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hclover96 last won the day on March 8 2016

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  1. Sigh, what's happening to the thread these days?  So many people with 玻璃心.  Just going to translate a very small portion of a post written by a Chinese shipper that says the exact thing I'm thinking of:

    "What you need to know, you know already.  What you don't know, no matter who you ask, it's useless.  The world is not full of reassurances.  The most powerful powerful trail, the places that they were seen at: New York's Soho area, Stockholm's long flight, Tokyo Roppongi's Chinese restaurant, not to mention their close friends and staffs activities on SNS."



    The amount of care he gave her during filming spoke volumes already.

    @utkim, I'll do that translation in a few days, remember to save some macaroons for me :D

    1. angieknows


      Preach it!!!!! :heart::D

    2. utkim


      You will get a lot of my handmade macaroons hclover for doing this dear :wub: . Thanks

      whats up with these ppl? Create account for spouting nonsense !!! Heck!

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