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Posts posted by Kasmic

  1. Prof Cha and Park is talking and Prof Cha is telling him about seeing CHS as a zombie. Park is in disbelief.


    Its on the news of how JW is fighting in the middle of the road...its the NPCs but no one sees it. The news is saying JW is crazy. HJ grandmother sees the news and HJ too. HJ tries to call him but he doesnt pick up. HJ leaves and calls Choi and asks him to track where JW is. He tells her of his location.... CRAP her ID is Emma and level one 


    She uses the game to find her directions to JW. 

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  2. SJ and Marco is in the Alcazabar and he tells Marco that he doesnt want to sell the game. Marco is angry and walks to the toilet. SJ tries to convince Marco again and goes to the toilet. Marco pretends to agree so SJ goes back to the bar table. When MArco returns, Marco stabs SJ,  Emma sees it and she turns the game on. SJ runs out of the bar and SJ fires his gun at Marco. Meanwhile Cha was waiting at the bar and Emma is still playing music. Cha is waiting for the boys to come.


    HJ sees Emma,. Flashback JW ask HJ to help see Emma.....(crap I lost - ZOMBIES for those whom voted no for poll 1). HJ is logged in and she says hi to Emma. Emma smiles then fades away.


    JW with Pro Cha, Prof Cha sees his son charging at him. JW saves Prof Cha and starts shooting at zombie cha and all the NPCs. He tells Prof to leave and has the driver to pick him up and escorts him out of the university. Prof Cha takes off the lens but still sees the NPCs. JW shoots the NPCs from afar as in preview. CProf Cha runs away scared but was sliced just before he got in his car.  As the car drives off the NPCs still tries to get Prof Cha but JW shoots them. Prof Cha now realise that JW is right they share the same fate. The game stopped maybe because his far away from JW so his wounds also cleared up. Prof Cha thinks about his conversation with Park whom said the CCTV caught JW always fighting even when he went to see Seo body.Prof Cha also recalls seeing JW walk without a limp


    YR sees the news that JW didnt come to the police for his investigation. Sojin is asked to leave since JW didnt come

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  3. I cant screen cap its not working on my com...ekk! but i can see it on my phone.

    @katakwasabi hope u dont like subway since Choi and JW is meeting there lol!

    Poor Choi is hurt as he figured out HJ and JW are together

    Choi speaks to JW about Emmas special feature..omo she can stop the fighting. In the office Choi was speaking to Emma, then 2 testers came fighting and she took away their weapons... COOL! 

    • Like 7
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  4. Generally both myself and @katakwasabi will recap...hopefully our streaming will be good. I tend to be slow since its hard to screencap as well. 

    @imels I hope we will win even though the chances are slim. It seems we will get the answer for poll 1 and maybe need to wait for poll 2. Woah if I loose both polls arghhh I have to keep my zombie pic for 2 weeks. Yikes I better find a zombie pic that I like lol!


    I shall forget my chances of winning poll 1 and hope Emma wins for poll 2. Im cheering for the beautiful Emma. Surely shes not there just to play the guitar right? :D


    About less than 30 mins to go. Polls closed for now. Let the game begin. Goodluck all!! Let the Zombies and Grinners infest Soompi! :D


    edit - OMG @imels i love your  new profile pic... its hilarious. :lol: How do u expect me to recap and take it seriously when Im laughing my butt off just by seeing your pic?:lol:

    • Like 4
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  5. Nawww everytime I see this I just think "nawww" and then the "if only?" comes in. 



    @trust3 next step is crucial...lets see indeed. DISPATCH get to work pronto lol! 


    Post drama interviews Im sure will happen and generally after the drama ends. I dont know her exact schedule but she said during her vlive chat that her movie filming will take place in about 2 weeks. Thats very close to when MOA ends. I hope she has time for it and everything wont be a rush for her. 


    Plus dont forget if MOA gets enough interests to make a DVD or blu ray the casts will get together for more interviews..... Yay! 

