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Posts posted by deedee810

  1. 4 hours ago, tintin92 said:

    ok it seems like i'm still behind everything :D 

      Reveal hidden contents

    YH took the potion to forget everything just when BQ is about to remember him and ali??:wacko: and he dies and starts his new life as a mortal ??? and then becomes an immortal again ??

    it's getting a little complicated to me :D i'm on ep 48 , just read a few comments and came to this :)


    and i have a question to those familiar with the novel : what will happen to sujin after all ? she is so evil and yet nothing happens to her! 


    In the book it says


    The Sky Emperor was devastated to lose his oldest grandson and also extremely angry, and as soon as he heard the part Su Jin had played in this, he banished her from the Ninth Sky and sent her into six reincarnation cycles, during which she would experience a hundred love calamities. Also, Su Jin immortal status had been revoked forever due to her negligence while watching over the eastern desert bell.



    • Like 5
  2. Okay so I just finish the novel and it was really really good the only thing that got me was the abrupt ending I wanted more.  For anyone that has a Kindle you can read it for free if you have the prime or the book is a dollar with English translation. It's called To the sky Kingdom. 


     I kind of hope they change the ending just a little bit, if not its okay because there is a happy ending. 






    • Like 4






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Okay I just finish watching ep 13 I was on the edge of my seat :-SS I was hoping when she got hit in the head that they did not play the amnesia roll. =; but they didnt so im happy. :D  sorry cant remember how to make this a spoiler :-S





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Talk about heartbreak, I just cried my way through most of the whole  episode. :tears:  As for the conspiritors in all this, Off with their heads! The only one I have the slightest (and I mean slight) bit of sympathy for is Yang Baeks man. He got involved in this whole mess out of sympathy for the crazy ladies maid and some sort of weird misplaced loyalty to YB. It in NO way makes his part in all this better, it's just that I can sort of see where he's coming from.




          As for Song Yi, I've been on the fence about her character from the beginning. Today didn't help me think more highly of her. I'm predisposed to like strong intelligent female characters, but she seems to be lacking in the compassion/empathy department. I'll wait for subs to see just what was said in a few of the conversations yesterday and today. So far she's tweaking my last nerve.







    Wow...you are so right I pretty much cried through the hole ep myself this is a good drama and your also right (off with there heads) you know its a good drama when you dont know what there saying but you can feel the emotiontears.giftears.giftears.gif I cant find this drama with eng subs pass ep 12fury.gif


  6. Heres what Im thinking Remember Hwon said he would put everything back in it place........There for since MW committed this crime along with the QD before she married Yeom (and this was a plot to keep Yeom out of office and YW from becoming Queen) so Hwon has to go back to the beginning to where it all happen.  so in other words Heo family was plotted against from the beginning meaning that the Heo family will not be touch, and Hwon has NY who is in hiding as a witness to there plan thats why QD and Yoon want her dead. Like Hwon said it was his family that plotted against there family and since YW is not dead that clears there family of any wrong doings (because remember they said that her father was trying to marry off his sick daughter to the prince and that was treason so they were going to kill the whole family) so MW can be punished Yeom will be safe. 

    Far as MW she has no regrets even after finding out the fact that her father-in-law passed because of this she has no regrets and  she said she would do all again to have Yeom, To me that's not LOVEdry.gif

    This is just my opinion  cool.gif

  7. News just in:

    Korea beats Uzbekistan 2012-02-26 19:45

    • bt_zoom_plus.gif bt_zoom_minus.gif Text
    • bt_voice_hc.gif


    bt_more.gif South Korea on Saturday beat Uzbekistan 4-2 in a football friendly, a tune-up match before a crucial World Cup qualifier next week.At Jeonju World Cup Stadium, about 240 kilometers south of Seoul, forward Lee Dong-gook and midfielder Kim Chi-woo each scored twice, as South Korea fended off a late Uzbek charge.Lee Dong-gook, the reigning MVP of the domestic K-League, opened the scoring for the home team in the 18th minute. After taking a pass near the penalty spot with his back to the net, Lee turned around and caught Uzbek defender Anzur Ismailov off balance before shooting it past keeper Ignatiy Nesterov.20120226000400_0.jpgKorea’s Lee Dong-gook celebrates his goal.  (Yonhap News)Lee scored his second just before the first-half whistle, this time shooting it past two defenders after a nifty setup by Lee Keun-ho just inside the box.Substitute Kim Chi-woo made it 3-0 for South Korea about 30 seconds into the second half, heading in a perfect cross from Kim Shin-sook deep in the Uzbek zone.With the game seemingly in hand, South Korean defenders turned lethargic over the game’s final 20 minutes, allowing the Uzbeks to slash the deficit to one.First, it was Anvar Rakhimov putting the visitors on board with a left-foot strike in the 77th minute. Four minutes later, Stanislav Andreev converted a penalty, awarded after Cho Sung-hwan fouled a Uzbek player following his turnover.But Kim Chi-woo put the game out of reach for good with a curling free kick goal in the dying moments.Despite the late defensive collapse, the victory bodes well for South Korea before its World Cup qualifier against Kuwait next Wednesday.The showdown in Seoul will be the teams’ final match in the penultimate World Cup qualification round. Despite leading Group B this round with 10 points, South Korea will be eliminated if it loses to Kuwait and if Lebanon defeats or draws the winless United Arab Emirates in the other Group B match Wednesday.With Lebanon heavily favored to beat the UAE, South Korea’s contest against Kuwait is virtually a must-win situation.                                                                                                     (Yonhap News)


    I just read this so it looks like TMETS will be on Thursday for 2hours   this new post was posted today about the football game  

    P.S Please double check to make sure

  8. 'Greenrose934' 25 February 2012 - 01:07 PM

    Yes that why I said she's old enough to understand what she did

    but just 2nd murder

    Because this drama focus on spirit so praying is more important .....to kill someone

    she did check up if W already dead and she run away !!!

