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Posts posted by sunnyworld

  1. @silent.dragon @odaesan @ninshark (Thank you for the compliment btw hahah) 
    So I've been talking to this guy (we go to the same school) for a couple months now and he said that he wasn't looking for a relationship a couple weeks back and I took it cooly; I said okay. But we went to see a movie together, he told me that my messages made his day twice (once over messaging and once in person) and we're still talking. I have his number and we text regularly. He always asks how my day was, what my weekend plans are, etc. I just met up with him again today and we were talking and he knows that I'm going to Ireland in May with school for a short trip and he works at the airport where he gets free flights basically anywhere. He told me that he was going to come visit me in Ireland in May. It seemed like he was serious about it, too (Free flight, why not, ya know? Haha)

    So in your opinion, is this guy just dragging me along? Lol I keep thinking back to what he said to me about not looking for a relationship but all this stuff happened so I'm not sure what to think. 

  2. Hey girls, I need your advice on something. I recently started to like this guy and I just found out that a good friend of mine had a major crush on him last year and she's recently gotten over it (or so I have been told). She never told me of her crush on him because I didn't know him at the time. Her crush on him was, from beginning to end, one-sided and she knew that he didn't feel the same way. 
    If you were my friend, would you want me to tell you about my feelings for him? I keep going back and forth between telling her and not telling her but I imagine, if it all works out and we end up dating, I wouldn't want her to be ambushed by the news. I don't think she'd be bitter, but she might want to know, right? Help me haha 

  3. Before I begin, I want to say that I'm a quiet person who doesn't like confrontations and so I am hoping to gain some insight on a guy's perspective on how best to deal with my situation. (It's kind of a long read, my apologies, but everything in here is needed for the full story.) 

    So, there is this guy in one of my classes who has been incessantly and quite rudely staring at me and it's not the whole "sneak a look and look away as soon as she notices." Instead, it's "stare openly for a couple seconds, look at professor, stare again, look at professor, etc etc" and it's been happening since the beginning of the semester in August. We have never spoken - not even in the classroom. I actually moved seats so I would get out of his line of vision but even then, he still went out of his way to turn his head to look my way. It has gotten to the point where my classmates have approached me after class and asked if I have been noticing his stares. 

    For the most part, it has been contained to within the classroom but there has been two distinct situations that occurred outside the classroom. 1) I was walking into a building on campus when he somehow saw me coming and he approached me while I was on the phone and with my friend and he touched my arm (he TOUCHED me without my consent) to tell me we weren't having class that day. We can't even be considered acquaintances so he had absolutely no right touching me. He walked away as soon as he was doing telling me that so I never got the chance to tell him it was inappropriate of him to touch me. And then I lost courage to tell him afterwards. 2) I was in a student room on campus alone when he saw me, came in and sat behind me. I ran out of the student room and went into another student room. However, he followed me out a couple minutes later and walked past the room I was in three times, all the while staring at me. 

    I've spoken to my professor about the situation but all he said was for me to keep ignoring him. I've been ignoring him for the entire semester but it has cease to decrease. This guy doesn't seem to be well-received by my other classmates either and he seems to lack basic social skills. This situation has been making me really nervous to be alone on campus especially since I do go to such a small college. And the reason why I'm so nervous about this entire situation is because I have been stalked before in high school and I really don't want a repeat or something worse to happen. 

    So guys, am I overreacting? What do you suggest I do? I’m nervous that he might retaliate and do something extreme if I tell him to back off. I don’t want to feed his ego and make him think he has power over me. If you were the guy, would you prefer me just tell you to bug off and leave me alone? Thanks. 

  4. I'm having a really difficult time with EunB and the driver's death. Every time I think of them all of a sudden no longer being here, I start crying. No matter how many times I have had to deal with death through the passing of a family member or friend, it never gets easier. 
    But right now, it's a solemn reminder to everyone, fans especially, that idols are humans as well and that death can come at any second to anyone. As a fan, my heart is already so broken and hurting that I can't even imagine what EunB's members, family, and friends must be going through. My heart goes out to both EunB and the driver's families and friends. I wish I could be there to give Ashley and Zuny comforting hugs and to hold their hands through Rise's surgery and both her and Sojung's recoveries. Let us all rest in the comfort that both EunB and the driver are in better places now. 
    If anyone wants to talk, I'm here and would love to chat!

  5. I just started listening to VIXX and now I can't stop!!  id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"VIXX - Thank You For Being Born (태어나줘서 고마워)  is a beautiful song <3

  6. My friend went through the same thing and I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told her: it's really not worth it to pursue him. Imagine if you were the girlfriend in this situation and someone came in and swooped up your boyfriend--not a very nice feeling. >_<
    If you think you can continue the friendship without feeling resentment toward his girlfriend or making it awkward, then sure, continue talking to him but if you are uncomfortable or feel like it's too difficult to mask the feelings, I would suggest slowly drifting away from him. 
    But in all honesty, I don't think it's worth your time. If he didn't have a girlfriend, it'd be a different story, but he does, so I don't think you should pursue him :c










    I've been asked this question a lot by my relatives -.- hahaah but in all honestly, marriage is the last thing on my mind. I'm only in my second year of college and I want to focus on myself first. That's it and that's how it's going to be for awhile :) 


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Some ice cream sorbet. 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    I remember the last time I was out with someone I used to talk to and I thought to myself how much I wanted to hold his hand. And then all of a sudden he grabbed my hand and my heart went from: thump thump thump to KJFEUIOGJDKLFDFjk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It was a nice moment. :3

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  10. I am going through serious withdrawals from this drama.

    It's so ironic how, when Wol had her first encounter with Hwon, she had flashbacks. But when Wol was with YM, she had nothing of the sort.

    Yet, YM has tried everything possible and laid out his soul for both YW AND Wol and has gotten his heart broken twice. My heart goes to him, but at the same time, Hwon's in a vulnerable spot and he has to think of his actions and how they affect a whole LOTTTA people. But it's true: he isn't doing enough for Wol.

    God, that torture scene was horrid and when Wol was in her old room and cried, it was pure anguish.

  11. I'm not sure, but oddly enough, I have been complimented on multiple occasions (the oddest one by my manager at work lol) on my smile. I'm not sure. I agree that the perfect smile is one with true happiness behind it :)





    I always bond with strangers (at work and outside of work) through food hahaha.



    One time, I was cashiering and a woman was buying a 4-pack of Voss Water. And I have always heard things about Voss but I've never had any. So I was talking to her about and if it tasted any different than regular water and she said she really liked Voss water. We had a nice conversation and then after her transaction, she gave me one of her Voss ! I was so surprised and really happy. :) She just made my night.



    Another day, not too long ago, I was cashiering again and a different woman was buying a pack of licorice. I told her that I really liked the green apple flavored one but we were out so she bought strawberry. After she bought it, she offered me a piece of licorice. Hhehehe :3



    Annndd then, last night, I was at Cub and a couple was in front of me. They had a cartload of food and I only had a couple items. I was only a tad irritated b/c I wasn't feeling very well. However, my family is usually the ones at the store with a ton of food so I let it go. But then, the guy turned my way and handed me a coupon for one of my food item. It was a buy one get one free coupon so I got two items for the price of one. I was very grateful and felt a little bit better. I later ended up at the hospital that night, but that's a whole different story ahhaha



    I love encountering kind strangers :)



    --- edit:



    Yay! Happy 2000th post on kind strangers :) <3


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