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  6. 11 minutes ago, parkparkloveu said:

    PSH and her BF was with her bff Lee Sung Kyung last week there were autographs from them. If she is happy then I am all for it. I love her and I believe in karma what if we are in her bf shoes we have an actor bf and fans want us to disappear so their ship will sail.

    I didnt mean my post it in a negative way - why throw karma into this? Im not familiar with her BF and I know he would have lots to worry about and their relationship will be tough. It must be going REALLY well since theyre both courageous enough to go public. So their love is strong and if their love can withstand the pressures of the entertainment business including fans good for them. :thumbsup:


    Im open for who they end up with and Im NOT just siding with either. I did give PSH and HB a 0.5% chance. Hence why Im here.  :lol:




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  7. On 1/11/2019 at 1:50 PM, parkparkloveu said:

    Hi there. I like them in the drama but PSH has a longtime bf and they were even spotted together last week. They are as tight as ever. While HB is rumored with SYJ.



    But I still like their team up on camera. Wishing they will team up again in the future. 

    Really she was spotted with her BF??? ...I thought it might end. See in Chinese Im not sure of other cultures a new hair style means new beginnings and since she totally changed her look to not only a cut but 2 different hair tones I thought maybe they did break up or it was like the articles said for her movie...still I was hopeful.


    Hopeful since the Press Con 




    But I know PSH respects all esp her costars so I cant really look deep into it as such. Maybe its her fan girling I dunno. 




    And then her latest parent IG post...nawwww its a beautiful pic of her parents. Hawaii? HB is/was in the U.S too lol!



    Come' on dispatch get working and release something KAKAKA!

     Now I have to ask myself did I ever abandon this ship :joy:


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  8. @vangsweetie637I love MJ too, shes indeed our lil shipper pushing these 2 lovebirds for us lol!

     I always wondered about this scene and if there was more to it that we arent aware of. 



    After being scared off of seeing her sister stressed and worried about JW, did MJ call JW to ask if he was in trouble with the law?  Maybe that prompt him to call her and take her out on a date just to relieve her concerns of him. I know in dramaland men are written to be more attentive but looking back on his 2 fail marriages (I wont focus on his marriage with YR - I think that was an accident and purely done to get back at CHS and SJ so I'll focus more on his 1st marriage) that was one of his weakness - not being attentive to SoJin thus he didnt notice that they were drifting apart and even after the divorce he didnt know that she had an affair.


    Just wondering if JW has changed for HJ and now became more intuitive for her. Nawwww if so I need him to teach my husband :tounge_wink:






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  9. @imels HAHAHA! you changed your profile pic already..what happened to watching the ep first for the confirmation. Have you admit defeat ? :tounge_wink: 

    Also I dont see HJ eyes light up blue. If HJ is participating in the game, I dont think she's playing - fighting to level up nor join allegiance with JW. To request allegiance they must have the lens on plus be within close range of each other. JW is smart to say that he will not see her for a while, because  if theyre both in game mode that means they will need to join allegiance thus the NPCs and Cha will come and attack her. Im sure JW doesnt want HJ to see or experience what he does. 

    Im assuming that in JW apartment, she like is experience her first encounter of Emma as what happened to JW first meeting with her. And as in the preview, HJ says something along the lines of she couldnt really talk to Emma. It's because she's not level 4 plus and Emma wont communicate with her.  


    6 hours ago, PororoQueen said:

    I'm on defensive mode right now hahaha, poll 1 question "a part of the game" means the need to log in to the game with ID right, (HJ not log in means HJ not involve in the game) ...deal ?:D


    5 hours ago, siddy09 said:

    Guitar Woman. :P

    I swear if I was one of the game developers, I would have joined J One company as a programmer and made special ID's and quests for women.. halemoni would feature in the zombie dungeon quest and her weapon would be a rolling pin..

    Min Ju vs. Nasrid warrior: dance face-off..lol..


