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angieknows last won the day on June 2 2016

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  1. Well, it was all going so well ... People were actually ignoring that person, but I guess it was too good to hope that everyone would have enough common sense to ignore such nonsense! By replying to the troll, you've done the thread, the Songs, and PBG a great disservice. Good job! And if anyone doesn't follow that last part, that was sarcasm. *rolls eyes*



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      On second thoughts, I am VERY tempted to post something on the importance of sorting our  gaydars for females. Imagine the agony if we can't figure who's gay and who's not. A gay chap will never place his hand on the waist of a female friend? What's in it for him?

      (Can I post something like that? A research piece on sifting out gays - so at least we can all have a good laugh). 

    3. coffeedizzy
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