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jack jack attack

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Posts posted by jack jack attack






    ^Beautiful artwork! Is that a church? They're getting married?! :o If only ..








    No wonder! I've been voting all day long also and I thought it was suspicious how the percentage went up so quick. :P




    Yeah .. what is this contest about? I have no PS skills nor do I have any MV making skills so I'd just be an observer, but it's nice to watch a whole bunch of Suyin stuff. :D Been doing that all day.




    And yes, please do stop talking about Taesu. :sweatingbullets: This thread is all about our lovely Suyin so let's keep it that way. ;)






    Hey everyone. ^^







    Just wanted to let you guys know [if you didn't already] that you can vote for who you want to attend the SM Concert in September.











    Li Yin is on the list and in 4th place.







    But there still may be hope to have our Timeless Couple there!







    Vote here!











    Li Yin's name is right under BoA's and you can vote more than once.







    Let's bring the Timeless back again. (:







    Yes people! Please vote for our Ri In! Hopefully they'll be able to sing Timeless this time. <_<




    Thanks everyone for the pics! Lol .. I'm really glad you made this thread or else, I would've never realized how similar they are with their pose and clothes. ^^




    I especially loved these pictures posted by hyperxballad:
















    ^It's so cute what they're doing with their lips. :D





    i went back listen to every "timeless" perf that they had done in the past






    and im happy to say she has improve alot on her vocal skills







    less strange and force. moreover, guess what SuYin lovers







    I found what miaomiao was talking about...











    SuYin- timeless











    if you look closely, her eyes and cheeks are glistening with tears







    at some part, you can see she's trying to hide it by wiping it away







    though I gotta say, i don't see the part where JUNSu keep looking at her. :lol:







    Actually, I don't think those are tears. I think it's glitter. :sweatingbullets: I don't think it's tears, cause her eyes don't look watery and her voice would sound constricted if she's trying to hold back her tears.











    Aw!! I loved reading that account! It's so sweet how Cassiopeia's so supportive of Ri In. I hear them screaming really loud for her at the DBSK concerts and I just melt. :D It's cool how Junsu turned Ri In antis to fans/supporters. It's so good to hear that Junsu's the second person who treats her the best in SM! ^^

    I know they are the perfect couple!!!

    Wait yeah, what Star Show, is it the one in China or in Korea?




    Omg, if it is out in Korea, it would be like woah ahhhh, But DBSK are in China right now, the chance of them seeing it would be higher!!!




    It's the Chinese Star show. Haha .. a lot of people have been asking about that. But yeah .. it's not the Korean one where DBSK was on some weeks ago.




    Thanks everyone for the pics and links! You guys rock for keeping this thread alive! ^^ Already 12 pages only after four days.











    Hahah .. I loved your reasons! I never knew Junsu played the violin. o.O They're so perfect for each other! Ri In could teach him how to play the violin and Junsu can teach her how to play the piano. It'd be so cool if they could have a special stage together .. her playing the violin while he plays the piano. ^^ It'd be a dream come true. <3








    Thanks for the clips! Hahah .. Ri In picked the very last number and Junsu picked the very first. You know what they say, opposites attract. In this case, they're both opposite and similar. Perfect! ;)

    Can you added like Official also? and maybe profile of the two?

    I am asking to much haha...




    So does anyone know what their favorite color are or some similarites?




    I could name one that is their voice are very awesome. Similar facial features for me don't know about you.




    Also both very nice!







    I know that Ri In's favorite color is gold, but I don't know Junsu's. BTW, I really like how you're keeping this thread alive. Keep up the good work. ;)







    Suyin! I love this couple! ^^

























































    awwwwwww i love them together!!! thanks for making this thread! it was about time someone did :lol:

    anyways i love them together for so many reasons:




    1) They both have amazing voices AS PROVEN in Timeless




    2) They are both so innocent and cute, therefore their personalities are PERFECT for eachother




    3) They both can relate to eachother in that they went through such tough training




    4) Their smiles MATCH as seen in so many pictures :lol:




    5) Junsu helped Ri in so much in debuting and therefore they must've gotten close... right?? (keke I think I'm making this one up)




    Anyways I love them together and can't wait for them to reunite

    (and fall in love... AGAIN HAR HAR XD) :blush:











    BTW, does anyone remember that picture that came out a while ago where Junsu was walking with an unknown woman and she was wearing boots and everyone thought it was Ri in and they were secretly on an outing???




    Ooh! I know the pic you're talking about. Gah! I used to have it, but I deleted it a while ago. >.< If someone has it, please post it up! Anyway, I love your reasons for loving them! ^^ I agree with you 100%.


  7. I just finished watching all four seasons online and I really like the Naley couple. Lucas, Brooke, and Peyton have a lot of drama. Anyway, can't wait for season five! Two hour season premiere!! Hopefully there won't be anything going on between Nathan and the nanny, Carrie. >.<

  8. http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=200712040859471001

    [뉴스엔 김경민 기자]

    SM TOWN의 새 겨울앨범 ‘07 WINTER SMTOWN’이 12월 7일 발매된다. 이번 겨울앨범에는 강타 보아 동방신기 천상지희 더 그레이스 슈퍼주니어 장리인 소녀시대 추가열 송광식 현진 희본 이삭 아유미 등 SM엔터테인먼트 소속 아티스트 40명이 대거 참여해 다채로운 색깔을 담았다.

