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Posts posted by kirra12

  1. I used to be a crazy gamer person, but it really made me become a no lifer. I stopped hanging out with my frens and only stuck in front of the comp playing with my bf. (he made me become like this) Now I still play, although not all the time, i think its a good stress reliever and it boosts your ego. :)
    I play mostly FPS (CS, TF2) and MMORPG (a lot of ftps, Aion, Rift, Star Wars, Tera, D3) bcz i like competition (but sucks at Dota kinda game)But these days I concentrate more on FPS cause I find MMO a little tooo repetitive and ppl spend more time DRAMAing than playing. 
    I think girls have no reason to be ashamed if they play games. There is no rules saying its only guy stuff. I however, never mention Im a girl, because theres a lot of times ppl would just judge me "you gna be awesome at healing!" and they wud force me to heal. LIKE LEAVE ME ALONE!So i would stay quiet, pretend Im a guy and enjoy my thing. 
    I think its important to keep the 'girl' identity secret if you dont want to be discriminated against, or unfair play (ppl give in to you)Ive met a LOT of awesome gamer girls and usually they are the queen bee in the guild. (not I)and they are NEVER so braggy about being a girl. 
    Strangely enough girl gamers are usually always among the best in game.maybe due to us able to multitask. ;)
















    ^ Hyo is Gye Baek's? o.0 I didnt know that, they didnt say anything till the end, how do you know that?












    I assume after Tang got to Sabi, everyone got killed.. I was also greatly expecting Gim Yu Sin fight with Gye Baek..


















    Im only at ep 24 officially*waitin on 25hardsub* And i must say I am really sad the drama is over.. >< This is a very sad drama..












    Thanks everyone for giving out spoilers and soft subs, I look at them and see the story developed to be an ever more sad ><












    Whats the finale rating? Thank you jihyo, hyomin, lsj, nohmin, jaehyun for bringing a great drama.












    And of course thanks to gye baek community in soompi + RL staffs...












    *being mellow by myself while playing Untouchable song*


















    So far I've only seen the concert hype up.. what happen to the fansign?












    Did i somehow miss a meet-up thread for the seattle fansign? >.<












    I didnt see one yet.. >.< My housemate cant go with me, so I would need to have a company or two in there. T-T












    Ooo If there is no one in the fansign, I'll seriously line up 3 / 4 times to get many autographs from Crown J. XD


















    omG, chihoon's name sounds familiar and ive seen his face alot of times before.












    but i culdnt rmb until suddenly it reminds me tt he's the almighty chihoon XD












    OMG. why is he in here XDDDD KYAAA XDDDDDD












    sangil got some epic connections XD












    and lol XD taegyun's expression when chihoon said her name












    XDDDDDD now its confirmed she is a girl XDDD wkwkwkwkwk












    especially when she wanted to do aegyo to chihoon XD ROFL












    she looks so nervous XD



  6. My first time posting, (been lurking since episode 2)

    SangIl definitely fell for Taekyun (Daun)!! 8D ahaha that face really like 8D

    she looks so fine 8D

    And the Ulzzang Challenge contestants are hilarious

    the model beatboxer one looks neat XD

    And JunYeon fans are all so honest 8D

    then the mirotic dancer LOL no audio XD

    Found a LQ one, but the audio was not syncd.

    Uljjang generation Ep 6 LQ

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    THe middle one looks mixed,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and he plays the drum? XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    anyways. such an age difference XD 83ers and 88 XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i just heard of the audios next to the link u posted..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    they are more of a pop balladish? XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    love the vocalist voice<3333
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    im so loving WAE (WhY) song the most XD very soothing~

































  8. the korean times story.. Hahahaha. XD

    For avid fans, taking a photo or getting an autograph is nothing special.

    XDDD hahaha i wish i can say that one day, XD hahaha though its been more than 3 yrs for me to like dongbang, but i still find every pic special xD

    and of course XD congrats for the #1 oricon chart. they deserve the weekly one too XD hahahaha xD

    i hope one piece fans help too xD

  9. I got caught peeping at my crush direction today. V.V

    if guys find out that some random girl check on you in the computer lab (i was doing my homework T.T)

    what do you think of that girl? (and she's taller too T.T)

  10. For me :

    Around 5'6" - 6'

    Normal (physically,and that includes no severe disease)

    Have the same education level as me

    From a good family (not broken one, no history of crime)

    Optional : know more than 1 language

    MUST : approved by my parents :D

  11. >.< i've read till page 10 all sounds scary T.T

    especially since mostly are relatives

    i havent really been molested.. >.<

    but i've seen my classmate's ***** when i was in grade 2 >.<

    he showd it to me and i was like o.0 what?

    its a good thing nothing happens to me throughout

    i've gotten some pokes or perhaps slight touches just around the knees by many classmates during my childhoods

    (i cant remember, i really have short term memories)

    but its nothing that serious, cuz i will be like D: !!!!

    but now, im more anxious bout my 2 lil sisters. >.<

    its a good thing my mom starts to drive them instead of my driver these days.

  12. Hey, can someone help me?

    Just yesterday i was downloading files from cb normally,

    but tis morning this appears, i tried downloading another file from another cb,

    the same thing appear, anyone can help?

    (is that the green leaf u guys are talkin about?

    so what do i do to download it? XD thanks)

    EDIT : so do we have to pay for it? o.0

    when its gonna last btw?

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