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    3.smile again. maybe this drama is underrated but believe me the ost is really awesome.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4.secret garden. the drama itself is really good. plus the ost is really good. what more can i say?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    particular songs in certain dramas... jung yeob (brown eyed soul) in bad guy's ost, park hyosin's song in iljimae and MISA. my latest fav is hwayobi's glass in miss ripley and bobby kim's afraid of love in spy myung wol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm a bit late.. just finished watching ep11.. this drama is not that fast pace, so maybe some ppl will find it a bit boring... i still like this drama... usually the lead female will be really sweet n nice girl but not in Miss Ripley... interesting enough to make me keep watching this drama... Miri is really getting on my nerves... she kept lying and she just didn't know where to stop right... omg... i should cont watching ep12... wanna know what Yoohyun will do once he finds out bout Miri...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    currently watching this drama... i'm at ep 14... very sad drama... idk how many times i was about to cry n i cried watching this drama... i bet it'll be more heartbreaking after this... i was not a fan of kim jae won but i like his character...1st time watching hwang jung eum's drama...
































































































































































































































































































    underrated drama..
































































































    -slingshot/story of a man.. (park yong ha's last drama T__T)
































































































    it's a really good drama.. i really love kim kang woo n park yong ha bcoz of this drama.. their can potray their roles really well.. it's more about stocks n swindle ppl.. and kim kang woo's character is psycho.. the ending is one of the best endings ever..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm at ep18... 3 eps to go... here i am reading the spoilers... thx :D and glad that it's happy ending for JY & KDH...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    currently watching midas, 49 days n thorn birds.. still airing..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    just finished watching bad guy..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    really love brian's new song.. love ends / it's over now.. and love the mv too.. hope he'll do well..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    regarding the 100 points out of 100.. i don't think he should to apologize.. ppl need to chill.. it's a variety show anyway..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    watched this drama on kbsw.. tonight will be ep6.. i hate yoo kyung.. she's really manipulative and act innocent in front of other ppl.. huh.. been reading the spoiler.. and going to hate her even more..

































































































































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