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Posts posted by lostkid

  1. Hey hey, I think there is a serious misunderstanding here! hope I'm wrong. :D

    Here is the link that you guys can get the torrent to download LYW's Suspect X:

    Actually, it's the torrent file I get from the link DY_dx gave to me yesterday, it didn't work yesterday but now it works really well, I'm on the way to get Suspect X - Korean Version :D
    (still don't know if it's real or fake or has ENGSUB or not :-/ ).
    Oh I checked DY_dx 's link again and can't find the link I used to download yesterday, why?

    As for the depressing mood in this thread that I unintentionally created, my apologizes to the rest... ^:)^  ^:)^

    EDIT: sorry, I just checked what I downloaded, it's Japanese version, not Korean one. :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    said: what i understood from BGH: he monologue 'This is yong dal rite?'..while looking at KJN...(and KJN is blurring..what the hell with this guy looking at me..am i so preety?? haha...this is what i added)..You all don't remember..on ep 6's preview, looks like KJN is knowing that the maui is BGH her friend..but actually, BGH is claiming he is not to officer Kang..same situation may be occured..KJN also would pretend she is not yong dal.. LMH want to erase her past... bcoz it is too early to reveal it.. :-SS






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Horse Doctor: How The 'Horse Doctor' Fights Against The Cold




















    PS12112300117_59_20121123174402.jpgWith the highest ratings among its competitors for 12 episodes, ‘Horse Doctor’ is running in a blistering speed. The cold early winter frost hasn’t managed to stop the actors, with their passion for the drama ruling over the intense cold.




















    The protagonist Jo Seung-woo, whose presence in the filming is the most required, shielded himself with a thick black jacket and gloves, while the leading lady Lee Yo-won uses portable stoves and hot packs.





















    The actresses, including Kim So-eun, Oh Eun-ho, Oh In-hye and Heo Yi-seul, with their braids and traditional clothings, suffer the most from the cold. The actresses shield the cold with colorful jackets and parkas to stand the early winter chill.





















    Rookies Jang Hwi-woong and Yoon Bong-gil use hot packs liberally, applying them to their hands and ears. Yi Sook, a veteran of historicals, use the time-tested methods of blankets, coupled with warm tea, to ward off the cold.





















    Producers Kim Jong Hak Production has commented that “Yongin Filming Set, the set of the drama, is situated on a hilly area, with strong drafts of wind, so the set is very, very cold”, and “but the actors are encouraging each other warmly to get through the cold. The real remedy for the cold is our warm chemistry of our set.



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Could the Yong Dal BGH is so eager to see be the horse not KJN? If it is KJN then for me, this revelation is too soon. Either way we'll find out tomorrow...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  5. @chiroohayo, thank so much for the download link. ^:)^Actually, I want the book, but Japanese movie version is perfect.Ah, did you praise us for making this thread rock or criticize our gossip? :-wHaha, kidding. :D
    @DY_dx, you meant next week, we can download LYW's Suspect X by torrent? really?Oh, if possible, could you put the download link here? tks :DEh, are you now staying in the same ship LSH-KJN with me? haha :)) Great!
    PS: huhm, actually I'm not fond of the spoiler function, it's like a band-aid in my post b-(

  6. DY_dx

    said: emm..try to find 'how to  make spoiler in forum' in google..you will know better..I also half BDH just now..blur..then i find it..(while making new signature)..haha..surely the noble is so-so..like daemang?? maybe..it is fun to watch, but not powerful enough..i rather want to see suspect-x..bcoz poor and pitiful..haha..but i downloaded the japan one..(Im mistaken download several days ago)..aigoo, now i feel like i know the ending..but pretend to ignore it..It's okay, for horse doctor, we know that LYW is nice..she want to give her fan a product, but she tired bcoz too many project this year, so she want to do a suppoting one..no need to be bullied or face blood here and there..What i like, she pick a good drama to do a supporting part..HD's rating is good..so LYW could maintain her drama's rating by choosing this..I surely sad if she played supporting role in HD and HD's rating is low..lucky it is good..i mean maybe able to achieve 20%..








































    said: Is it true princess would give up soon?? wahh, i forgot already about any description..emm, i hope no melodrama between my SHIP , KJN-princess..pity for princess.. and are you sure that lord Ko's son is candidate for princess?






















  8. DY_dx

    said: My new signature..I'm crazy enough on this monday nite..haha...yeah, I gave up with KJN fr a while (wait her development on ep 17 first), and already read the gangster PD..should be wearing glasses rite?? i mean the PD in the comic.Did the PD is a widower??. Huh,now i know..i'm more suitable on LYW's gangster+poor character like Dr. Bong/SYK/Nangdo deokman/ Take care of my cat..wanna see AFRIKA badly..I would try download it later..bye bad love..I gave up on In jung too! (only gangster on eps11 when she slapped the wife)..





























































    haha.. How about Yushin then? you forgot...hahaha...if LSH is like Dr. park jae bum, but their chemistry is there, u still ship them?? :))





















    Aigoo..If princess dare to left her status to be with BGH, then princess is the heroin of HD...KJN would be drowned to dead seaa with her nice LSH..





















