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Friends of Soompi
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Posts posted by love

  1. Got stood up today. We were planning to do something last week and the day before my friend's friend told me reconfirmed the time. The next day I reconfirmed it just to make sure and he was all like "yeah see you then". Got there, called my friend where she was and she said that her and the guy were going to the mall. WTF they told me to meet them yet they made other plans?? and the guy even told me to meet him there. not his nature to play a prank but what a jerk. didn't even apologize for standing me up. i was so upset for being stood up and i still am. i had plans but because they wanted to do something i had to drop what i was doing, drive all the way there, walk n 100 degrees and to find out that i was stood up? my time is valuable here people. i am taking harder and more classes than you people, and unlike you who aren't even graduating anytime soon, i don't have much time to spare. my opportunity cost is very high! geez. people these days. hate being stood up. not planning to do anything with you people anymore. idiots.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow a lot of people have issues with the new soompi. I thought it was just me. Call me old school, but I'm use to the layout that I've grown accustomed to 8 years ago. This new layout is annoying.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  3. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew a place online that sells ELF besides the official website because I would love to try some too but I live in New Zealand, so I can't get them shipped to me.... They're really expensive in stores here (about $10 each, making a profit of $7 including shipping). We used to have our own ELF website but for some unknown reason, it just shut down...

    Thanks! <img src="http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

    try ebay. the prices aren't so bad if you consider the shipping from elf.

    i got the kabuki brush and i am in love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the face shop is korean?? i didn't know that. it just looks so... american in there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i tried their face wash. it didn't do anything for me so i'm kinda iffy to try out other products.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh great! thanks for doing this. i tried skin food aloe but it didn't do much for me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i have oily skin and acne prone. i need something with a lot of oil control
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    she looks the same except with more make up and circle lens. its a shame though. she was pretty to begin with



































































    Everything's making me hopeful ^_^

    I'm just wondering if you use other products, and how often you use it?








    Like do you do it before you go to bed? Do you apply the mask first, remove it, tone then moisturize?








    Just curious because I don't think you can get the best results with just the mask :P Or maybe I'm wrong?















    i'm still doing my regular routine with face wash, acne cream, etc. i do the mask and follow up with my regular face routine.








    i've been doing the mask everyday. i do it before i go to bed since i have a clean face after my shower.








    hope that helps!














    I really don't like carmex. i just can't stand the smell.








    i like vaseline but apparently a lot of people don't like it. it works for me.








    soft lips works too. love the tube it comes in. i feel like i'm putting on lipstick :P





    Has anyone tired it for a while now and is able to give up updates with pictures? i think this is so amazing








    i don't have any pictures, but i've been using this for 1.5 weeks and it made my pimples disappear! i only have very minuscule bumps now. i'm really excited to see the results in the next couple of weeks :D








    had a pleasant driving day.




    - waited for a girl to cross, but she smiled and waved for me to go




    - 4 way stop sign, i stopped first to turn left but there were pedestrians walking so i had to wait. there were 2 cars on the other side going straight, but the both waited for me to turn




    i just love it when there's nice drivers :)


  11. i just got stood up for the first time.

    was planning to go shopping with my friend 2 weeks ago, but she said she wanted to wait to until today to go because that's when there's a big sale. so she gets done in the afternoon and i waited to have lunch with her. i called her early in the morning to see if she was still down with it, but it got to her voice mail so i just left a message. when it was time for us to meet, i called her again and she didn't pick up. waited for an hour and i figured she forgot. apparently she ditched me for someone else and told me next time to tell her in advance if i wanted to hang out. O__O come on now.. she was the one who chose the date, never picks up her phone, forgot about it and is blaming it on me because i didn't tell her in advance?-- i told her 2 weeks ago! i even ditched lunch because i wanted to eat with her.

    ehhh.. having second thoughts about hanging out with her. i'm the driver anyways.


















    i love texting. i hate calling people. unfortunately i don't have the texting plan so it's super expensive for me to text so i don't. so i usually just facebook people if i don't feel like calling them & it's not urgent. lol.





