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angieknows last won the day on June 2 2016

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  1. Thank goodness for the wall because what I also really wanted to say is ... I think what the Songs would appreciate from shippers now is our support, not some crystal ball wisdom borrowed from antis ... or from folks who are still bitter that their once real life couple couldn't make it all the way like the Songs. But yeah, it's great to see that the majority of shippers on the thread are sending their thoughtful wishes of a happy future to the Songs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. melleri


      I reported.  And why are people bringing up exes anyway! So annoying and tacky. 

    3. thepixies


      Huh? What's been happening? What extrapolation can they gain? 

    4. zashibear


      What is important is their present and future. The past is best left behind. They are starting a new life together. And we can best bring them good wishes and blessings. I am so happy it's almost D-day! 

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