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    hahahah wth? they look like regular clips with a slight more complex design and padded. i think if i tried i can make one of these myself..












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Is there supposed to be any theme to this tanka? What are you supposed to write about?








    Anyways you could turn いってください into いってきてください (please go and come back), this is used alot usually in the form いってらっしゃい (go and come back) which is what you say when someone is leaving the house, like to go to work or school. You could also use いってくださいませ but it kind of makes you sound like a shopkeeper, hehe...Anyways いってきてください and いってくださいませ are both 7 syllables








    まっすぐに..hmm..that's tricky, you can't really do it..How about 一直線に? (icchokusen ni) It's 5 syllables and means the same thing as まっすぐに








    So you could do








    いっちょくせんに (i-ccho-ku-sen-ni) 5 syllables








    いってきてください (i-tte-ki-te-ku-da-sai) 7 syllables








    Just be sure you pronounce every syllable clearly, because in regular Japanese syllables are often skipped over, but in tanka or songs it's ok to pronounce them clearly.















    Thank you so much ^_^








    the theme is like up to us..but yeah it's harder than I expected =)





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