    Yes she has  intention to  “kill” YW. to get Y

    She is a thick skinned ...to live in H's family

    I remember seems NY asked W to cover  for MW ??

    I agreesmile.gif  and from my understanding in the Novel for her part in the crime she was punished, she was put on House arrest       because she was with child she continued to live with Yeom until she had the baby and then was sent to exile, so that indicates to me that she did participate, she was not just there doing anything.  I think if she didnt do anything then she would not have been scared and she would not have felt guilty 

  9. Here is my take on that also.......This is why I also think she prayed for YW death in that room......Remember  when Seol question YW aide she said that MW came by that same night to check on YW health and left........Now if MW didnt know what was going on and she did not pray for her death, Queen D didnt tell her she had to do anything, but just show up then there was no reason for her to go and check on YW, I think she was just scared after she did it, thats why she was looking like that............So this is why I feel that Queen D told her what she needed to do and once it was over by MW being a child she ran over there to see if anything had happen to her......Plus you have to understand this too she knew that the only way she could marry Yeom is if her brother did not marry YW blush.gif 

  10. 'jazzer' '24 February 2012 - 03:05 PM' 

    First, happy Friday to those who are stateside.

    I want to talk about two things before I try to forget TMETS for the weekend.

    1) Princess Minhwa. Apparently people are already preparing their pitchforks to charge her home and hang her, but I feel like she deserves some sympathy. I don't think she prayed for Yeonwoo's death. Let me explain. I realize that as the sacrifice/offering, she had to pray for the same thing that the person casting the spell was wishing for, and that was harm for Yeonwoo, but if she had agreed to help her grandmother knowing that she was participating in Yeonwoo's death, she wouldn't have looked so deathly scared when the doors were opened and she was revealed to have been present for the whole thing. Or when she lied in bed and trembled, remembering her grandmother's words, as Yeonwoo was kicked out of the palace the first time around. If anything, I can imagine her grandmother saying, "We are preparing something, and we need you there to pray with us. If you do this, you will get to marry Yeom." And so she did, without realizing what exactly she was praying for. That's what I got from the novel, and that's what I got from the drama as well. Does that take away her blame? No. But I don't think she's the heartless, selfish person that some people are making her out to be.

    Here is my take on that also.......This is why I also think she prayed for YW death in that room......Remember  when Seol question YW aide she said that MW came by that same night to check on YW health and left........Now if MW didnt know what was going on and she did not pray for her death, Queen D didnt tell her she had to do anything, but just show up then there was no reason for her to go and check on YW, I think she was just scared after she did it, thats why she was looking like that............So this is why I feel that Queen D told her what she needed to do and once it was over by MW being a child she ran over there to see if anything had happen to her......Plus you have to understand this too she knew that the only way she could marry Yeom is if her brother did not marry YW blush.gif

  11. I once again watched the ep 16 preview. Apart from the kiss scene, there was another scene where HGI holds JIW's hands( stop him from doing something).  I think that part is also missing in this episode.  Did any moon sunners noticed it or am I missing something?

    I am really going to miss this drama, KSY especially when it ends.  What an actor!!!!!  I watched the last 5 minutes of the episode 10 times, I think.  Superb expressions on the face.  As somebody mentioned in the thread HE IS A TRUE PROFESSIONAL.

    Im just taking a guess but I think the scene where HGI holds JIW hands he is trying to take her to her family house, because remember he wants her to go to his teachers house (JUST A GUESS)blush.gif

  12. I have come to accept the fact that there wont be a love angle between S and Y,but what i would really like is for that spoilt,selfish and rotten princess to be kicked out of the HEO home.She was involved in YW's death with the intention of marrying her brother. So how about the house hold kick her out.

    I dont know how there going to do it on the show but according to the book Hwon put her on house arrest because she is with child and after she has the baby she is sent in to exile for her part in the crime.biggrin.gif

  13. Heres what Im Thinking rolleyes.gif Even tho the princess had her hand in all of this I still think is was Queen Dcrazy.gif and Yoon crazy.gifbecause they had already planned that bk would become the queen and if there was a problem they would use NY......NY had told Queen D that BK would become queen sooooo when YW became crown princesswub.gif that posed a problem and Queen Dcrazy.gif and Yoon crazy.gifdid not want Yeomvicx.gif to be close to king so when the princess was doing all of that crying and not eating and begging her grandmother to help her marry Yeom ( mind you the Princess is only 9 or 10 yrs old) this was just as much an opportunity for the Queen and Yoon to use her a scared little (CHILD) to get rid of both of them YW dies and Yeom cant work for the king because he's married to the Princess.

    Heres my thinking on the King not having any power........from my understanding maybe its because I read some of the book but Hwon Father died while he was still young so the Queen D was ruling the country until he came of age so she put Yoon in his position and Yoon put the others in there position there is no one in the government on his side thats why he keep HS and Woon so close.  We have never seen him bring in a government official in to chambers (because there is none).  They were waiting for him to have an heir ( wanted him to consummate the marriage quick) and they were going to kill him off because they knew they could not control him.  Just look how smart he was when he wanted a fair way to get his Crown Princess and he was only 15 then.  Queen D did not like that and she knew she was not going to be able to control him...........but thats just my thoughtsrolleyes.gif

  14. Here is what im thinking Wol/YW has regained her memory..........So she knows that Hwon has never forgot about her and that she is still the one and only love for him.......by YW spending all that time with him she knows whats in his heart and she also knows that he has not consummated the marriage and all the times that they spent together Hwon talked about YWwub.gif........ falling in love with Wol/YW was just a given because he fell in love with the same person all over againwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

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