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Posts posted by Giya2909

  1. if they said that they will meet the ending date then maybe SBS will air 3 episodes next week

    If they cut one episode i will boycott sbs.. i dont care... is it really necessary to hold awards show on 31ST DECEMBER???... why not weekend? i guess in korea date comes first and maybe has it own meaning??? in our country usually awards show will be hold on weekend... so that they will not interrupt the drama show...

    Given that Pinocchio is really popular, I doubt that they will cut 1 episode..For me personally, I can accept the cancellation as the casts have to attend the award ceremony and it's hard to complete 2 episodes simultaneously..and the live filming will sure affect the editing quality

    As for the date of award ceremony, the 3 big stations always hold their ceremonies in a fixed date which is the last days of the year.

  2. What I do not understand is the line "We will be meeting the ending date"

    How?  Are they going to cut an episode?  Why?  I am perfectly okay with one episode this week...With PSH MC'ing, everyone attending the award show etc., I wondered how they can make it happen anyway...

    But I would be very disappointed if they cut an episode to meet the schedule.  That just would not be fair at all..

    if they said that they will meet the ending date then maybe SBS will air 3 episodes next week

  3. @ParkH 

    Add something about Pinocchio so your post won't be off topic!!! 

    @ParkH It is nice to meet you!

    :D Both my parents are Korean. I was born in Los Angeles, California.

    Pinocchio episode 15 seems interesting. I feel like Hamyeong is going to take care of sick Inha if you know what I mean. ;))

    aaaah yes! InHa overwork herself = Ha Myung take care of her = more sweet moment that good for our eyes! Sorry, InHa-ya..it's not that I like seeing you get sick but my dose of Darling Couple moments is long overdue :P

  4. I was wondering what happened that this thread moving so fast and then I read the word 'kiss' !

    well, since the kiss was done outdoor i expect it to be a light one buuuut...i hope after that they'll continue what they started at Dalpo's house ( since it's indoor no more shyness etc )

    *i hope my mom never see this post and realize how byuntae her daughter has become*

  5. I need to backread a few pages just to catch up with you guys. Hahaha. I'm waiting for those BTS pics, seriously, it's such a tease :/

    Just wanna ask, is there any possibility that they'll extent the drama and add a few more episodes to it? It would really be great if they can :)

    Have a nice day everyone! :)

    there is always a possibility of extension..but the chance is slim since Hyde,Jekyll and I ( the drama that supposed to air after Pinocchio) already start promoting..and for me personally..as much as I need a daily dose of Pinocchio and will absolutely suffered from withdrawal after this drama ends, I don't think extension is necessary. Adding extra episodes tend to make the plot draggy..I won't complain if they air an episode special of Darling couple though :)

    On that bts why PSH looks so skinny? Compare to the episode, she's much skinnier...

    Am I delusion??? 

    I think it's just because she wears a thin clothes..well, we are used to the image of hers wearing layers of clothes :)

  6. >

    u spoke my mind chingu..i cant even count how many time i repeat that part..i get some wow-so-fast-get-son-really-superb vibe from dalpo/hamyung.. >:) maybe he want a son too with inha

    and this too


    If Dalpo wants a son, he better fulfill it fast..no one here is complaining!!

    We support you Dalpo-yah! And it's even better if you show us a glimpse of the baby making hahahaha

  7. There

    were often looking at something on Jongsuk’s phone, which is why

    Shinhye would be leaning her head on Jongsuk’s shoulder. Mostly they

    were chatting happily or


    did see Jongsuk hug Shinhye, though at that point I thought it was for

    the scene, I guess not. Though I’m not speculating anything, because

    damn, that boy be huggy.

    is this real or i 'am dreaming it right now? someone please hit me with all your strenght...... mo...omo..mo.....   :\"> mo....

    reading those red-colored words is not good for my heart..I might be not sleeping tonight

    *runs before I blabber too much*

  8. I think we might get a sideline love-triangle from Lee Il Joo- Sassy camera lady -Nosy Jang..just guessing though based on the bts pic that Rania Zeid posted and the scene where The YGN team was defending Dalpo when MSC wanted to take a shot of him as KJM brother..Lee Il Joo looked so disappointed and said "Jae Hwan-ah" to the camera lady which indicate their close relationship..

    it will be a funny thing to see if I'm guessing right as Nosy Jang is such a funny character and his jealous side will be even funnier to see :)

  9. to kill some time before Jan 1st..here's a Dal-In fanfic by Hitoritabi

    Inha’s Guide to Dalpo

    The second year after they moved to Seoul,

    Dalpo slipped effortlessly back into the city

    dialect and dressed slightly better. Thus it

    was that even mop-like hair could not stop

    Inha’s tutorial groupmate from developing a

    crush on the tall and mysterious man who

    drove her every day. After weeks of subtle

    hints and less subtle begging, Inha agreed to

    write a list of likes and dislikes to help her



    Uncle Dalpo likes eating egg yolks.

