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  1. OMG i know i am SUPER SUPER late...

    but can someone tell me if Hankyung is still part of SuJu?? i know about the whole lawsuit thing but i think i read something somewhereeeee that he left the group for sure and all...I REALLY HOPE THAT'S NOT TRUE :( i haven't been up to date with my kpop since college stuff going on...

    but can someone clarify for me? if did or NOT leave? if so, when did he leave SuJu? :(

    thanks in advance!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    that was TOO cute! oh Nichkun!! he's so handsome! that was such a cute move hahaha!! the KHD all got wet >XD Yoona is too luckyyy ><
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm so proud of every fanclub there is out there! their hard work and everything to put together an organized gathering is awesome! aka Cassiopeia LOL. crazy fans but gotta love them too ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    sighhh i totally love his old look! he looks perfectly fine!~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hmm i guess we can't change it now D:
























































































































































    omg i didnt know there was a Baby Mason thread!! omg he's so freaking BEYOND CUTE! i want a baby just like himmm!!!
















































































    lol at first i thought he was the same baby as RobinBHood (movie)'s baby hehe :D
























    this is my first time. i don't even know what to say. i just don't feel well right now. seeing someone from my family suffer like that..it really hurts me. i know i haven't been super blood related to you, but you're still my yeh yeh. i remember the times when Pam and i would play at your house and i remember when you bought me the little chocolate cakes. i may be young back then but i do remember now. i respect you and ma ma very much and thank you for taking care of me when i needed supervision. thank you for making the pajamma pants for me, too! you're really something yeh yeh! i hope these days, you will feel better by resting. we are all here for you. i just wish you could know how much we're going to be there! i know you but more! Pamela jeh jeh's gonna go through a hard time now..and that hurts me, too. i don't know if this will affect my school work. i hope not. but i will definitely study harder for you and ma ma! even though i found out today, i feel like i've been through it all and that i now realize how much i should appreciate the people around me. i need to cherish every moment and not give an attitude towards people. for myself, i think i need to make some changes in my life. anyways...yeh yeh, please get well soon. i just wish there is something i could do...
























    i really really miss you. i wonder how your first day was. i'm sure you're having a lot of fun now, huh? grr i just miss you so much. i really want to talk to you but i'm still afraid. eva's right...we're not ready to be friends yet. at least i'm not :( i just...wonder what you're doing right now. i want to know...if you miss me even just a little bit? do you think about me? do you think how my first day was? sigh idk...it's so hard sometimes. i know the memories we had were the good times. thinking about it can make me smile, of course it can. but i'm just sad that it ended and that it might never happen again. to be honest, i still do have feelings for you and it's not easy to let it go. there were so many things we didnt get to do together. i just think...we made a big mistake. i hope someday..someday soon, we'll be comfortable enough to talk to each other again. and hopefully...you might straighten out your feelings :( i miss you hung.. i really do >< saranghaeyo...
























    great quotes guys! some actually describes my feelings right now lol.












    hmm can someone post some HEART BREAKING pictures? i can't seem to find good ones online lol. thank youuu!














    Jinsei wa fukouhei desu.








    Anata nashi de wa chigaimasu.








    Aitai desu.








    I didn't know how you wanted it, so I made it polite. ~_~















    oh no, that's totally fine! thank you so much :D








    i'll remember to put the formal/informal next time :] thanks! :)
































    can somebody translate this into romanized Japanese? thanks :)








    Life is so unfair.















    It's different without you.















    I miss you.








    thank you so much!









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By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..