Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by wengfrecrixs

  1. Hey  guys , i am using AT2020 usb mic . I have a question is that when i try to record using this mic , the volume of my voice is too low I am not sure is it because I sing in low volume or is it the mic problem ? and also i would like to now how is the normal volume that use to sing ?

  2. I am getting sick that audition website .... keep getting "server scripts time out " while trying to upload an applicatoin....And it juz a few photos with 1 audio file that not over 3 mb == 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Recently I can't sing , my voice is hoarseness , "scratchy" and neck pain after a small talk ...I doubt my vocal cord is damage or something , but I am afraid of going to hospital this keep bothering me everyday 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  4. SLEEK_SUSHI said: Hey guys I was hoping one of you guys could answer!!! so this forum says to send it to

    Sangsu-dong 394-10 Hoseong Building 3F
    Mapo-Gu, Seoul
    South Korea, ZIP 121-829

    when I went to the yg audition official site it says to send it to...

    2F, (Gain Bldg.), 153, Tojeong-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea
    (Postal code 121-150)

    So it's probably the second one right? I was just wondering what is the correct address. And how did you get confirmation they received it? Hope you guys could answer, thanks!






    why i can't send my video to them in youtube ? when i press send its show up "invalid request " ? 




    Ok nvm , I sent my video and youtube link to their email  in november 7 but until now they still haven't upload my video to their youtube page ?


  6. She seems as if she's interested in you. It clearly states in between the line. Though you've never dated, the least you could do is be friendly towards her. Wait for your emotions to grow upon her of how you feel towards her, and afterwards, confess to her of how you also feel, whether you feel the same or not.

    It's okay for you to not have dated before. Just act like yourself upon her and just be patient of how you develop your feelings. 

    The message she sent towards you seems as if she's interested, yet somewhat insecure.  Get to know her well enough, study her and find out her ways of acting towards other men. It'll throw out a hint of whether she's only looking for LOVE or ATTENTION--- I hope this will help you!


    wow ! thank you! Now I know what to do rolleyes.gif

  7. If a guy doesn't really want to walk me back to my dorm (across campus, less than... 10min? walk, but then he has to walk back again), does that mean he's not that into me?

    is this happen often ? maybe he is lazy ? 

    For me , I will always escort my girl to her home cuz my intuition tell me there might be something bad happen if I just let her go back alone 
































































































    I am new to skype , gayoung.frecrixs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    its already deadline , hmmm still no annoucement ? 
































































































































































































































































































































































    *sigh* I think I only can go for the youtube audition ...... 
































    recently my throat act strange ..... still hesitating ...

































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