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    I've been a fan of Soompi since 2001. I loved this place and it'll always have a special place in my heart but I also realized that I stopped posting here like I used to. Soompi has a good reputation and I see that its trying to connect with its members. The majority of my posts were in the celeb photos, artwork and fanfix sections. I've grown out of the artwork and fanfix sections. This is mainly a rant post.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Some of my friends on soompi came out of the artwork section. I was a noob and their critiques helped me improve. I felt like I knew all the graphic designers there. Eventually the graphics started to look like one another. New people started flocking in with the same style that another graphic designer has worked hard to create. It got to a point where I got fed up with it and gave up designing graphics for a long period. I try to go back there but when I see that same style, it brings out bad memories. It seems as though my friends have disappeared as well. :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I wrote fanfix because I enjoyed it. Now it's a competition of which first post is the best, who has the most readers on their PM List, who has the best soundtrack, best trailers, posters, and other bs embellishments. What about the story itself? A lot has changed and though I try to write there it's not the same.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I rarely go and check the korean celeb photos now because there's a thread dedicated to each celeb... which kinda richard simmons me off. I just want to see a new picture on the first post and not have to go through pages and pages to try to find it. I don't know when there's a new picture of a celeb because it's lost in the "official" thread. I mean I'm sure it's good for those who avidly follow the thread but for people like me who just want to see new pics it's annoying to navigate. As a result, I find myself trying to find new pictures elsewhere.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I feel as though threads on soompi have become a popularity contest and I may be harsh when I say this, but it's like the comments have also become pointless as well. With those kind of comments, I really don't have much to say or add.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Though I think the layout is colorful and eye-catching there are some issues with it. Some other issues that I'm sure people have already pointed out with the layout is the login issues and quote issues.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I do admit that my association with omgkpop does play a role with how much time I spend on soompi, but in my heart soompi and omgkpop/s radio club will always have some sort of correlation. soompi is still one of the best places for information on concerts and k-dramas.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Happy One Year ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^___^ thanks for always bringing me great songs and entertainment.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    English & Math are actually my two strong subjects in school.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    science and history... not so much
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have a fobby, southern, & california accent all jumbled together. =/


































    ^ oh okay, thanks for telling me ^_^

    maybe i`ll try to catch them when they are playing and im still awake & bored, haha





    ^^btw, do they always air these music show every week live or only sometimes .__.' ?









    it's a weekly thing.





    fridays: music bank





    saturdays: music core





    sundays: inkigayo










    S Radio Club / OMGKPOP's website is down at the moment, but have no fear. Site should be up soon.





    Listen to us: here





    taking requests @ here





    don't forget to follow us. :)





    come join us in the chat as well & also get requests fulfilled. here















    and click the first link that pops up.


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