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    "It's not because we hate the 6, it's because we love the 7"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am not saying that this excuses people for suddenly hating on the others btw. I just liked the quote and I think it really explains why fans are acting the way they are.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Now as for how the conference went and how people are saying everyone has turned on Jay except for Nichkhun...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Call me naive, but I believe in the best of people. And I refuse to believe that they genuinely don't want Jaebeom to return.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Perhaps it's the fact that they haven't been in close contact with Jay, and the company has been feeding the members countless lies into manipulating them into turning on him (IF they did).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't believe their friendships and bonds were staged. So how could they just turn on him?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't believe it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    All for one and one for all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now at this point, I don't know what I want. Jay to return to 2pm? Of course that'd be wonderful to see...but lets be realistic guys, with all this drama going on...things just won't be what they used to be.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I guess what I want is just for Jaebeom to be happy, stop suffering, and have a lead in a future career.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I want the rest of the boys to reveal that THIS IS ALL A SCAM and that words were put into their mouths and they really DO want him back
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    for tainting JAEBEOM'S reputation, dignity, and name.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    If Jaebeom really did do something so terrible. Isn't it HIS OWN business? The company has NO RIGHT to PUBLICIZE this!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I know for a fact that if he did do something so terrible, the company would try to HIDE this instead of ANNOUNCING IT.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    And therefore we don't just assume this information is false, we KNOW it is false!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Forgive me for being a spazz, but I am UTTERLY disgusted by how this company is dealing with the whole situation. Not only are they shooting down Jaebeom, but they're doing the exact same thing to the rest of our boys!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    TAECYEON who helped Jaebeom with Korean translations. You can clearly see their bond in variety shows. You just KNOW these two are close!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    NICHKHUN who says out of all the 2PM members, he looks up to Jaebeom the most. The two both share the same awkward Korean!!! They're english-bros :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































    WOOYOUNG is like Jay's baby. During Hot Blood days it even shows Jaebeom helping him out. Even during 2PM days, Jae was always by his side. Offering english help.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    JUNHO and Jae are bboys 4 life. The two make the perfect duo in their performances.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    JUNSU and Jay both share terrible driving skills :lol: as well as their WONDERFUL vocal skills. These two oldies harmonize so greatly together. And they both uplift one another
































































































































































































































































































































































































    CHANSUNG who shows his crazy, wild side whenever around Jaebeom. These two weirdos go hand-in-hand <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































    until this whole thing settles down. The only thing we can do for our boys is to give them our never-ending hope, love and support. They need it now more than ever. This is what Jay would want.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I seriously have not gone on soompi for AGES!!!!! But after hearing about the news on Jay, I made a mad dash to this thread. (I believe it's my first time posting in this thread too) I am just completely IN SHOCK, PISSED, UPSET, sooo many emotions.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As our Jaebeom would say.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I mean I hate to be pointing fingers...but *points at JYP* IT'S ALL HIS FAULT.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    He's making it impossible for Jay to return, and now terminating his contract for "somethign that he did thats so bad" well i ROLL MY EYES at that statement !!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Even if he did commit such an act, they're not even giving him a chance to apologize, own up to his mistakes. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?!?!!??!?!?!!?!?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    My poor Jay. Honestly my heart goes out to him, his friends, his family and of course the remaining 6 members.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm extremely angry at the fans who are taking their anger out on the rest of the boys. Especially Taecyeon and Wooyoung who I BELIEVE would never turn their backs on Jay. And it's evident that those two were the closest with Jaebeom... *sigh*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I was feeling nostalgic...and realized I haven't dropped in on any korean music forum in a long time. Of course the Shinhwa thread is my first stop :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hate to admit that I'm not the crazy-scream-my-head-off-diehard fan that I used to be...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But with that being said, Shinhwa has been the only celebrity-figures that I can honestly say I would live & die for. There's just something so magical about their bond, their personalities, it just lures you in.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I definitely miss their music and seeing all 6 of them on shows together. Even though watching old ones with them can never get boring, it just isn't the same.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Don't think this video was mentioned recently. This is probably one of the funniest Shinhwa couple videos out there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hyesung and Junjin with the famous line "why you hit my knee!?"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    OH and I also posted in the MOST INFLUENTIAL SINGERS THIS DECADE thread :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Of course Shinhwa was my answer. Teehee.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I think a huge milestone was in 2004 when they finally received their first daesang award ever! It was for the song Brand New it's been one of my favourite song for YEARS!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's so different from a lot of that bubblegum boyband pop you heard back in the day (some songs today even fall in that category)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Once in a Lifetime is also high up there. The song itself is just so motivating and uplifting...<3




