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Posts posted by chic-chic


    2PM’s Wooyoung Shares His Life Goal And Most Difficult Moment Of His Career


    2PM’s Wooyoung spoke about his life and career on the latest episode of MBC’s “Song One,” which was recorded in July as his final broadcast appearance before enlisting in the military.

    On the September 30 episode, Wooyoung spoke about 2PM, saying, “These days, I especially miss my members, who were by my side during my busy twenties. After a certain moment, I no longer thought of them as just my family or my brothers. Instead, I began to say, ‘I’m 2PM.'”


    When host Kangta asked him to name the most difficult time during his 10 years of promotions, Wooyoung answered, “In the past, we did many acrobatic performances. We had strong determination to put on such performances, and we enjoyed them, but we ended up with so many injuries. We got hurt a lot, and we worried, ‘Will people not watch us [anymore] if we don’t do [the acrobatics]? Will we not be acknowledged?'”


    He continued, “After this time passed, I began to approach the music side of things more.”



    Wooyoung also expressed his strong feelings of love and gratitude towards his fellow 2PM members, remarking, “I always stood behind the [other] members and followed when they led me. I always felt very sorry to the members. If I had to give something to them, I think I could devote my entire life [to them].”


    He went on, “We thought that if we wanted to continue performing on stage as 2PM, then everything would have to start with us.”

    Wooyoung explained that in the past, Park Jin Young used to write them one song a day, which made him think that writing songs was easy. “Taecyeon was in charge of telling him [on our behalf], ‘We don’t like this song,'” said Wooyoung.

    He continued, “[We said,] ‘Wait a minute. Something doesn’t seem right. It must be hard for Park Jin Young too, and if we want to continue doing this, let’s resolve this ourselves. Let’s try [making songs] ourselves. That’s when the members began composing [songs].”


    The final question of the night for Wooyoung was his life goal. Wooyoung stated, “If beginning [my career] as an idol was my life’s destiny, then I want to remain as an idol until the end, for as long as I can. I want to continue doing it, and I think I need to keep doing it.”


    At the end, Wooyoung chose Asoto Union’s “Think About’Chu” as his favorite song and revealed his own remake of the track.


    “Song One” airs on Sundays at 12 a.m. KST.







    • Like 2
  2. @standingtallyy Indeed she has that "pregnant" look hahaha. It's good to see her after for so long. She's really gaining weight whenever she doesn't appear for so long. I remember when she has the contract dispute and she appeared to promote Cat Funeral she also gained weight. It seems she's not working out if she doesn't have work hahaha. 


    Just reposting




    It's not my birthday. It's hard to gather. Thanks for coming. It would have been hard for me because of my baby. Wait a minute, it was good that Baine did not find me. One more night, Thank you very much for your gift. Thank you for your late love









    • Like 6
  3. @Thuy LE  I miss them too. 


    Other WGM couples have unpublished videos posted in Youtube recently. There were a lot that were not aired on TV. I am wondering if YY also has some. 


    @standingtallyy Unfortunately there were no news about them recently. Like you I am starving to get a news about her or even an SNS update. She's hiding thoroughly these months. I am wondering why there were no posts from her or from her friends. If she got  married and on the family way,  then she would have not signed with a new agency. I don't want to think she doesn't have any offers. 


    • Like 4
  4. @Xette12  


    The IG post stated this. Too bad there is no photo again. 


    Dating with my sister ♥ I went to the pretty cafe I was looking at Sitting next to # Se-young Park I laughed and saw my nephew. What is pretty about sunglasses?


    Yes we would barely see WY now. I hope he'll be an MC or a performer of some military concerts. They usually publicized those so we can see videos or pictures of him. 



    • Like 1
  5. I wondering who is taking the video of WY. It's not even a hidden camera but the pictures/videos are taken freely. I haven't seen these much photos/videos with TY or JunK. Even with other celebrities who enlisted doesn't have much training pictures/videos. I only saw most celebrities who enlisted during military events/concerts. Anyway this is a good thing. Now he can't hide anymore hahahaha. 


    He looks like a kid in a military uniform hahaha. 





    Saw Chansung's interview. It's seems he and WY discussed about acting. So with this there is still a chance WY can be in a drama hahaha.


    Chansung said, “There’s something that Wooyoung and I discussed. It’s that we think it’s a good idea not to do any lead roles until we’re in our 30s, when we know a bit more about the world, and about acting. Of course, I would be so thankful to be able to lead something now. I’m not saying that I don’t want to. But I would like to do it when I have more experience and can better portray [a character].”


    Anyway,  what's going on with SY. She's totally in hiding. Though  it's normal for famous actresses to be  only seen once in a while but it's a torture for fans. She doesn't even update her SNS or seen somewhere. 

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