    Anyways, unless Heeju doesn't show some of her fighting skills, I am not changing my DP..



    Bahaha! love the new game concept here. MJ fortnite dancing with the NPCs. :joy:

     But in answering your question - no deal. If HJ has logged in whether or not she fights she's still apart of the game. Like Prof Cha exerts his power and minus the slaps 



    @siddy09 Thanks for your OST 5 lyrics analysis. Thats what I feared the most though I thought it might be JW whom we would loose. Like @vangsweetie637 said JW narration seems to foretell the past events in such a negative way...:heartbreak::bawling:  Nooooo to sad endings. Let's hope this new OST will indicate otherwise. It sounds cheery so theres hope there. 


    It's SATURDAY... only a few more hours away. 


    New stills...oh JW shows the key to HJ. Crap do I have to listen to Prof Cha now. :lol: I dont know the suspense is killing me. Woah! JW is now level 95 above SeJoo



    Read - https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0003934968

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  10. Thanks @stroppyse and will take note on our discussion and keep it MOA related :D


    Based on @stroppyse translations as I feared, we are totally screwed hahaha! I mean those like me whom voted no for poll 1. 


    @Sarang21 the polls are 2 separate games. Poll 1 Im sure we will get the answer in ep 13 and poll 2 might be the later eps. So if you lost/won in poll 1 you can change your Profile pic straight after that ep has been aired. Of course those pics will remain for 1 week. Like wise in poll 2 if the answer is revealed in the next eps you change your PP as well. Eg if in ep 13 the answer for poll1 is revealed and I lost then my profile pic becomes a zombie. Then if ep 14, 15 or 16 reveals the answer for poll2 and I won :D I can change it to a victory profile.   I hope that make sense


    Heres some more zombie pic courtsey of the zombie extras of that scene...take your pick :lol:



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  11. Phew! just finished editing the polls...thank you to all those new votes. Im so surprised with @lduc No vote to poll 1. Are you sure chingu? hahaha too late no changes allowed. :P


    @KymberleeD were you able to read that link. Like @stargazer187 said open it in chrome browser and it should automatically translate it. If not go to your setting to turn on that feature. Hope that helps you.

    Heres what @stargazer187 said. 


    5 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

    @vangsweetie637 if you used chrome browser, google translate is usually featured in it. I forgot but I think there's a menu in the browser setting that will enable auto english translating when you are in non-englsih websites. So you need to turn on that function to have it translated automatically for you. 

    Try the link again - https://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=076&aid=0003366949  or maybe we can ask @stroppyse to skim thru and read it to see if the answer of poll 1 is already leaked... @stroppyse hope your free to skim thru it?


    @stargazer187 Yes im surprised that JW has no real home in Korea. He calls it a hotel but I thought he was based in Korea. So the place his living is really a 3 bedroom apartment and OMG its beautiful and sooooo expensive. One needs to be mega rich to afford it and in JW case a CEO. Here's @maris1 tweet on it. 



    No Eddie Kim didnt sing a Pinocchio Ost that was Roy Kim :lol: Eddie Kim sang an OST for Goblin as well. I think it was OST 2 "You are Beautiful" based on the grim reaper and Sunny's love. 


    @imels tvN official YT site also posted that clip in YT.  They summed up the key points of their love in just over 5 mins lol! No wonder some has yet to feel their chemistry :crazy: Hopefully this clip will change their views.   I say PDnim and his crew can make up for it in these necxt 4 eps. I want to see hand holding, more kisses, hugs (lots of that since we didnt see it as per stills) bed scene and of course the "I love you" line plus "yeobo" hahaha! Im getting carried away :lol:



    @Sarang21 I saw that SJ zombie pic in google together with @imels zombie dog. Feel free to use it but I also love your Park Hoon (Zombie Cha) idea or even Seo. Secretary Seo - l miss him so much. :tears:


    @siddy09 and @katakwasabiOmg the tie HB picture - lucky its not grey then its 50 shades of Hyun Bin  and he def looks better post army. That jawline is highlighted more esp when he smiles and does lots of lip/tongue action. :lol: 


    @mrsj3n Ovaries exploded way before. Kekeke I shouldnt summon you here since your only up to ep 4....way too much spoilers for you chingu. 