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Other singers/groups I think who have influenced the past decade include: Big Bang, Fly to the Sky, and 2NE1 (not sure if they count...since they just debuted this year lol)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from my best guy friend: too bad boys out there can't see you through my eyes <3






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from this guy i had a crush on. 10 mins after i left a party he texted me and said "i miss u already"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (he was drunk) LOL but i thought the msg was cute






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    there were many from my ex -_- but i DEF do not wanna think about em haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i have a few friendss who are soompiers :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    haven't really talked to them lately

































































































































  15. there's never a time when you don't cross my mind

    my heart is still torn to shreds

    i should be over you

    i should be okay now

    but i'm not

    i shouldn't be crying

    i shouldn't be thinking of you

    but i am

    i don't think i could ever get back with you again -- i wouldn't put myself through that but..

    i miss you like crazy

  16. a conversation with my ex

    me: i hope you don't sing to your next girlfriend :(

    him: there's not going to be another one *he said this confidently with a huge smile on*

    me: yeah right, lets be realistic here haha

    him: i'm not going to have another girlfriend. you will be my last one, i guarantee it

    i guess this is bittersweet (or me just being bitter) because... he did get another gf -_- assshole LOL

    i used to love his random texts..

    "good morning beautiful!"

    "night, babe. i'll be dreaming bout you"

    T^T its always the little things that get to me. haha


    and I haven't posted here in forever... surprisingly I still am the top 3 poster in this thread ^^

    somebody asked about Shinhwa members smoking... from what I recall, Dongwan was the only one who didn't smoke regularly and only did so when very stressed out.

    Minwoo was trying to quit... but in one of his more recent music videos (maybe from 07-08) it showed clips of him smoking :( so I don't know... as for the rest of the members they ALL smoke :(

  18. I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE KOREAN LLOL i was going to talk about shinhwa & big bang... but... :(

    Stranger: hi

    You: hii

    Stranger: 한국인이지?

    You: oh you're korean?

    Stranger: ok

    You: i can't read or speak korean, sorry!

    You: but i do know SOME korean words

    Stranger: sorry

    You: ahnyonghaesayo

    You: mianhae :(

    You: saranghaeyo!

    You: SHINHWA?

    You: do you like SHINHWA?

    You: or BIG BANG


  19. my convo was boring, but the person i was talking to was extremely nice! :)

    K just had another one LOL

    You: GREETINGS EARTHLING i was going for the nerd-person

    Stranger: bis bos bim boom

    Stranger: stupid starcraft geek 8Mumbling*

    You: you love it

    Stranger: huma huma

    You: i will never fall in love with... bananas again i randomly thought about eric mun's banana song LOL

    Stranger: They break hearts :'[

    You: </3

    Stranger: appples are easier

    You: definitley

    You: they're much more solid

    Stranger: i know

    Stranger: and they go great with tea


    Stranger: JESSSS

    Stranger: care for some crackers?

    Stranger: *british accent*

    You: sorry, i'm allergic

  20. how was yours ?


    i was on the bed laying down with him, we were playing a game :mellow:

    then i stuck my tounge out pretending i was mad at him...

    he went right for it...

    then there goes my first makeout session :wacko:

    i thought my first ever makeout session would be gross...

    but it was fun actually :ph34r:

    LOL you're so cute, the last sentence got a chuckle outta me.

    My first make-out session was also on the bed, we were also playing a game... I don't really remember the details even though it was just last year.

    But it was good, I was nervous though and I definitely got the butterflies...

    Heck, he still gives me butterflies.

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