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Posts posted by chic-chic

  1. It's funny that Wy has more pictures while in military than when he was out hahahaha. Wy became the recruit company leader. 


    Here's the translated letter of Wy to hottests. Cr 2pm always.






    Also here's the bts of Wy and Khun's commercial.



    No sign of Sy even during her birthday. It's good that the new company greeted her but I think they can do better than used an old pic of her. Fanarts are even better. I think they are slower than Hunus hahaha. I hope though that they are cooking something for her. 

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  2. Though it's quite shocking Ty signed with a different company, don't worry about 2pm. Hottest are not worried because for years they know 2pm's bond and friendship. They know that he won't sign with a new company if they won't allow him to do 2pm activities. Based on what I've read 51k would manage his acting activities and JYp would still manage his idol activities. Also members are still on their military duties so no 2pm activities until 2021. So his contract with 51k may have ended and possibly sign again with JYP hahaha.  It feels like he signed with the new company to be more active in acting. For now, probably the best company for him for his individual acting activities is 51k. What might have been disappointing is TY might have been a good director to promote jyp artists. He's the best in promoting artists in jyp.


    Remember they said in an interview they will continue with 2pm until ever. Though they cant dance or do acrobats just like before, they said they continue performing for fans.


    Nothing to worry about. Fans are not worried.



    • Like 5
  3. @madalia Welcome. It's so great to see that we still have YY shipper until today. Feel free to talk about them and delulu here hehehehe. But we talked about anything too so feel free to post. @Gerry58 is right. We still are here because of the virtual friendship. People are really nice here. Also though we may not hear news about WY and SY together, we're here to support them individually. 


    @standingtallyy I have the same thoughts. That's the only reason I can think of when an actress completely goes off radar hahaha. 


    A more closer picture




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  4. @Xette12 I also think WY as her hubby from time to time. It's been 4 years of hoping for them to be together so it's really hard to let go of that thought hahaha. Even if WY appears with his "girlfriends', it's still hard to not think of him being SY's hubby hahaha.  Many shippers have given up so it's nice for you to still be hoping hehehe. Let's hope until one of them marries a different person hahaha.The idea of keeping Wy in the military to avoid girls seems to be a good idea hahahaha. 


    I am now really curious what SY is doing. It would be her birthday soon and not even a news from her. 


    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Xette12 said:

    Wonder what happened after the candles blew...ouchh...hahaha

    Wish can understand what they were saying.


    Well..we always has an excuse for them, isnt it? hehehehe


    The camera went off grid. Probably a kiss hahahaha since they all screamed and WY said something, 


    Yes we always have an excuse hahaha.   We're still two hopefuls of WY and SY together. 


    @Gerry58 Thanks for Wy's pictures. Glad we still have pictures of him despite his military service while SY went on total hiatus. She doesn't even appear on her friends IG anymore.


    Did SY marry a CEO and currently pregnant hahahaha. 

    • Like 1
  6. @Xette12 This was one year ago. That's what I noticed too. His back was on the back of the birthday gal. Then when the video focused on him he removed it immediately and did a peace sign. It was ok if there were other guys. Just seeing the video let me think the birthday gal is  his gf and they were hanging out with his gf's friends hahahaha. 


    To be fair SY was hanging out with a cute guy too with couple rings hahaha. 

    • Like 2
  7. If Dispatch would be abolish who would write dating news hahaha. I am still wondering why they never give us anything with WY or SY hahaha. I also doesn't understand why Koreans call dating a scandal rather than a good news. For most countries,  celebrities who are dating are really free. They even have "love teams" and  do projects together.  Instead of abolishing Dispatch, I think they can just regulate them to stop spreading  false news about people. K netizens who are doing the petition don't realize though that sometimes they are doing the same  things as Dispatch. 


    Anyway after Wy's enlistment old videos of him are resurfacing in Youtube


    Wy and his girlfriends :huh: hahaha





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    • Confused 2
  8. Before with Salt, this won't be normal because she was seen everywhere. She has CFs, interviews and fan signing. This feels like when she has a company dispute with Salt after WGM. She was not seen and went on total hiatus. After signing with Hunus, being on MIA is quite normal. Hope though there is nothing going on that prevent her from working.  I hope there was no problem with Hunus before she signed with the new company.


    Or probably she's still recovering from someone who just went to his enlistment hahaha. 

    • Like 3
  9. @Xette12 I am also waiting for other pictures. All are official pictures either taken by his friends or manager, no fan pictures so we can't do "scanning" hehehehe. He really done this secretly hahahaha. 


    @standingtallyy Yes he requested JYP not to disclose the location so it was really a secret. He probably trying to hide someone hahaha, probably one of of the close friends hahaha. 




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