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  12. 1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

    @Kasmic awww that video compilation was very nice! :wub: 


    I was thinking..just when do you think JW and HJ fell for each other? 


    I think she fell for him after taking care of him in Spain and he fell for her after meeting her again in Seoul, at her Emma house? 


    What do you guys think? (Honestly I cannot think of the game anymore for now LOL)

    For the time being, im not thinking of the game. Its driving me nuts as well lol!


    I love your question. 

    When did HJ and JW begin and realised they had feelings for each other?


    HJ - I think def after she signed the contract of selling her hotel and she watched him walk away. She began to have feelings for him thinking that this man "magically" appeared into her life and changed it. Then those feelings deepened when he fell off the stairs and she cared him. Still she denied it thinking it wasnt love but guilt  or her duty to care for him since JW (her saviour) was her hotel guest whom seriously injured himself. I think she couldnt deny it anymore when she heard that he was leaving her so she chased the train heart broken.


    JW: I think it was Emma's beauty that charmed his interest in HJ. Then it was the "you are in trouble" scene that triggered his heart and made him flutter. Like I said before, her innocence and ability to see the good in everything including himself made him love her. Though his past love experiences and distrust in others still made him deny his feelings (perhaps its also the game too) ...denial always happens lol! Then when she took the time to care for him affirmed his feelings for her. Pity he couldnt stay. He said,  Fear made him ran away that he couldnt think of HJ. He thought that running away was for the best. He had to undo what he did- used her and perhaps were the reason that her brother went missing. He needed a solution -  seek medical help and find SJ  then he can bravely face HJ and tell her he wasnt such an richard simmons afterall. 


    Ok Im away from my computer and I cant edit the polls post as yet. Will do it when I get home. Sorry @frankreich @KymberleeD and anyone else. I'll get back to u when Im free.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, yeohaengja said:



    but thanks to share this .gif 


    Well, sorry this is a little bit out of topic, i watched Shinhye’s in Doctors, her first kiss in that drama was in the middle of rain.


    It seems she love to do a kiss scene while it rains :D

    Do watch @deluluishealthy gif too...slow mo gets better into the action :tounge_wink:




    cr. @deluluishealthy


    And I love Doctors too and the kiss on the skill tester game was just as  crazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gif  PSH so lucky to kiss many hot looking oppas 





    Read - https://entertain.v.daum.net/v/20190111101617893


    Zombie Cha doesnt look as scary now. Brighter and clearer yet still so bloody. I wonder if Prof Cha will have an heart attack :blink:

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  14. 25 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

    So Eddy Kim is singing OST 6. I like his songs. Looking forward to hearing it ;)


    His got a cheery tone to him and suits HJ character well. :joy: I just thought it was hilarious how @Sarang21  "Finding SJ" interpretation and gave the Dory character to HJ. Is MArlin the grumpy dad JW?


    And I love this edit... the multi-facets of Emma and perceived in the eyes of HJ








    credit - https://twitter.com/PSH_hoda


    Their love is as slow and beautiful as this song. :heart:




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  15. 24 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

    @Kasmic omo!! More tongue biting!! :w00t: I am loving this! 


    Lol also I opened up the article link hoping to read it only to behold: it’s in Korean. I literally went :blink:




    @rori0711 I will see if I can post up the slow mo once I get behind a computer ;)




    @rori0711 okay, let's see if i was able to post up the slow mo:


      Hide contents


    Naver articles are in Korean but sometimes it should automatically translate to English. Did it not work for you? 


    bled1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862492 Omo slow mo kiss. JW lips are no longer alone...taken love-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862512





    Indeed finger curling but I still love it



    Love that jaw line...apart from his dimples that sucked in jaw line is IRRESISTIBLE  



    cr. captainjoonki in tumblr


    hot2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862509GOSH!!! this is far tooo early in the morning. TGIF!! 

