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Posts posted by blumoon

  1. HI To All

    Like all of you I seem to have gotten pulled into this drama. It is easily working its way towards being one of my favorites and the second best K-Drama I've seen this year.

    Now I'm sure a lot of you may not agree with me on this but I don't think Tan owes either of Bo Na and Rachel an explanation. For one he and Bo Na are the past, ex's and if she is still holding on to feeling for him while she dating CY she should deal with that instead of wondering if Tan will come after her boyfriend because he's dating his ex. And as for Rachel well the girl already knows the boy feels nothing for her and pretending other wise isn't doing her any good. She needs to take a good look at her reality. But Tan does need to break off the engagement with her that is an absolute must seeing how he wants ES to acknowledge his feelings for him.  
























































































    This drama grabbed my interest at first but I have to admit since after Miso's daughter's funeral I have been fast forwarding and watching almost only the scenes with Baek. At this point I agree with nearly all of you who have gotten fed up with this drama and/or believe that it is going no where, it does not seem like it will get better. 








































































    As for the actress that plays KS's wife I was curious to what drama has she played in before and then I recalled seeing her in the GREAT drama Queen InHyun's Man (I am  a huge fan of this drama). She plays the queen in the past that almost gets assassinated in the beginning of the drama.   
































































































    I just got through skimming/watching epi-62 and all I can say is even a newborn child has more sense than Miso and Lawyer Soo combined.








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HI To All
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I know I don't comment regularly in this thread but I have been following along and enjoying this drama and am very thankful to everyone who contributes to the this thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     Now after saying that I have to express my feelings for episode 55 or rather let me say the scene that has taken my heart -Baek watching Miso kiss KyunSoo, that alone just made me scream out loud. The shear longing Beak conveyed in that scene, just WOW. I want him to have Miso so bad right now and seeing the preview just makes me want them to end up together even more because KyunSoo may be in love with Miso but the man has yet to do anything about the wife he supposedly cares zilch about. I get that he's staying with her because of her attempted suicide and all but that's just not acceptable to me since he stated in some episode (I can't remember which one it was) that they should stop giving into her fits and apparently the last time wasn't the first time the crazy bat tried to kill herself. So know I just don't like the position he's put Miso in and although she's an adult and knows better than to get into a relationship with a married man especially  considering what she went through as well the woman is absolutely stupid. She lacks all credibility to make good decisions on matters of love and a relationship. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I know the writer has Miso and KyunSoo as the OTP but darn it I want Baek to get the woman he wants. (Even though to be honest I don't like Miso overly nice a-ss) her friend would be my first choice for him. She's the only female in the show that is likable and somewhat realistic.  











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @atomickitty I don't know if this one might fit what your looking for but the drama You Are So Pretty didn't have a birth secret but it did have a married man trying to take his child away from his ex-lover after he dumps her and discovers she had his child. Whenever the other dramas I watch get to stupid with the lead man not fighting for the girl he wants or drags to much or has a birth secret I could care less about because it might interfear with my OTP's happiness I rewatch this drama.

    Now about MI Soo's pathic excuse for a husband and that damnable Mother-in-Law of hers those two need to be struck by lighting. Seriously! And Na Young well dealth is just to good for this B*****. Before this show ends she needs to suffer some if not all of what she's doing to MiSoo but she doesn't need to just loose a child her's should be taken away. This B**** deserves absolute hell. 


  6. Certifiable is to kind of a word for the kind of crazy that guy is. For a second and no more than a second I actually thougt his older brother might have been a better choice. Although he'd still have to die soon because that position belongs to Kim Jun.

    Now to @Joongbo4evr I 'm one of many who enjoyed reading your post, they were always insightful and made the show for me that much more enjoyable. I will miss you and I do sincerely hope you get well.

  7. Okay Hello to all,

    I have decided to adapt lurker mode because commenting own this show caused me stress and made me lose my caffeine. But after watchiing episode 37 and the preview I had to log in and ask. So could someone please tell me that the richard simmons who's name shall not be spoken or mentioned by me did not get her husband, that good, goregous male killed?

    And on a calmer note the  new OST does sound good.

  8. Thank you for the preview Joongbo4evr and I have to say I almost flipped my table over when I read the part about Hapha and I swear its out of frustration at the meer mention of his daughters name. I honestly think I may have channeled Kim Jun's true feelings there for a second.

  9. Thanks for responding drea007, what you just said I get. Epsisode 32 also left me feeling sad too but unlike you any hope I had of Kim Joon having some semblance of happiness with the appearance of Lady Ah-Shim just disappeard after she was accepted to be Hapha's second wife. Although now after reading your comment and the post from Joongbo4evr I or rather you both made me realize some things that I simple had not thought of and had completely over looked. So for that I Thank both of you because I had become depressed about this show and even though I was reluctant to  give up watching GoW I was more than ready to do just that. But now viewing Lady Ah-Shim's current status in a postive way and with a new idea of what Hapha may be up to my hope has been restored.

    drea007 your comment about Hapha beinging aware of Lady Ah-Shim's resemblance to the deceased Wol Ah I see that now and thats also made me think that Hapha may be utilizing the same tactics his father had used to deal with the conflict beween him and his younger brother. I  now think Hapha also may be learning from Kim Joon as well by surveying a certain someone's past and present behavior *Song Yi* and the volitale situation she's the root cause of before he acts. I'm sure he knew of the rumors but choose to ignore them in order to belive his daughter had changed until she came to beg for Kim Joon to be given to her again. Of which I noticed he did not mention to Kim Joon. I think he's also realized Kim Joon does not and never has cared or had feelings for his daughter. This is what I'm hopping for now anyway.

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