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Posts posted by kirra12




    they are actually still active, but most of their activities are off sites = its not broadcasted,


    i kinda feel eh?a new member? i mean if handling 6 is alrd hard, dsp shouldnt get 1 more right?





    I just saw an article bout it and i didnt see sooyoung's name mentioned and i was pretty worried that she didnt appear,


    but then i remember there's already pictures of her and yeonhee wearing their uniforms. XD


    cant wait for it to come out~~

    wow, it's going to premiere soon i guess....aren't they going to release a trailer beforehand though? i'm really excited to see yeonhee in a new movie and i'm hoping she doesn't die or have a terminal illness. :)


    LOL XD reminds me of millionaire first love


  3. I had them in grade 3 and in high school

    thats when i was really into basketball and kinda hated being called a girl xD

    (cause many guys in my sch sucks and they often stereotype of girls not being able to play well D:)

    so i cut it short and style it like a guy's

    it workd cause a security guard in my school once tried to ask me not to come in with jeans and he thought im a guy.

    hahahhahahaha *thou im kinda get offended :/*

    but i guess people should try it ^^

    its a fun experience XD

    getting called handsome girl hahahahaha

    (who knows someone might turn into your fan 8D)

  4. whoa awesome voice, great potential and shes young !!! *plus that innocent stare really impress me ^^ she doesnt have to be either cute / sexy and yet still PWNsome ^^* havent heard of leon ent, or am i ignorant and its some kind of big company?

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  5. Mwo?!!! wait, so they dont show shootdori V right after shootdori IV ended? D:

    whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? then why do they stop this season D:

    so unreasonable D":

    Neeways, for those who are too lazy to download such huge files,

    I have resumed my uploading in Youtube.. dont forget to watch in HQ version to make your eyes happy

    http://youtube.com/kirra12SDVI (It stands for Shootdori Victory)

    For the time being there is only shootdori IV, and after i finished for SDIV then i will upload SDII.

    T,T just wanna say i dont want this to end D:

    gah, just when i start to forget bout taehoonie and turns to junsukie now it ends again D:


    Lets just hope the lame KBSN doesnt end the whole shootdori show D<

    D; I already know the result thou havent watchd it D:

    yoksi jeju fc aaaaaah mollaa D:

    whatever i just hope the ending will be good thou they jt;aoiwrjeiaejr;a

    *my brain cant function well*

    its out in godlove cb, but i havent dl it yet D:

    majimak episode just hurts too much


    who cares bout the last match i care more bout the ending. T.T

    where is junsuk? he's so underrated and get cut lots of times T.T

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh even the last time i cant even see him smiling T.T

  6. TTT.TTT

    Yes, apparently its ending this SOON D:

    WTH T>T

    its not cancelled but it is the last match T.T



    read it urself T.T

    천진난만 아이들의 리얼 축구 성장기

    날아라 슛돌이 IV~!!!

    춘천시장배 U-6 축구대회 준결승전에서

    이회택 축구교실을 한점차로 따돌리고

    결승전에 진출한 슛돌이 4기.

    결승전에서 만난 상대는

    슛돌이들에게 굴욕을 안겨줬던 막강팀 제주FC!

    제주 FC를 꺾어야만 우승 트로피를 안을 수 있다!


    어느새 다가온 슛돌이 4기 이별의 순간..

    6개월간의 대장정을 함께 해온

    슛돌이들의 아쉬운 이별모습과

    슛돌이 출연진들이 전하는 못다한 이야기들..

    9월 22일 월요일 저녁 7시

    KBSN에서 모두 공개됩니다!

    [출처] 날아라 슛돌이 IV 마지막회 (춘천대회: 제주FC) 방송 안내 (FC슛돌이 서포터즈 카페) |작성자 운영시스

    credits : naver cafe

    and the worse thing,, kbsn's website didnt work D:

    cant even check whether this is real news or not D:

    Just a quick question.. do you think there will be sd5?


    Just being emo right now.. wanna share some things that i never see before..











    And cause im bias.. one more of him


    Credits : naver fancafes

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