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Posts posted by springyangel
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'd like to request the MBC Over the Rainbow Opening (HQ) if available please ^^ Thank you!!!
































































































































































































































































    Found it! ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think ji hyun woo looks like rain from certain angles...what do you guys think??? and kim ok bin actually resembles taiwanese singer ah mei....




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's exactly what I thought! :o Hm..I don't really see the resemblance between Kim Ook Bin and Ah Mei though :P






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But after watching episode one, I don't want Hwanhee to end up with the main girl anymore :mellow: Lol. I'm probably the only one Ooh. I see lots of people like him too ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































    can someone tell me how to vote in that chinese poll thingy. im lost :sweatingbullets: .hehe
































































































































































































































































    also does anyone know if infinite challenge part 2 is out. because i'be been looking through shinhwasarang and shinhwachangjo but i can't seem to find it.
































































































































































































































































    ~oh yeah nutize, i did recieve your pm before soompi lost some stuff. im working on it right now, sorry if its taking awhile.
































































































































































































































































    im so glad shinhwa's #1 on the hottracks.
































































































































































































































































    T_______T i need a new banner.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha i just notice that i made my 600th post here. :D
































































































































































































































































    last time i tried to soo my 500th post here but i forgot about it and went posting and then i looked over and my post had alreay past 500. lol































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^^ Refer to this post: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=3211708 I'm not sure if Infinite Challenge Part 2 is out either though T_T..































































































































































































































































































































































    yeah, more peeps are voting...but here' another poll, from Korea, "Big 10"






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG! Shinhwa is behind by 40 votes!!! on the Big 10!!! does anybody remeber about this poll???






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    i vote every single week!!!...so go vote!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    here's the site!!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    when you get to this site, go click on the Pops in Seoul, then...click that again, when it gets to the next page...then...































































































































































































































































    click "Big 10" on the left column....so got vote!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    you need an account to vote, remember!!!! make one..and vote!!! the rules are simple and they explain it on the top!!! of the page....so go vote!! FIGHTING!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Shinhwa is #1 now!!! :w00t: They are almost 200 votes ahead!!! :o And for the Chinese voting thing, Shin Hyesung is #1 for Male Solo Artist and Shinhwa is #1 for Best CF Model!! Yay!! ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyways, I like J2 ^^ I wonder why he didn't go with 'J'?
































































































































































































































    ^ That's what happened to me >< I hope it's going through cause I've been voting for a looong time ^^ Shinhwa's catching up!!!! Yayy!!
































































































































































































































































    I just voted for an hour ><.Time flew by fast ^^ Haha. I think it's faster if you have 6 windows of the voting things open ^^;; I'm voting for Shin Hyesung for the Male Solo Artist right now cause he's #2!!! :P































































































































































































































































































































    Nikki and I have decided to stop subbing nonstop5. Sorry guys, but many people seem to ignore our request NOT to upload NN5 subbed episodes on other sites. This has happened multiples time, not just once and apparently nikki and I are tired that people don't respect our hardwork(it's sOOO time consuming doing these stuff, esp. since it's only the 2 of us [w/ Yaeri, CinnamonBuns, and d_whitesilver helping with a few episodes ^^]). Since we have 4 episodes that are currently at work, we'll finish it off, and will stop subbing NN5 all together.































































































































































































































































    (and the love triangle between minwoo, jungrin, and kyungjoon has just started too!)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    However, since there is a group already subbing NN5 episodes, I suppose they might finish what we left off?































































































































































































































































    So there's still hope that you'll see the end.































































































































































































































































    Well, the good news is that we do not have the "request" requirement for new members to have access to the clubbox anymore. Any member who join can automatically download. It's no use now that our files are everywhere. :angry: . But Please, please, please, don't sell!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    I guess we'll just use our clubbox as a storage for other subbed stuff that we have/will have.































































































































































































































































    Thanks for enjoying the nonstop 5 episodes that we subbed. ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wish you guys luck with your subbing project! Feel free to upload the subs into nonstop5 clubbox. ^^































































































































































































































































    I love nonstop5.































































































































































































































































    Originally, I watched because minwoo was in it, but I learn to love all the characters all together.


