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Posts posted by HOSHIKO--

  1. Status as of 08.07.26

    well haven't bought anything since July12. o_o

    i think that's pretty good even if it was only less

    than 2 weeks. But i still that feeling to buy this one

    pair of jeans x____x GRRRR. never trust me with

    money! >.O

    Plus, i think my parents are planning to buy a new

    house...so that means i have to spend less & save

    more for a new adobe ==; NOOOOOOOOOO! T_T

  2. You Are A: Lamb!

    Peaceful and gentle, lambs have been used in religious imagery for millennia.

    Lambs are baby sheep, an animal tended by shephards since the dawn of history.

    As a lamb, you tend to stay together in a flock and graze on grassy land. Lambs

    don't mind being led and tend not to go off on their own.

    You were almost a: Duckling or a Duck

    You are least like a: Groundhog or a Turtle

  3. i grew up where ppl always judge you by your looks everywhere, but i guess that's life:/

    but my family has always been so picky about how i look & saying im ruining the family >__<

    my mom always makes fun of my nose about how ugly it is & why i should get surgery

    my dad always annoy the hell out of me of what i eat saying that i would die cuz of it ==;

    my brother...is the worst of all. he'd just say im fat, im weighing the car down, and all these other fat jokes

    recently, these 3 girls made fun of my of how i look. saying that i scared them when i looked at them or turned my

    face & they called me king kong too. :/













    i went to the Hollywood Bowl as well, & boy was it fun! =DD








    I think Yunho looked at me when he saw my poster! <3





    even though i sat on the terrace seats, but the poster was pretty big, hahhaa


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