    Help ~ =(

    So I was talking on the phone with my bf last week and he asked me to help him check his exam dates which are this week. I did, and I THOUGHT I saw it as this coming Friday. But, it turns out that it was actually on Monday which is TODAY. And he only found that out yesterday night, and he spent that whole night yesterday studying...and he only has a couple of hours left today. I feel SO bad... and I know he has every right to be mad at me...Idk if my eyes were playing tricks on me that time or what.,..but I swear it was on Friday!!














    He is probably mad at me...and I feel so so bad. How can I express that I'm truly sorry and make it up to him? T_T



























    he should have checked it himself anyways.














    but maybe you can treat him out to do something relaxing like movies or something














    as a treat for finishing finals.




















    thanks for giving us updates! really appreciate it <3














    i keep checking this thread every so often. hehe.














    i love this manhwa! the drawings are so pretty.














    i wonder who beth ends up with.




























    P1030272.jpg P1030278.jpg %7Boption%7D




















































    minnie mouse charm: my boyfriend got that for me when he went to Disneyland Japan.. he has one too but its in black & it's mickey mouse (he lost it though)










































    rice charm: it says "03.01.09" on one side and "moooo! <3" on the other. my boyfriend has one too but his broke LOL .___.!!



























    how did you attach your cellphone charms to your iphone?












    Well this is kind of dangerous, since I'm not very sure whether the person I'm talking about surfs Soompi or not.








    I have this friend that I used to be really close with. I've known her for a pretty long time and I've always respected her, something like a cool older sister since she always seemed to me like someone who was really mature and stuff. We were always sharing like stuff that bothered us, and she's the only person that I can pinkberry about people to.








    But in the past few months, I'm not sure what exactly was the cause but something between us just changed. There were a few nasty incidents that I could think of I suppose, there was a slight first argument between us when I was really stressed over school and she got frustrated with me, but after a few days she didn't seem to be mad anymore, though I found that I somehow couldn't talk to her so easily. We also had a bit of money issue, but that's also resolved now. Recently she's also really depressed often, but she refuses to tell me what's going on unless I press her really hard, and nothing I say seems to make her happy as well. Anyway, she befriended a bunch of new people and they seem to be listening to her problems, so I was hoping that will make her feel better since I can't, but that's not working either. She still appears to be constantly upset, yet not willing to tell me why or how I can help her.








    In any case, nowadays whenever I mention anything unhappy about my life she gives this "it happens" kind of attitude, or if I have a problem, she doesn't seem to act like she cares either. Like just awhile ago there was this incident I had with my project totally going haywire and I was freaking out, but she's just like "Oh well, I have work too. Hey, did you check out the new episode of blah blah blah". Yet when she needs help from me, like attending some event that we're both going to and she doesn't have anyone going with her, she expects me to ditch my group of friends to accompany her, and I do.








    I don't know, it kind of annoys me and makes me rather sad at the same time. Am I just being oversensitive/self-centred, or are we drifting apart? What should I do about her?





    i don't think she's dismissing your problems on purpose. she's probably just more concerned about her own problems.



    i know why you would feel annoyed about that. i have some friends that when they have problems, i'm always there for them, yet when i have problems they say "oh. that's too bad". bottom line is, i don't think you two are drifting, but rather she's not being as sensitive as she use to.


  17. you don't need to spray that much perfume. OMG. every single day i have to air out the room. yes, you're perfume smells nice, but you have waaaaaaaaaaay to much on!! you're clogging up the air. you're not even single, why bother? O____O.

    also, you're pretty rude for a guest. remember you don't pay rent or utilities and yet you come in and out as you please. you you don't even say hi when you pass me. you're the guest here! i'm doing you a favor by letting you stay here. legally i have the power to ban you from coming to the apartment since you're not even on the lease.

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