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    i'm starting to think that people posting in here are not reading the title of this thread correctly... -_- LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well my vote for LEAST CONVINCING is still Yonghwa/Seohyun.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  2. ^ i really loved today's episode! i grew up watching Shim Hyung Rae so i'm familiar with his slapstick comedy. he is soooo funny! in korea, he's REALLY respected... Jaesuk & Sukjin were like "our comedy sunbaenim!"

    today's chasing was pretty fun. but the 1vs9 game was a MESS. though it was funny seeing the PD & the camera man get hit by SHR a lot LOL and POOR GWANGSU! hahaha

    i loved it when KJK was chasing YSK down the ski slope. LOL

    HAHA & GARY'S little quarrel was so cute<3 hahaha

    i really wanna know who is next week's guest~ <3

    GD + TOP? hopefully DAE! :D

  3. I would love to see YEJIN on RM! (esp. since she has a new drama coming out soon) :D

    yejin & jongkook can rekindle their love again! hahaha

    i really hope DAESUNG+GD come out too! dumb&dumber bro's should never be separated. ^^

    i know some people don't like the idea of past FO members coming out, but the relationship they have with Jaesuk is just hilarious... plus, seeing the members together again in a different show setting other than FO is interesting.

    i loved it when hyori & suro came out :D

    hope jongshin comes out too. it'll be interesting to see jongshin, jaesuk & sukjin all together.

  4. AH today's episode was THE BEST! <3

    love the beginning challenge! :D

    (though i felt so bad for gwangsoo~ LOL) seeing jihyo x jongkook combo working together was so funny. i knew they would get everyone~ and i was cracking up SO badly cause gwangoo always gets caught by jongkook. hahaha he said 'can i get some tissue? i wet myself." LOL

    i'm so glad they mixed it a bit this week~ ^^

    i can't wait until next week's episode! SIWON! kyah! and it's gonna be the christmas special~ ahhhhhh can't wait can't wait~

  5. For some reason, the Running Man cast on Twitter have been tweeting "씀돠" to each other. I think it's some code name for "Running Man". I have no idea :|

    ahahah if you see last week's episode on the boat, HAHA & GARY kept saying 씀돠 to Jongkook before falling asleep.

    it's a word play basically :) they shortened a longer korean saying into just 씀돠. yeah, i'm not that good at explaining especially since i don't have korean on my school's computer right now. @___@

  6. i have mixed feelings about lizzy too. not necessarily BAD.

    but like... she has her little moments when she shines, but jihyo stands out more to me. (i guess because she's so oblivious to everything, the rest of the members like to tease her more :D) plus, jihyo brings something different to the show compared to other idol singers. i guess her being an actress does make it different. :)

    lizzy is cute. her cheery personality is DEFINITELY opposite of jihyo's so its kinda fun to see jihyo with lizzy.

    at the same time...i dunno. i feel like she doesn't really contribute much to the show. ;__;

    there are times when i like it better when jihyo's the only girl hahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the trailer looks AMAZING. <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i know lots of people are disappointed that dae's not the main character, but he's still a vital part of it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm guessing him, imjoohwan, leehyuksoo & the three girls + the other guy (lol forgot his name) are the main characters. either way, i'm soooooooo psyched!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    and i'm such a fan girl of the writer's dramas~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this is one epic drama i'm definitely going to watch. <3

































































































































































































































































  8. I really hope someone uploads today's episode to YouTube!!! I'm stuck at church lol with only my iPod touch :( shouldve brought my MacBook insteadddd :/

    I'm dyingggg to watch today's episode! So glad yonghwa's back.

    I feel like he's the only guest who REALLY tries to be a part of the missions :) not saying the other guests don't. But I think he was the only one who actually completed the missions

  9. ^ LOL i think the netizens didn't watch the movie. (or the writer of the article)

    i don't recall a bed scene between Shin Se Kyung & JOONGKI!

    i remember a bed scene with Shin Se Kyung & Jung Eui-chul!

    joongki had a very steamy kiss with lee sung min. but that was it... o_o

    although joongki looks young for his age, he is around 26 (?) LOL

    i PRAY/BEG THE HEAVENS he won't do a bed scene for a longggggggg time.

    it'll break my heart. LOL
































































































    omg KIM JAE DONG? he's gonna spill the beans on EVERYTHING and ANYTHING :D
































    love love love jaedong~ <3
































    oh i think he talks about hyori & rain. :D
































    can't wait to download muahahaha

































  11. so people can complain about running man trying hard to bring back the family outing formula again? no thanks.

    just because RM brings back daesung doesn't mean they're going to be following FO again...

    i really don't understand the logic in that. -_-;;

    RM + FO can be comparable to each other because jaesuk & jongkook are in it. other than that, i think the two shows are pretty damn DIFFERENT.

    so what if they bring back some people who also came out in FO?

    i think that's what makes it even more fun. it's like seeing alumni's again. LOL

    does anybody know who tomorrow's guests are? :)
































































































    ^ just saw the BUSAN special.. wow i have never laughed this much!
































    :D i think its one of my favorite Come to Play episodes~
































    and my goodness, changmin + yonghwa? so freaking good @ singing. LOLLLL (but more changmin obviously)
































    kim tae hyun + the lady is really funny. and i LOVEEEEE SSAMDI<3

































  • Create New...

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