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^Good luck you guys! Fighting~!!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    First of all, I can only apologize to those who followed the rules and were great fans of the Nonstop 5 series. I really am very sorry for doing this to you guys.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's just...Beck and I can't really take it anymore. We kept seeing our files elsewhere and we're thought, "Alright, let this one pass. Let this one pass. There are still other people who are worth our time," and continued subbing. But Enough is Enough.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    Because it's just the two of us, with exception of few episodes (MUCH thanks to Yaeri, CinnamonBuns, d_whitesilver, angelix, etc) it's extremely time-consuming (like Beck mentioned) and We kind of lost that motivation to continue with this project.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    Don't lose hope on subbed nn5 vids because there is someone else willing to take over (thank you, you guys).






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    To those who broke the rules, I guess I have you guys to thank, right? Thanks for causing this.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Um..since my reply got deleted, I'm just saying this again. Thank you to n!kk! and babybeck and the others for subbing this sitcom!!! ^^ I wouldn't have been able to enjoy (and love) Nonstop 5 without you guys :)
































































































































































































































    I haven't watched this drama yet :ph34r: but it looks really funny and good!!! :D
































































































































































































































    YAYY!! I can't wait till this comes out!!! ^^ It's coming out in a little more than 2 weeks! :o
































































































































































































































    Ooh!! I can't wait for this ^^ I love Uhm Tae Woong ^^ He's a great actor =] As for the other main lead..I've never seen him :ph34r: And for the lead actress, Kim Min Jung, yep. I approve cause I liked her from Fashion 70's :)
































































































































































































































    I guess lots of soompiers are not watching this drama :( I thought it seemed interesting ^^ I still have to watch Episode 01 :phew:








































































































































































































    Watched In Full:




    My Girl | Rating = 5




    - My favorite Korean Dramas ^^ It was funny




    Bad Family | Rating = 5




    - Loved it, it was funny




    Autumn Tale | Rating = 5




    - My first Korean Drama




    The Last Dance Is With Me | Rating = 5




    - Got me to really start watching Korean dramas =]




    Green Rose | Rating = 5




    - I loved Go Soo & Lee Dae Hae




    Tale Of The Nine-Tailed Fox | Rating = 5




    - Fighting scenes were cool, Kim Tae Hee was in here =]




    Love Story in Harvard | Rating = 5




    - I loved it<3




    My Sister-In-Law is 19 | Rating = 5




    - Funny, then sad, but good




    Sweet 18 | Rating = 5




    - Cutest drama I've ever seen




    Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang | Rating = 4.5




    - I didn't like the beginning, but loved the middle/ending




    My Love Patzzi | Rating = 4.5




    - Cute, but kind of disppointed me by the ending




    Stairway to Heaven | Rating = 4




    - Beginning was good, then got boring in the end




    Love Letter | Rating = 4




    - It was a bit boring after a while but still good




    Full House | Rating = 4




    - Too much fighting between Song Hye Gyo & Bi (Rain) but still funny




    Wonderful Life | Rating = 4




    - Too many fighting between Eugene & Kim Jae Won =[




    Firebird | Rating = 3.5




    - Got a little boring




    Only You | Rating = 3




    - It was OK but still also boring =[




    Edit. 06/07/01




    Fashion 70's | Rating = 5




    - The first few episodes were the greatest, and I liked pretty much all the characters =]




    Watched In Parts:




    Stained Glass




    Spring Waltz




    My Name Is Kim Sam Soon




    To Marry A Millionaire








    A Love To Kill




    18 vs. 29




    Glass Slippers




    Tree of Heaven




    Alone in Love




    Snow White - Ew.




    Super Rookie




    Wooden Carosel








    is there a summary for this drama, other than the one on the front page?








    ryuwon and eugene arent going to be related are they? cus in the first episode, the grandma has a picture of hte president...











    I was wondering about that!! I thought I just saw the picture wrong and that it probably wasn't the president :sweatingbullets:



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