  10. DY_dx


    i'm in the lab rite now..waiting for my reaction to finish..very boring life..I could not go out this weekend..each time when progress report is near, i started busy in lab (while gosipping..should be write a paper or do something else..why i could not be like Dr. Bong/ KJN,, hardworking).. yeah, Dr. Bong is like BGH..annoying at first..same with me, I think, i felt anti-BGH bcoz he stole the HD..while KJN-JIJ scene make my friend fall asleep..haha..even KJN do anything, could not be as funny as princess to..damn HD...haha..I felt irritated when the widow brother thanks to KJN, but KJN with all her kind-hearted saying don't thanks her..thanks to BGH..oh God, KJN..I know you are forced by the script rite?? huhuhu..sob sob sob..we are the mean one on HD..

    p/s: when you want to get married?? I think i'm as researcher, would be alone forever...haha..no time...my time for cooking/lab work/gosipping/outing--> boring.. haha..it is good if I could find a nice guy like Dr. Lee in this field..no wonder Dr. Bong is falling to him..rite now, only Dr. park Jae Bum could be found..haha..but i'm not as clumsy or overspoken like Dr. Bong..im the one that always pretend to be cool and mean.. (im  not a good one)..








































    said: hoho..could you show me the wife plz?? really fan of Huh-joon and his wife's story..attractive.. actually the wife or nurse is the heroine??Aigoo..i am touched by the wife's bravery to sacrify her princess status..I doubt this HD's princess brave enough to do it..risky..bcoz BGH may not helping her..






















  12. DY_dx

    said:haha..why you also headache with JIJ?? i thought u like it...Hmm the stupid story that u said is 'My princess'..stupid as bad love..but this heart is brave enough to finish up both..(wait, Bad Love still in ep 14..did not have energy after In jung saw Yong Gi kisses another girl..).. Princess man is another drama..the rating is higher than our Horse Doctor.. Park Si hoo is in..
























    @DY_dx,Errr, your favourite man is so weird, ok, ok... with me, BGH now satifies me more, messy but no beard, young. But I still can't give our precious KJN to him, but LSH  :)) Haha, if you want to see sweet married couple in HD, you should ship BGH-princess/widow and LSH-KJN. Because later, BGH will be busy treating royal family, dealing with political issues, no time for KJN at home. And also KJN, the welfare clinic will steal all her time. I worry about their kids, maybe, LSH is generous enough to be a babysitter. I know, LSH's fan will kill me, I'm the most wanted in this thread :D


  14. DY_dx

    said: I don't get why people always said LYW is annoying in BL and hating her so much..I found that Yong Gi is also not innocent at all.. I see the photocopy Joanna's girl..Yong gi already kissed her in front of In jung..but i have no choice..only yong gi is the guy to In jung end up with..One thing that i like is only LYW'ss wearing many nice clothes when she work as Yong Gi's secretary (what i saw, she works as Tea-lady more!)...I love her jacket and outfits in winter for that dramas even not luxury...

  15. DY_dx


    Ranks of the most annoying character in HD for me : Officer Kang (KJN's guard) > Servants in KJN's house> LMH > Widower and brother > BGH's friends who lock him> Viceroy > JIJ >a few nurses in Hae Min Seo > Kang Dojun > the dowager queen and King's wife (unfortunate i chech in wiki, both queen would not died early..no chance to see KJN's become King's woman ..)

    haha..if i'm posting this in HD's thread, someone who kill me for sure..I hate Kang the most.. how come I could not hate viceroy?? bcoz viceroy is so nice in Bad Love..become In jung ahjussi..make me could not hate him in this drama..I don't know, i keep don't like JIJ..could not help it..

    Ranks for the one  that i like;

     KJN (bias! again someone who kill me in Hd thread if read this) > Lord Ko>   BGH  >  Seafood   palace and son>Nany & princess & warrior >Baek Suk gu (father) > Jaabong > ahjussi>chef> LSH > king > Lord Ko's son










































    said: Hello everyone,  Hi @lostkid Do you Think JIJ is the only source for baby switch? How about the real Father of KNJ...I have a feeling that He is still alive, Remember, His DEAD Body was not recovered. 






















  17. DY_dx

    said: she is the leader? haha even in TCOMC, she is the ace in the group rite? starting from Pure heart, she got tomboy/village girl image..previously the ace.. why you said afrika is exagerrating? emm if there is no excessive sex scene, i would up WRMD ranks..at least i did not fall asleep to watch it like ehem ehem..
































































































































































    said: emm 3 months for 1 point of acupunture that valued 1 mark in test...she need 5 years to be equal as 1 month of BGH in order to master acupunture..better she focus to master in diagnose..haha BGH is a little slower in this and KJN looks great in this based on eps where another maui is pretend to sick...haha
























































































































































































































































  19. DY_dx

    said: i don't watch AFRIKA yet..it is good? don't mention WRMD..i hate the ending..why the bro with another destinied girl..LYW's hubby used to be a jerk..fortunately LYW knew his fox-skill..such as, broke the heater..only MAY 18 OTP is suit each other..Shin Ae deserves a caring hubby like the hero..even a little bit fool..but sincere..

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