

    I think there was a point at this thread wherein the couple had OK signs as seen in the pictures and vids. Just random, Watched the latest ep a few times and noticed that Tiffany seems to know the OK sign as well! Could it be that Hyun discussed her secret gesture to Yong seobang with her unnies. Am I overthinking LOL.whatever I'm giggling like crazy.SRSLY yongseo is real!

    here's the LQ cap.Watch this part on the vid and you'll clearly see tiff's OK sign :lol:


  14. I was spazzing while typing here,but then the computer died.And i wrote 3 long paragraphs. <_<

    yeah but because i love the girls so much,i'm here again to congratulate them for being a hitmaker! chart topper in just an hour and a half! i'd have to compliment the makers of the song because it suits the girls very much, giving a mature and sexy feel for their comeback. It's just so nice to know that their concept evolved from cutesy to a womanly type of song that just fit them because they've grown up much and have a stronger appeal to us fans.

  15. Their perf was just so amazing.I knew they wouldn't fail us fans ;)

    Gotta give props to the girls because it's obvious that they've been

    working hard to give an awesome performance.

    CL is just OH-SO-AWESOME.

    Dara's live was alright,she sounded good but i don't know why i feel like she's being overshadowed.Maybe it's just me though :vicx:

    I also wonder why they just perform on inkigayo although i'd understand if that's one

    of their ways of not overexposing them thus making us wanting for more. :D

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