    따뜻한 느낌의 팝 발라드곡 ‘사랑 하나죠’를 비롯해 강타의 리드미컬한 보컬이 돋보이는 ‘WINTER WONDERLAND’, 이국적인 감성이 느껴지는 보아의 ‘12월 27일’, 동방신기 멤버들이 직접 만든 ‘Evergreen’, 슈퍼주니어의 신나는 댄스곡 ‘첫눈이 와’ 등 총 12곡을 수록, 올 겨울 다양한 노래로 음악 팬들을 매료시킬 것으로 기대된다.

    타이틀곡 ‘사랑 하나죠’는 듣는 이들에게 희망과 용기를 북돋우는 팝 발라드 곡으로, 세상의 관심에서 소외된 어린이들에게 필요한 것은 '오직 사랑 하나'라는 의미를 담은 아름다운 노랫말과 38명의 SMTOWN 아티스트의 풍성한 코러스가 큰 감동을 선사한다.

    특히 ‘사랑 하나죠’는 한국어린이재단(구 한국복지재단)의 테마송으로도 사용되며, 이와 함께 이번 앨범 판매수익금의 5%도 한국어린이재단에 기부될 예정이어서 음악 팬들에게는 노래도 듣고 따뜻한 사랑도 나누는 뜻깊은 기회가 될 것으로 보인다.

    보아가 직접 작사한 ‘12월 27일’은 이국적인 감성이 묻어나는 팝 발라드 곡으로, 아이리쉬 스타일의 편곡과 사운드, 멜로디라인이 보아의 파워풀한 보컬과 한데 어우러져 발라드의 진수를 느낄 수 있다.

    동방신기가 부른 ‘Evergreen’은 피아노 아르페지오 위에 기타와 현악기 선율이 조화를 이루고 있으며, 멤버 믹키유천의 두 번째 작곡이자 최강창민이 처음 작사에 도전한 노래인 만큼 팬들에게 더욱 특별함을 선사할 것으로 보인다.

    슈퍼주니어의 유쾌한 매력이 담긴 ‘첫눈이 와’는 세련된 멜로디라인에 신나는 하우스리듬과 고급스러운 현악세션, 슈퍼주니어의 달콤한 하모니가 어우러진 올 겨울 최고의 하우스 댄스곡이며 이번에 처음 SMTOWN 앨범에 참여한 소녀시대의 노래 ‘Love Melody’는 사랑을 고백하려는 소녀의 망설임을 담은 예쁜 가사가 인상적인, 겨울 분위기를 물씬 느낄 수 있는 팝 댄스곡이다.

    더불어 이번 음반에는 겨울 앨범답게 많은 이들에게 사랑 받는 대표 캐럴도 수록돼 눈길을 끈다. 2곡을 메들리로 부른 천상지희 더 그레이스의 ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas & Feliz Navidad’는 멤버들의 풍성한 화음은 물론 보사와 라틴느낌의 크로스오버 편곡에서 색다른 매력을 느낄 수 있다. 스탠다드한 느낌의 재즈로 새롭게 탄생된 현진의 ‘Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas’, 장리인의 세련된 보컬이 돋보이는 고급스러우면서도 차분한 느낌의 ‘Oh Holy Night’ 등도 기존 캐럴과는 다른 매력으로 음악 팬들에게 다가갈 것으로 기대된다.

    이 외에도 이번 ‘07 WINTER SMTOWN’에는 스윙비트와 강타의 리드미컬한 보컬이 즐거움을 배가시키는 ‘WINTER WONDERLAND’, 첫사랑에 대한 설레임과 두근거림을 눈이 내리는 추억에 담은 추가열의 ‘눈꽃이 날리면..’, 유년시절을 동화처럼 표현한 재즈피아니스트 송광식의 연주곡 ‘유년의 크리스마스’, 지난 9월 디지털싱글로 공개되어 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 동방신기 ‘여행기’까지 총 12곡이 수록돼 있다.

    김경민 i30@newsen.com

    기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

    손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

    copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

    credits zhangliyin ifensi

    Translations anyone? So is 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas part of the album? I'm guessing 'Love Meolody' is SNSD's song? o.O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I haven't read much mangas, but I really really liked Hana Kimi. SanoxMizuki!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sulri is really cute and Kim Hee Soo is really pretty. Thanks for sharing!


































































































































































































































































    Now that I finally had the chance to see who was singing what part, I liked Tiffany, Yuri, Tae Yeon's the most out of all the girls. Maybe I'm the weird one, but I don't like Jessica's voice at all. (Hope I don't die from this comment)


    Same here. Her voice is a bit too .. erm .. baby-ish? .. for my taste. She's a great dancer though and it's nice that she has vibrato, but I had more expectations for her voice.


    I really liked how the fans chanted each member's name when it was their part. Hyo Yeon's solo dance in this performance was a bit weird.





    I'm really anticipating their debut. I'm a bit disappointed with Jessica's vocals. I imagined her to have a really nice flowing voice, but her voice is a bit on the screechy side. Taeyeon has the best voice in the group, in my opinion.


    My favorites are Taeyeon, Hyo Yeon, Yuri, and Sunny. Taeyeon and Sunny seem to have really cute personalities, Yuri seems really outgoing, and Hyo Yeon seems a bit tomboyish? I really admire tomboyish girls cause they're not always worrying about looking good all the time and doesn't seem to hold back.


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