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rei viannec

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Posts posted by rei viannec

  1. missalmondeyes91 said: rei viannec said: I know its out of the blue but I just remembered someone who mentioned here that they can help in purchasing an item from another country then ship them wherever or something similar to that. Please someone help, I can't find the post again. This is when someone ask regarding the magazines. And also, are those magazines regarding Darling couple or Pinocchio posted above only availble in Korea? Please help. TIA

  2. I know its out of the blue but I just remembered someone who mentioned here that they can help in purchasing an item from another country then ship them wherever or something similar to that. Please someone help, I can't find the post again. This is when someone ask regarding the magazines. And also, are those magazines regarding Darling couple or Pinocchio posted above only availble in Korea? Please help. TIA

  3. Funny how we're spazzing not because of the main subject of the picture but of its background instead. Haha I was so blessed to be able to join this thread cause even though Pinocchio has ended months ago, you're still able to keep this thread alive. I don't post as much as others do, neither contribute anything to spazz about but I always enjoy lurking in this thread to keep my stressed mind and body happy and alive. Thank you, thank you all :)

  4. LOL, I have reactivated by account in IG just to see PSH's post. Hahaha. I miss Pinocchio, I've been rewatching the series during my break, I really can't move on.

    BTW, I would just like to thank everyone for keeping this thread alive eventhough the drama has ended.

    I'm looking forward for Millet photos of Darling Couple.

    Have a blessed day everyone :)

  5. He's saying that he talks a lot about LNY and was afraid that the real girlfriend might be annoyed right? But right now, he's throwing compliments to PSH whenever he has an interview, why isn't he bothered at all? That his real girlfriend might be annoyed too because of that, or could it be? LOL! Don't mind me, i'll just go back to my Pinocchio lalaland. LOL :)

  6. Really LJS, it's like they are interviewing you in behalf of PSH. Almost all of your interviews has her name on it.

    Speaking of which, I started watching Pinocchio cause of PSH, she's my ultimate bias. Through this drama I have known LJS and have started to like his personality. I'm really happy for both of them, even though there is just 1% chance to see them together again on another drama, i'll still hold on to this small percentage. Fighting PSH and LJS :)

  7. Of course, not changing his ideal woman was the most clever thing to do. Choosing between LYB and PSH was just like a trap for him, if he chose one or the other, it will just create some unnecessary noise.

    Both actors may try to deny if they really do have special feelings with each other. But both of their actions speak much more, enough for fans who supports them to stay put and wait if there's really a love line between them.

    Oh, what a lonely wed-thurs night this week without Pinocchio. It was really hard for me to move on from this drama. Ottoke? Anyone here who can help me? Rewatching the series just made me miss them even more :'(

  8. don't worry  its just not you..I have also have this comment to other forum, that Lee Jong Suk, way of kissing Park Shin Hye is exremely different, in my own observation , from his other kiss scene  he kissed but his "aura" is different,,unlike the kissing scene with Park Shin Hye,,although it was an acting there is somthing in his aura that reflect his true feelings,, as if he wants Park Shin hye to feel the genuine feelings  behind that acting..His kissed way of acting is somehow he is trying to communicate his inner feelings for real..that was his "aura revealing from what he  realy felt towards her..and I am pretty sure very very sure..Park SHin Hye felt that..this is what I been saying Lee jong Suk has something "interesting" ..he is  a kind of man..who talk less but his action speaks louder than words.If Park Shin Hye..'nourished' that ' it is  going to be a "mutual understanding"..But since they are 'public figure' thats something else..they may start and continue to be very close friend ;;)

    Exactly my thoughts. It's like he's trying to convey a message with his kiss. Argh, the feels :) The thing is, even though they have something special with each other, because of their career, it is impossible for them to reveal it in public. I remember on one of PSH's interview saying that she also experienced dating before but no one knew who it was. She surely knows how to hide (ninja moves) LOL. I just hope they still remain friends and in touch though, just like how PSH is with her other close friends :)

  9. There's something with the kiss. I'm not trying to compare or anything, we all know LJS really knows how to kiss but I think it still depends on who is he kissing? It's like he's really familiar with PSH's lips. It's not as long and as focused with his kiss in DS, not as cute and playful with his kiss on IHYV. Their kiss is just simple and short, but you can really feel the sweetness and love in it. I dunno, is it just me? Hahaha

  10. Do they cast actors/actresses on WGM? If so, i don't wish to see Darling Couple on that show cause most of the couples who participated did not actually end up with each other.

    This is it, the last week of Pinocchio. I'm really feeling sad thinking about it. Wish there would be more opportunities for the cast to be together again (RM is such a good idea).

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