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Posts posted by nn_nn

  1. ^ we knew each other for id say a month and a half... 

    he dumped me and seems to never want to speak to me again :( 

    I know its easier said than done but forget about him and move on. It seems like he doesnt know what he wants, if you put up with his richard simmons & go back to him. You will be even more hurt in the future. it is difficult to find good guys on OKC i know, but there is someone out there for everyone. Dont rush, Dont look for it, when the time comes he will find you. 

  2. I recently got out of a relationship with a guy I met on OkCupid. At the beginning he was very sweet and nice and would call and text me very often. 

    When we finally met up, I was instantly attracted to him and decided to continue and maintain the relationship. After about 4 weeks of talking to one another he asked me to become official with him. I thought it was very cute how he asked me and decided to give it a shot.

    After our second date, he asked me if he could meet my friends. I was a little uncomfortable about introducing him to my friends due to a bad experience I had in the past with an ex boyfriend. I decided I would take it a little slow and wait until I could fully trust the guy I was dating to introduce him to my friends.

    Many things he did in our relationship (that only lasted about a month) came off as shady. In addition, he had a very bad temper and difficulty communicating when we had issues. (when we would hang out or talk on the phone he acted happy and like nothing was wrong but later would text me to tell me he was angry).  

    A few weeks ago I told him that I would introduce him to my friends this upcoming labor day weekend, but decided last Sunday to change my mind because a week before he flipped out on me and started acting shady again.

    The day after that, i messaged him and he broke up with me and told me never to speak to him again 

    My question is 

    (a) Why was he so desperate to meet my friends?

    (b) I understand that I did not treat him nicely sometimes either but why couldn't he communicate and work out our issues rather than running away and resorting to texts as the only form of communication? 

    so how long in general have you guys been talking/getting to know each other? Same thing happened to me before my current bf but we were seeing each other for 8months. Into the 6 months, I asked to meet his friends because I want to see how/who he is as a person, how different is his character compare to his friends and with me. Though never once was he acting shady to me or wanting to breakup. Its always me that wanting to break up because we couldnt resolved the misunderstanding, and issues that we had ..

    maybe you should sit him down to have a talk, tell him how you feel and see if theres any compromises out of it ...if he doesnt willing to make the compromise then uhm, let it go I guess

  3. Ladies, what is the age limit for you if you were dating a younger guy? I always told myself I would accept it if he was a year younger (maybe 2) but I recently met someone who I feel like is my type, but he's much younger. I'm thinking of just letting it go but I also haven't met anyone I felt compatible with until I met him. 


    age is nothing but a number, so dont set limit on it. If you two are connected/compatible go for it !! My last year of college ex is 19 while I am 24

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