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angieknows last won the day on June 2 2016

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  1. Ki is the May cover boy for W Korea!


    Thanks, @khxy for the heads up and all the info! Also credit to W Korea FB and DC SJK.


    Supposedly, this was taken in LA. Hope he doesn't let his hair grow out longer than this. 







    More info here:  




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. angieknows


      @thepixies thanks for the link! 

      And LOL ... yeah, i feel ya. some are very careless. we already have so much and more viable stuff to go on, so, why do people still play loose with their assumptions and speculations. there's simply no need to. 

      @hclover96 hahaha. hope the interview will be innocuous. no more panicked reactions! lol.

    3. FairyKiKyo


      Thanks for the updates @angieknows

      Handsome. Very handsome... just that i still prefer the short hair and chubby cheeks. He was super dashing at KBS award on 31 Dec 2016. Maybe because the cherished one was beside him the whole night and he oozed out sexiness and radiant like a Prince Charming.

    4. angieknows


      @FairyKiKyo Haha, you're not alone having that opinion. Others share your view, including me. I liked all his looks last year, actually. He was quite extra manly with the DOTS/BI hair. I hope he doesn't let his hair grow out any longer. :) 

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