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angieknows last won the day on June 2 2016

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  1. @hclover96 Here's a wall post you've been waiting for. LOL. Ace Chingu wanted this shared here, too :) 

    In a July 2015 interview for her movie "The Crossing," Kyo talked about her ideal husband type.


    One person perfectly meets all her criteria :D *cough*Ki*cough*





    Part 1

    Uh … of course, the appearance cannot be ignored, but more than that, I prefer someone who respects my job. (You can think) I may be selfish, but while I am working, I want him to make me feel comfortable, and someone who is a warmhearted person. First of all, I want us to share many hobbies and communicate well. So, when we travel together, there will be no conflicts with each other. I wish we'll have many favorites in common.



    Part 2

    When I am single, my career is a priority. It is because I have to support my family. It is because to keep my family, I cannot leave out my work. My work makes it possible for me to protect my family. So, my work is important. After marriage, still … but after marriage … when I marry, it means I form a new family for whom I will take a whole responsibility, so, I will leave the big part of that responsibility (means making money) to my husband, and I will pay more attention to my family.






    Credit to Ace for the translations & @merrysongs4love2 for the video clip!





    Be gentle with me @hclover96 and ummm, others. Hehe. @thm55 shared my trauma 3x. Ehe. Sorry.





    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Amy Phan

      Amy Phan

      You don't want to get me started @angieknows <_<

    3. angieknows
    4. Amy Phan

      Amy Phan

       Are you using Emily Deschanel gifs on purpose because you know I love Bones? @angieknows You are pretty cheeky there hahaha, you want me to explain what #angiesoo means? Are you sure? Are you certainly sure? 

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