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angieknows last won the day on June 2 2016

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  1. Hmmmm ... we're reading too much into Ki and Kyo's relationship? Never mind that it's the Songs who actually provide the hints at times. But ... it's okay to read something malicious into PBG and Ki's friendship? *rolls eyes* Not all right ... 


    Sigh ... okay, well, clearly, someone's aching to be engaged in there. I shouldn't even be referring to it here. But I hope the folks on the thread do well and just ignore that person. Treat it like a fart. It'll go away. LOL. I hope people will bury that comment by just going about daily shipping business and continue talking up the good stuff. :) 


    @hclover96 and the others will share more stuff :)



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. zashibear


      gIf they don't take the bait of that troll post. It will just get buried  by the sweet shipping. But if said troll has back up they will try to always get the issue on and have anyone react to it. Just best to ignore and continue with positive shipping vibes. It will get them.

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