    Uncle Dalpo saves up for the piggy bank in

    his room. If you want to make him happy,

    give him your loose change.

    There is a stack of books in our bathroom

    and the selection is constantly rotating, but

    I’m pretty sure Uncle Dalpo is the only one

    reading them. I’m quite sure he’s currently

    into 19th century Russian literature. He also

    pretends to love manga but actually

    scribbles detailed plot diagrams and analysis

    inside the covers. Do NOT get into a

    discussion with him about Naruto, unless

    you want to cure insomnia.

    Uncle Dalpo is not as nice as you think.

    Sometimes he charges me for driving me to

    school and other places, especially that one

    time when I called and asked him to pick me

    up from a date. He charged my date double

    ‘for coming out in the middle of the night

    — what do you think you are doing at this

    hour, have some decency, you scroundrel’.......

    read more hitoritabi.tumblr.com/post/103372644247/inhas-guide-to-dalpo#

    happy reading :)

  10. Fanaccout: Fans visited Pinocchio Set 

    A reply for details!

    I don’t have much information, since we are not allowed to give out plot points. It was a scene where Jongsuk, Shinhye and Yubi were in the police station.

    Yuri is really small and petite, and Shinhye is pretty. As for our Jongsuk, he is tall and handsome as always, and whenever he came out you could hear a small chorus of “daebak”, “omo handsome”… the chorus is small because we were literally the only fans who stayed there from beginning to end, for three hours in sub-zero temperatures…

    He came out to smoke twice and looked impossibly cute doing so. Whenever he is there, I just can’t take my eyes off him. Just standing there and being his cute self and aegyo-ing the hell out of the staff members. Shinhye would lay her head on his shoulder, or he would space out between the two girls while they chatted.

    In the end, we stood outside the station for almost three hours… while other Korean bystanders would marvel that we came all the way around the world to gaze at him… they even came up to ask where we were from. Amy asked the director to sign her script for ON TV, but the director laughed and said he was not an actor so he doesn’t sign stuff.

    We watched him get on his car and gave him the gifts we prepared (some snacks and my platypus plushie). He said ‘thank you’ and we were wholly satisfied with that being the end, but then the car door opened again… his little head poked out and he waved goodbye at us. He was then worried that we didn’t see so he poked his head a little further out, and smiling, waved again.

    At which point, we all turned so crazy that we forgot to even take a commemorative photo of all of us.

    By: hitoritabi


    "Shinhye would lay her head on his shoulder"  

    8-} 8-} 8-} 8-}  


    My delulus friends in here now ur delulu can hit its max wz this phrase hahahahaahaha

    Shin Hye laid her head on his shoulder? On his shoulder? ♥♥

    * chanting * I don't ship them *hiccup*

    I don't ship them *hiccup*

    I don't ship them *hiccup*

    I don't ship them *hiccup*

    *endless hiccups*

    Pardon this delulu girl everyone :/

  11. is there
    the possibility ofHa Myung to rescue Song Cha Ok?
    I do not know why but this man seems to hide something

    ... it may be that the certificate to be false?
    him to think that if the reporter  did not confirm the certificate  the first time can do it the second time too, so he can try to fake the certificate?
    public opinion is now against Song Cha Ok, people is more than ready to believe only bad things about her ...

    I think something is fishy in his story,
    I hope  Ha Myung not to fall into the trap

    It has been said in ep 12 that the bus driver's brother lied to SCO 6 years ago about the bus driver cause of death

    and Lee Il Joo already confirm to the family members that the death certificate is not fabricated.

    So in this case SCO is not lying but she definitely made a mistake by not checking the death certificate 6 years ago

  12. Choi Dalpo / Ki Hamyung is by far the most selfless Kdrama character I ever watch..everything he did is not for himself but for his beloved!

    How not to like a guy who pretend to be a fool in order to prevent his adopted father from fainting, gave up college because he knew their family can't afford for both him and Inha to go, and know sacrificing his 10 + years love for his brother! His life is complicated, seriously ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ

    I just wanna come to dramaland and give him a comforting hug :(

    the writer better give him a big happy ending or else I'll hunt her to Seoul :P

  13. So I just watched The Tailor trailer and noticed that Lee Yubi is also starring in that movie..

    Pinocchio is a reunion galore because many of the casts have worked together before:

    Lee Jong Suk-Kim Young Kwang : Hot Young Blood

    Lee Jong Suk -Park Shin Hye : Jambangee Commercial

    Lee Yoo Bi -Kim Young Kwang : Chamisul CF

    Lee Yoo Bi-Park Shin Hye : The Tailor

    Nam Da Reum : also played young LJS in No Breathing

    Yoon Kyun Sang : LJS sunbae in No Breathing

    In Ha's cap : Played as LJS uncle in Hot Young Blood

    maybe that's why they all look so comfortable shooting together as they already knew each other before :)

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