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Posts posted by D3lyricooL3xiLou



    well, this is stupid....

    yet porn is still one of the biggest industries in Asia. In fact, Asia is the lead producer of porn =_=

    Idols go on shows and talk about how they watch porn....

    Dramas have innuendos. Heck I Need Romance 2 is available for 14 year-olds to watch and it's nowhere near pure.

    If they do this, I don't see how they expect KPop to make that big of an impact.

    Crippling their growth. Furthermore, maybe they should focus on having PARENTS properly educate their children about sex instead of trying to "keep them pure" by banning mvs and music #-o

























    jjang! (짱!) similar to daebak.choego (최고)- the besthimdeulda/ himdeuleo (힘들다/ 힘들어)- it means something is difficult/tiring. idols say it a lot backstagedouble eyelids- instead of usual "chinky" eyes, both lids can be seen, like American eyesnakhasan (낙하산)- means "parachute." someone who got into a group or company mainly by connections, not necessarily by talent









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