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    Park Yoo Hwan is a good actor. I don't know about Go Eun Ah will see her here. Other actors are newbie for me. Wishing luck for this show. Hope there are going to release video teasers. Is there any subbing group planning to sub this drama?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  11. While you guys are waiting for the album to come out. How about watched this yashimmanman vid feat GD in 2007 i've just uploaded at youtube because I did'nt see anybody upload it.

    Can I post this in Big Bang thread or GD's only just asking because I'm not sure if I can? If it is not appropriate please tell me an i will put it down.

    GD is so cute in here. He also revealed that he is dating somebody when he is a trainee. Wonder who it is?

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 1/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 2/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 3/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 4/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 5/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    credit to:

    Translated by clapika_86

    Timed by Saragorn and Konoha_Rocklee

    Edited and QCed by Saragorn

    Hardsubbed by Movieaddict123

    Uploaded by nas election/elric92

    Can't wait for the album. However Bad Boy is a hiphop song ? by hearing from the teaser I thought it is r&b or somthing. There must be a twist there isn't it. hehe. And there's a time difference. Does it means someone at other place can watch Bad Boy mv 2 hours earlier than me. huhu. I'm also 8 hours more.

  12. I've uploaded this vid of yashimmanman feat GD in youtube because I can't find it with eng sub anywhere and seem i have it so I wanted to share. Can I post this in Big Bang thread or here only just asking because I'm not sure if I can so I post it here first. This is the first 2 part. The other 3 I will upload it later.

    GD is cute in here. He also revealed that he is dating somebody when he is a trainee. Wonder who it is?

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 1/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 2/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    edited all parts uploaded

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 3/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 4/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    [ENG]071105 EP235 yashimmanman 5/5 (G-Dragon BigBang,Tim,LeeTaesung,Wheesung,ParkHyunBin)

    credit to:

    Translated by clapika_86

    Timed by Saragorn and Konoha_Rocklee

    Edited and QCed by Saragorn

    Hardsubbed by Movieaddict123

    Uploaded by nas election/elric92

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Darksmurfsub are subbing it and the trans part are already 100% for Ep 1&2.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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2.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He is so cool!! Like the hero in KDramas. Being pissed off too many people blocking. someone fall down. more pissed. take off his spects. look around yell!! wooh.
































































































































    So what is the special about? Is dramafever @ kimchisubs will be subbing this?
































































































































    Just wanna share this link if anybody want to watch live. I've noticed that TV Chosun is not in my Solive which i usually used so I hoped this will help. It started at 8:50pm at korea. Sorry if the link has been shared. Can't wait to see Yoo SeungHo and Park EunBin.
































    Watch live
































































































    I don't think DramaFever allows sharing of their subtitles, so whoever is uploading it - I hope they will understand and stop uploading them.
































    It's especially rude when a place like Dramacrazy then takes those subtitles and uploads it on their site, and removes all credit from DramaFever.































































    I'm really sorry. I did'nt know that Dramacrazy don't alow sharing their sub. I hardly ever open the site Dramafever because the vid is blocked in my country. I just saw the download subs link at mediumquality.blogspot and tried to help @daelover. Beside i think the site give credits to Dramafever and even the .srt file had credits for Damafever in it. I saw somebody share some subs forHistory Salaryman at it's page in soompi so I thought subs fow WU can be shared too. Sorry if i'm mistaken.
































    btw, loved the story so far. Hoping that there will be more screen time for Doori and Soobin. I'm just at ep7. Because I watch after I download the hardsubbed ones. hehe. Late am i.

































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