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  16. Updates on our polls  Thanx @vangsweetie637 for the ideas 


    Poll question 1 : Will He Joo be apart of the game? Yes or No? Choose one answer and sorry no changes allowed. Make your wise choice. Polls starts now and will end before each episode is aired live. It will reopen after each episode and only if the answer isnt revealed.


    Poll question 2 : Who is the final key to solve the "Alhambra" game error? Is it SJ, JW or HJ?Choose one character and sorry no changes allowed. Make your wise choice. Polls starts now and will end before each episode is aired live. It will reopen after each episode and only if the answer isnt revealed.


    Consequences:  Winners will be grinners and are allowed to change your profile of your choice.

    Losers turns their profile pics into zombies for 1 week. zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706&key=0e1f2ab2zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706&key=0e1f2ab2zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706&key=0e1f2ab2zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706&key=0e1f2ab2zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706&key=0e1f2ab2

    Yes Im willing to give up my Anh Yoo Na and turn her into a zombie too. 


    What to do? Tag me @Kasmic your answers and I'll pop you into the table. To tag a soompi member type the @ key followed by the first letter of the member's name and a list of names should prompt up. Keep typing the member's name until their full name pops up and click onto it. The name should be highlighted in blue thus that member will receive a notification that they've been notified....Please allow me to add to the table that way it will be easy for all to see.  Apologies if I make any mistakes as well and let me know if corrections are needed 


    So far for poll 1: 

    YES - @imels@maris1@Jekei@Lawyerh @haha1999 @hyuuhikari@rori0711@stargazer187@LyraYoo@trust3

    @kaoriharang @alcides14ahjumma@bebebisous33@vinhnguyen @katakwasabi@ash011 @an-naum@MMEDH@frankreich@mrsj3n @Yasaman Asghari


    NO - @Kasmic @KymberleeD @ned_lee @kilumar@deluluishealthy@PororoQueen@siddy09@ecristino_at_ymail.com_stv@Sarang21@vangsweetie637@lduc@dramaobsessed@yuhotarubi



    So far for poll 2: 

    Jin Woo -  @PororoQueen @mrsj3n@katakwasabi@siddy09 @Yasaman Asghari@ecristino_at_ymail.com_stv@trust3


    Emma -  @Kasmic @haha1999@kaoriharang @rori0711@kilumar@ash011 @vangsweetie637@maris1 @yuhotarubi


    Se Ju -  @imels @hyuuhikari@stargazer187@deluluishealthy@bebebisous33 

    @Lawyerh @Sarang21@MMEDH@frankreich@dramaobsessed

    Hee Joo - @alcides14ahjumma @KymberleeD @ned_lee @LyraYoo@an-naum@Jekei@lduc



    Let's all have fun leading up to the the finale of MOA 

    @LyraYoo @vangsweetie637  @hyuuhikari @stargazer187 @lduc @Sarang21 @ned_lee @deluluishealthy @rori0711 @PororoQueen @packmule3 @ktcjdrama @katakwasabi @mundaliv @siddy09 @wenchanteur @Yasaman Asghari @enigmatic_zephy @bebebisous33 @NileRose @alcides14ahjumma @Jalhanda@angelineong @rocher22 @trust3 @an-naum @stroppyse @Jennypyho @jimmylyne @ecristino_at_ymail.com_stv @vinhnguyen @Jafstar @cloe_1409 @mrsj3n @nistymaj01 @kilumar @MMEDH @haha1999 @sunflower808 @dramaobsessed @evie7 @frankreich @heejooooxxxx @kaoriharang @liz-danielle @Lolastarlight1 @maris1@SeGafanlady @KymberleeD @onnififi @nonski @moodypie @plappi @alekaonu


