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    play league, tumblr, watch shows/movies, draw, listen to music, work outboring stuffs~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  2. @NitsujN_RN You have nice eyes!Wow okay I lost my train of thought because a spider came crawling onto the wall. ANYWAYS... In general, I don't like facial hair on guys. However, there are exceptions to certain guys who pull it off very well, and those are usually guys with very sharp/strong jaws that really look good with (or without!) facial hair. I like it when it's not all messy and flying everywhere! I don't really dig facial hair on chubbier/rounder faced men... I'm not sure what it's like kissing someone with facial hair, but I hope it's not super.. prickly?
    I think hairstyle really depends on whether someone can pull it off or not. I've thought a guy with shoulder-length hair was super gorgeous, as well as a guy with just short, minimally styled hair. I do have a soft-spot for asian-y fauxhawks though... The only thing I'd dislike is if a guy took longer than me to do his hair.... Wait actually, I shouldn't say that because I usually just brush mine and go... Nevermind!
    Eyebrows... I've actually witnessed a boy in class a couple months ago borrowing a girl's tweezers and plucking strays! LOL, I thought it was cute. I think it's fine if guys want to do things to their eyebrows, like clean up strays. Why let gender stop you from wanting to shape up your eyebrows, hmph! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ajlee613 said:  ALL things that could be EASILY avoided.. its as simple as putting ona seat belt. sure its a little uncomfortable not to wear ur favorite pony tail style, but when the seat belt saves your life when some one else crashes into you, its the LOGICAL choice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lots of people brush but don't floss. I floss but as long as they're clean.. like I can't judge them and be like FLOSS!! :3

































































































































































































































































  5. .......okay i only pick up and eat food if i dropped it lets say on my kitchen table that was cleaned and like half my ramyun noodle fell off my bowl or something.......
    i never ever ever pick up food off a restaurant table or floor, or at a friend's house on the table or floor.

  6. failed my first one with ONE mistake. i was taking the test in a different city and i made an unprotected left turn at a light. the intersection was so weird though, and the two weeks before my next test, i went to the same intersection like 20 times to get familiar with it T.T
    second time i passed with only one mistake and she put smiley faces all over ^.^!!i was changing lanes and put on signal, but i saw a car right there so i took the signal off, then put it back on a few seconds later. that was a minor mistake, i didn't know :o
    hehe when i came back to dmv after the test was over, my mom told me i passed because she prayed to god, buddha, allah, and all the gods.... we're not even religious :3!

  7. that's terribly mean and closed-minded.
    first of all, a race doesn't dictate whether you automatically are something or have done something. nobody has the right to make a generalization about a person based on their race. that is racist and really ignorant, and just shows how low of a person they are.
    second, plastic surgery is not a sin. it's not a bad thing for a person to want to look better to be happy. getting a cosmetic procedure doesn't make them a bad person or "fake." getting double eye-lids does not suddenly change a person's personality or their characteristics, and if they did, then they'd be fake on the basis of how they act, not who they are. they're still made of blood and flesh, not plastic like a barbie. anyone who believes the latter needs to be better educated and not be so quick to talk. think about it, if someone does their eyebrows and waxes them, that doesn't change who they are. and honestly it is not anyone's business if someone gets plastic surgery. they are not liar if they wish to keep it a secret, because first of all nobody has the right to be told if the person doesn't feel comfortable admitting.
    i'm so tired of people assuming that just because someone is korean, they are this-and-that. MY RACE DOES NOT DICTATE WHAT KIND OF PERSON I AM, for those of you who do think it does, open your minds and close your mouth.

  8. I've never bullied anyone, unless giving dirty looks to creepy guys counts.Some guys were creeping on either on me or my friends got dirty looks from me, stare-downs, and/or eventually told off. But I only did this when they made me or my friend(s) uncomfortable by trying to be close to us, even after super obvious signs that we didn't want to hang out with them.
    The only time I've ever said anything insulting to someone was when this one girl made drama, telling people she hated me because I was annoying. She was jealous that my bestfriend paid more attention to me, and became a total richard simmons to me, giving me dirty looks, pushing me on "accident" since our lockers were next to eachother, passing by me calling me rude names. Eventually she stopped actively bullying me and blamed it on her period. Still, your period is not a valid reason to hate and bully someone. I called her a richard simmons and told her to look in the mirror before insulting someone. Since then I'd like to think we mutually avoid eachother. I don't need people like that in my life, especially since before this happened, I thought she was my friend.
    My sister bullies me a lot. My parents tell me to deal with it, but it hurts a lot, to be honest.

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..