Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by Yuuni

  1. My dear lovely Faithlings….dropping by to say a belated Merry Christmas to all of you and wishing everyone all the best in the New Year 2014!  Miss you all.  Have not watched Heirs yet, it is on my "must watch list".  

    Maybe I'll watch a little of Faith again, probably the proposal episode 


    Hi @mattie2012 !

    Good to see you. =)

    Thanks for the wishes, wish you the same as well as all the @Faithlings.

    And take your time to watch heirs..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello @pechumori. Long time no see. =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @Myphim, if you're already starting to drink you won't stay up all night. LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @Myphim I know right ? And he's not only smiling but he's laughing ! It's such an usual sight that I had to rewatch it two times at least. :))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Edit : the gifs are so pretty indeed *__*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Edit : But where is everyone ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Don't tell me I got the time wrong ?

































































































































































































































































  5. Hi dear @Faithlings !! :-h

    Sorry for the ones who tagged me and I never greeted back. I always think I'll do it a bit later but forget everytime ! I even end up forgetting who even called me lol


    @laquetahodge : Hi hi !

    Here's the link : http://breathlesssurvival.wordpress.com/tag/faith-novel-vol-2-translation/

    So envious that you have so many excerpts to read ! I was starting to become slighty addicted. T^T

    @sia3 : Don't know why I was expecting a CY doll, but definitly not a Gi Cheolina !! =))

    Edit : the pic is like stuck in my head ! @-)

  6. @prosperity @guadi : I do. KJW is a very good actress. If you saw her in what's up, you can only acknowledge her skills at portraying two characters who have nothing in common. But I definitly don't ship her with Tan. I have no sympathy for her thanks to the writer, but I'm all for more scenes of her where she shows her human side, like today with Won.

  7. Hi @chingus ~ :-h

    If you want to have a swooning time, don't forget to check the last tidbits of Faith Novel 2 !!


    Big thanks to Breathlesssurvival !!! ^:)^

    So good to know what they're thinking ! But am I the only who's disappointed that she didn't check him like it was supposed to be in the script ? If They're already so flustered being close to each other, I would have died hearing his thoughts while she was being all touchy on him. :))

    Edit : Of course @Gukja, I would be glad to baby sit Young-ah ! He's in kindergarden, so I think I should be able to handle his homeworks. LOL You can scan them to me. :))

  8. @Gukja @Sweetie !! >:D<

    Omo. I had forgot about the song and let's not even talk about the memory of a fish club. Haha.. We sure made a good use of this club. LOL And all the others clubs that existed, totally forgot about it. :))

    Hahaha @Gukja, Young-ah is not as high as three apples but he's always so commending. :))

    And let me tell you, his teacher must have been in the gutter cause I don't find anything innapropriate in this sentence. o.O

    But how is faith and the Faithlings related to hot dogs, Uh ? :))

    Edit : I see a Panda here. ;))

  9. @laquetahodge : Jung Yumi from I need romance ? Or Jung Yumi from Rooftop Prince ? I don't even know who is Jung Joon Young. lol

    @sia3, Sia, Sia... This isn't how the order goes. If you want to take @myphim by her sentiments with Daejang pics, you must use Hoodie Daejang !! Or Daejang with his mane of glory at least. 8-|

  10. My Top K-drama recommendation from this year would be:

    1. I Hear Your Voice by Lee Jung Suk and Lee Bo Young

    2. The Master's Sun by So Ji Sub and Gong Hyo Jin

    3. Two Weeks ( @awesomeduck's recommendation actually.

    May I add 'Scandal : a very shocking and wrongful incident' ?

    It's a week end drama of 36 episodes. Okay, I know what you're going to say, 36 is way too much ! But it's not !! The drama is really good, the plot is well thought, the actors are good and others are just too good !

    And there's also Kim Jae Won, and even if I didn't watch all his projects, I'm pretty sure it's his best performances from all. Also, his character is so honest, just and sincere. He really makes me think of a modern CY. :x the drama is focused on the relationship between Ha Eun Jong (Kim Jae Won) and his two dads, so the romance is built slowly but strongly. There isn't the usual push and pull like other dramas.

  11. Hi @Faithlings ~

    LOL @sia3. I don't know, I'm too used to hide to come out so easily now. :))

    Of course, I already let Myphim know how happy I was of her return, right @myphim ? =P

    I'm glad to see everyone here again as well :x but some Faithlings are still missing. =(

    @Gukja : You only come out now ?! You went missing too. (kind of) I won't call you Imja for 3 whole months ! è_é

    @farstrep @myphim : How can you be so excited about Kenshin when it only comes out in 2014/2015 ? It's in such a long time that I rather not even think about it yet. ><

    @guadi : Don't pretend. You don't have time to feel guilty for CY between all the Kim Tan and LMH fangirling. =P

  12. Hi @Faithlings and @Minoz :-h

    Omo. LMH is 27 already ? I don't why, he's forever 25 in my mind. lool

    Hahaha... @guadi. Dear, I admire your persistence but you know it won't work, right ? No one is good enough for me. :)) No, more seriously, how can I when he keeps wearing his cap like that !! Why, oh why does he keep doing that ?! It frustrates me everytime ! Where is his stylist ? ~X(


    Cr to the rightful owner

  13. @guadi : I didn't even though about CH. lol

    But that's because Paksa and LYS's character are very different. LYS had his dorky and cheerful side. While I could count the number of time Paksa smiled in the whole show on my fingers' hand.

    But I guess I won't see him in a thriller so soon...

    Didn't he said that he wanted to play a boy next door kind of role ?

    And by the way, why does he never play in movies ?

    I guess it's for the better cause his fans can get a higher dose of him but I still find it curious.

    Edit : @adlyn13 : thanks for the info Adlyn !

    Hehe.. it's so obvious you're a scientist-to-be. LOL

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..