     My apologies if I forgot anyone in my tagging. Please join us and delurk. It's going to be a fun finale week of zombies chasing the grinners nite-mare-smiley.gif?1292867643

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  17. 9 hours ago, KymberleeD said:

    @Kasmic where is the preview that had a hint that we are already raising white flag on poll 1??? :tounge_wink:


    9 hours ago, siddy09 said:


    Have we lost? When? How? Anyways, don't tell me I am supposed to put this on my DP..:ph34r::lol:


    Yes I think we have read here https://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=076&aid=0003366949


    but right now I holding onto 0.5% of winning otherwise it's 




    That zombie is scary, yet hilarious Im might use it :joy:




    for us.... But the eyes..... HJ and Emma's are beautiful and no light. GOsh shouldve known about trolling




     @imels youve found some cute zombie dogs. @Sarang21 I found SJ..





    and I miss all these lip biting and tongue action ...




    @rori0711 dearest buddy you started a shipping thread for them. :thumbsup: I will drop in there when I have the time. :joy:



    FIGHTING!!! @deluluishealthy I wanna see the kiss gif too. My JW lips kinda looks alone there BAHAHAHA! 






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  18. 1 hour ago, katakwasabi said:

    @Kasmic JW's house is actually that huge? I thought it was a 1 bedroom+1bathroom condo since i can only recall seeing the bedroom and the living room in the show hahaha

    Yeah I didnt realise it was a 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom space too. We only saw bits of it. Though ideally JW and HJ just only need the master bedroom :wub:


    48 minutes ago, trust3 said:

    Of course... 

    i wish i would hear HB/JW calls her wifey in d upcoming episode 

    (#praying hard ...^_^) 


    @kasmic ... love it love it love it ... will there be a scene of HJ preparing breakfast for JW and serve it in bed ....

    Of course the "yeobo" will happen and he knows it too :tounge_wink:


    I love their bantering 


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  19. @ash011 


    I actually have mixed emotions on that news. I did suspect it to be true as I had .5% for our JW and HJ to be REAL.... :heartbreak: I know their characters doesnt reflect their real life personalities and just because they look ideal together doesnt mean that they are compatible. I wish them every happiness that they deserve. 





    Please dont let these news affect your love for this drama. It wouldnt be fair for all the casts and crew whom placed and still is placing so much love and dedication to make MOA an EPIC success.  I really hope this doesnt affect the drama and people's interest or love for it :bawling:



    I need some distractions and Im totally in love with JinWoo's  hotel apartment. I usually prefer houses over an apartment but looking at this wow!! I love it. I just need to kick out a few members in my family to fit into it.  :joy:


    It's a 3 bedroom apartment located in Lotte World Tower near Jamsil Station 











    see more here - https://m.blog.naver.com/yongsandream/221438018229


    @rori0711 OMG!!!! prepare for a zombie fest esp from those whom said no like me - @KymberleeD @ned_lee @kilumar @deluluishealthy @PororoQueen @siddy09 @ecristino_at_ymail.com_stv 


    We SHALL haunt those whom might win zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706


    There's still hope ... see no eye lens glow thingy-ma-bob. It aint over till the fat lady sings :tounge_wink:




    cr https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4326949133883953

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  20. 1 hour ago, vinhnguyen said:

    @Kasmic my vote:

    Poll 1: Yes

    poll 2: JW and HJ

    Sorry chingu only one choice for poll 2 - JW or HJ? Which one would you like to lock in? 


    34 minutes ago, kilumar said:


    If i right one answer and get wrong one answer. What should I do ?

    Should i change half profile :P.haha.By the way hj will wear lens but she will not play.I am dead sure.


    HAHAHA! I havent thought of that. But I know poll one's answer has been leaked and we will see the confirmation this weekend. As for poll 2 I think that might be longer. So victory or zombie ava still remains for 1 week. zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706yay-smiley.gif?1292867704zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706yay-smiley.gif?1292867704zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706yay-smiley.gif?1292867704zombi-smiley.gif?1292867706

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