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Posts posted by mariamocha21

  1. 11 hours ago, lovelybluehoneyz.. said:

    :)@mariamocha21  And lifeisfullofraon Dearies.. I enjoy all of the posts here.. Be it a short posts or long posts.. Simple posts or complicated posts everything is appreciated here.. To both of u pls keep the posts coming n feel free to speak ur mind on uri boyoo ok?

    To all my lovely chingus,gd night n sweet dreams! Hav a gd day to those who is in another part of the world.. :D

    Oh, don't worry. I'm a straightforward person and simply never think of messing up the friendly environment here. I've been in soompi long time ago. Some has changed, but mostly still the same. But the thing is people have their own opinion and temper too. I think when the issue comes, it doesn't take lot of time to ask each other first to know what going on than throw words that could make other drowning. For Boyoo, my mind tells me that which to believe and the limid of it. Just to be sure I ship them but in the end, when the dream doesn't go the way what I dreamed of, I still ship their friendship.

    Every member here, even they didn't post much but they all pay attention to Boyoo and keep the forum on top search. That's is awesome enough. To whom who take their expensive time for "decorate" our forum, first you did it for your own interesting, second when you share it for everyone, you have their appreciation. What's a reward! We all in one boat. Ship hard everyone!

    Night night and have a Boyoo dream to whom in other part of the earth!


    • Like 9
  2. 2 hours ago, lifeisfullofraon said:

    If you wanted to quote me, at least do it correctly and give me the proper credit instead of calling me "THE PERSON WHO WROTE THIS"...

    So in your theory, Ms. Seo could easily taken two trophies from the award staff, but YJ could not? Why? I don't believe they were keeping close tap on each and every trophy; they just wanted to make sure that every star/winner got one for the purpose of group photo. The award staff wouldn't be worrying about YJ or Ms. Seo taking two or three trophies to give to their friends/associates since everyone would be holding up just ONE for the photo. So if YJ wanted to take two at once, the staff would not have stopped her from doing so.  I was using Ms. Seo's openness (2 trophies) to contrast with YJ's shyness (1 trophy); and to explain how easy it was for YJ to simply taking two trophies in the first place to save herself the second trip walking back to the staff.

    And if you really exam all the clips (frame by frame, which I did), Youjung was looking up and down at the trophy at first and then given the first trophy back to the staff for some reason (maybe it's for different category of winner...but the conversation was definitely not about whether she could have two, or she would not have read the writings on the trophy before handing it back to them). And while they were handing her a different trophy, she briefly looked to the direction of Bogum before taking it with her and walk to him--so she was contemplating on what to do with it until the very last second--to keep or to give?  And the reason for the contemplation was that she didn't want to be so obvious with her intent or to go overboard with this gesture--in taking care the need of her male companion of the night!

    I was trying to illustrate the coy and shy state of mind of a 17,18 years-old teenage girl who took a big step in showing her companion her true emotions with a small but romantic gesture; YJ could have told BG to get his own trophy after showing it to him or to signal the staff to bring over one more trophy to BG (as they were already starting to do with the back row of the stars/winners).  But by walking back to the staff again for the second trophy, YJ's action further demonstrated to BG how much she put his need before her own and she was happy to going through the trouble--all for the benefits of Bogum. And by being so coy and shy, YJ doubled up the impact of her sweet gesture in the eyes of Bogum.

    I went to great length in my post to point out YJ's tendency of being timid and reserved with her loving affections, so it was a big step for her to finally showing them to Bogum in front of the crowd--and Bogum was pleasantly surprised and surely appreciative, hence the "O" expression followed by a big smile visible on his face.  BG was surprised by YJ for sure. 

    And if all-of-the-above was an OVERSTATEMENT, then I apologize for my wishful thinking and sometimes-hard-to-understand writing. (P.S. I have already said that I am just an avid BoYoo trooper who is NOT a professional writer!)

    Then what are we all doing here in this forum, if we don't have wishful thinking!

    Here is the thing! I quote it on my phone and it came out like that.. Selected and quoted. That is what I got. And I was talking to her/ him ( do I need to sign her or his name here? When I am talking to you?). As I read your words, there is nothing I wanna discuss because I know no matter what my point of view is, you have yours. And sorry for not quote your name in the correct way. Also, I say Some parts I don't get it, I think it is not a thing. There are a lot of writing out there, major one, still some don't understand too. Why I cannot say I don't understand when I do? And writing a whole long paragraph just for one action I still think it is too much imagination. Again, I said I enjoy to read, and appreciate your time for it.

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, bhijara1992 said:

    But why would Youjung bring only one trophy over to Bogum's side? Didn't she also need one for the photo shoot?  I believed that she was shy about bringing two at once to show too much of her affections. She didn't want to show to Ms. Seo or other stars around them that they are already an item or a pair of [love] partners like it was a forgone conclusion.  Youjung being the true Virgo reserved girl that she has always been; still feeling somewhat embarrassed to show her true color in front of third parties.  Maybe BoYoo already had an spoken/unspoken commitment of their [romantic] intentions toward each other, but it's not in Youjung's preference to share this to the outside world.  She is, after all, still under-aged and should not be involved with one of the most-eligible bachelor and raising Hallyu star of his generation.  She would bring only one trophy over and then decided if she would be brave enough to hand it to Bogum.  Even if she ended up keeping it for herself, she was sure that Bogum would not hold it against her.  

    Ms. Seo was actually following Youjung since picking up her own trophy and she was actually carrying an extra one under her jacket--thinking that Youjung or Bogum would need a second one after seeing Youjung taking only one from the Award Staff.  She could be seen standing between the two love birds with a huge smile, watching their sweet exchange...then tried to look away shortly to give them some privacy...but by doing so she would miss the chance to talk to BG/YJ before Youjung took off from Bogum again to get another trophy.  By the time she tried say something to Youjung, Youjung was turning back to explain to Bogum that she would be right back, thus Seo missed her last chance to give the second trophy to Youjung. Seo was watching BG and YJ interaction the entire evening and knew they were an item, attached to each other, when Boyoo greeted her earlier [and she probably knew there was something going on between the pair since the BILY movie promo and screening]; and Seo understood that Youjung could feel shy to take two trophies in the first place so that she brought the second trophy to save Youjung some trouble or to tease her a little bit...then she decided not to be so obvious and blew Youjung's cover.

    Yoojung bring only one trophy because the person hands it to her allow only one person, one trophy. She asks them and you can see on the clip, they have a little conversation. Meanwhile, Ms.Seo (The actress who wore the black vest_I don't know her) She hide the other trophy cause she heard Yoojung conversation and I think she wanna take one for Bo Gum as Yoo Jung asked (not asked her, but the person handed Yoo Jung the trophy). But then, at the end you see Yoojung turn back to take another, and so Ms.Seo, silently, gave the extra trophy to Yoona.

    P/S: I read all the post but I think the person wrote this is a little overstatement and some parts are hard to understand. But overall, I enjoy to read it and very appreciate :wub:

    • Like 3
  4. @triplemt08: ^_^ Yup. I think I can only look them on my laptop:mellow:. I'm waiting for some concert will held in either DC or NYC, but I don't think I would have a chance to see our Boyoo. 

    Yup, his hair! ( I feel like he wanna get Yoojung attention :D ) ( haha, Yoojung maybe texts: Ya! your hair look fun! and then Bogum reply: For you! hahaha:wub:

    They have a break year. I wonder what role they will get for their next project.

    I think Bogum's birthday is near. Wish we could see some more Boyoo evidence:wub:

    • Like 6
  5. For me, I kind of like the fact Yoo Jung doesn't accept the role in School 17. I just think I have seen her as a student role and now is another one make me feel a bit boring. I also see her action are beyond the "school 17" level (not sure how to say, but whenever I think of School 17, I think it is more Idol drama). I wish she have offers on some role like being blind girl, young mother who be pregnant in high school and struggling with the idea of keeping a baby, finish school, make for living; or as a fight girl, revenge girl in period drama, etc... I think her acting is great so that she can portrait a complicated role (like Raon and more difficult than Raon).

    Just some thought Friends!:tongue:

    • Like 10
  6. Thank you,  @lovelybluehoneyz.., @triplemt08, @dee_230208, and all friends like my post:heart:. I will do some more. I'm currently working on poster for boyoo.

    I will have words like : boat boyoo .... something like that. "keep calm and boat Boyoo" what do you think?

    If you guy know any site that have great quality, let me know (of course beside the google search). I really need them.

    P/S: And I am not talent at all, just some thing I learn that's all :tongue: I still not satisfy. I'll practice more.

    • Like 8
  7. 40 minutes ago, jilyheidi said:

    I agree with you exactly Is there something wrong  if they work in a cf or magazine pictorial I don't believe that there no offer for them to collaborate for another project like cf or magazine.kyj and pbg they work again with their previous leading man/ladies after the drama or movie they have done.but why not boyoo are they talking or maybe they respective agency to agree that don't work in a cf or magazine pictorial or guesting to any fan meet?sorry if I had bad english english is not first language? Is there something that they hide from public?


    I don't think they are hiding but they rather don't want to have the contract together. I saw Yoojung pics. Mostly with old man, or boy band, or maybe like she and 2-3 other boys (but not like a couple pics). And OMG! I wanna choose some to make thing up, an edited pic, but they didn't have a good pic that I could use. I will dig things up. I am continuing working on that.

    Also, Yoojung is wise girl, and under her mom's eyes, I don't think she will have any commercial or magazine pics with other boy. 

    • Like 6
  8. I wonder why they didn't have any commercial pics or magazine pics together (excluded the drama poster) :blink:

    Should I make one? hahaha:D. I just worry that Yoojung is young, I just don't wanna bring trouble-_-. Of course, just for fun, but...:huh:


    P/S: let's me know if you guy like it or not, I mean, have some edited pics, I will make one. (like my post so I could know):blush:

    wait a minute, @counsel05: I remember you, are you ship boyoo too? haha, nice to see you again, wonder how many couple do you ship? :D

    • Like 8
  9. Hello everyone, I'm not new to this side but, kind of worry, because I shipped other couple and then it turned out completely a mess:grimace:. That's why I in the "mute" for a while. I really love Boyoo drama and their chemistry. Short note to say hello to everyone and wanna show my support to them. 

    @bojuchemistryfairycouple's the video: I saw Bogum was also nervous (in the first part) Their face expressions are the same. He's blinking his eyes so does Yoojung. 

    For me, I think they're not in love yet. But Bogum shows that he really like Yoojung:wub:. Yoojung ( ya!) I can see that she will go secretly no matter what:ph34r:


    • Like 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    Hi my friends, bad news's here. This May calendar will be late one week due to my final. I'm sorry but I cannot done on time :(Hope you can understand. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    counsel05 said:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    said: yay, almost 4 am. Good morning to early bird! 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi guyBye guyHahahaha :)) :D I go to bed now I-) See ya when I see ya :-h
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @counsel05: sorry boss, but ur gift as promised have been delayed :DI will give out as soon as I can.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    chocwenz said: @mariamocha21 I missed you!! Welcome back!! How's your hand? And thanks for the calendar :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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