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Posts posted by Love_Lights

  1. R.I.P EunBi & R.I.P Driver
    I'm a causal fan of K-POP in general but I can honestly say that I've loved every single song Ladies' Code has promoted. Their After School Club episode is still the only episode of ASC I have ever been able to endure without cringing in awkwardness. I'm really relieved that Ashley and Zuny are okay and Sojung is (hopefully) recovering well. I will continue to hope for RiSe's condition as well.

  2. I'm so annoyed!! I will never understand how you even have the audacity to say that I my brain does not think that often because all I have to do is wake up, attend 3 AP classes, an honors math class, Spanish 3, come home do homework and sleep. Then you state that you don't need to because you have already been to school. WHAT?! You attended elementary in a third world country and that's it! That's your education! UGH! 
    And you! Stop acting like you are so high and mighty when you have only been back to school for one week after, what FOUR YEARS? All you did at home was play video games, pinkberry about me trying to use the internet [even when the computer was turned off], pinkberry some more about how hard your life is and just sit on your butt all day making up excuses as to why you are unable to do anything. By the way, I hope you will eventually comprehend that crying "I'M SORRY! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" every time someone asks why you can't help with the housework or get a job, and then continue with "I want to do things but I can't because I'm depressed!", "I don't need to see a doctor! I'm perfectly fine! I'm just lazy and that's a hard habit to break; but I don't want to do anything about it". Or my personal favorites, "Don't call me insulting and/or degrading names because it really hurts me and that's why I'm depressed and unable to do anything. That's why I go out to have fun because I have so many thoughts going through my head!! What?! What thoughts? Whoever said anything about that?!", "Just because someone is younger than you doesn't mean you can't respect them! Respect is a two way street! You have to earn it!"Then one day when I call you out for being a hypocrite for calling me vile, emotionally harmful names and insults because it hurts my feelings too, you tell me," SHUT. THE. F***. UP! Who ever said I had to respect you? You're f***ing younger than me! So you have to do what I say and you have to respect me!" 

    And people wonder why I hate him. 

  3. Darn you Justin Bieber and my love for acoustic music! >.< Now I'm procrastinating on procrastinating on top of my previous procrastination. ~X(

    Yeah...its official..I have lost my mind in this procrastination inception...or I should just go to bed and start doing my homework earlier.
    ...Nahhh... B-)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Honestly, everyone should stay at home next week because there are some out there who truly believe the world is going to end and try to create another mass murder. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    R.I.P to the children in Connecticut and China, their teachers, the people in Oregon and everywhere else in the world.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I send my condolences to all of the families and friends who have lost a loved one but most importantly to the people involved who will forever be damaged emotionally and mentally. The adults, especially the children, have most likely lost their trust in humanity and plagued with paranoia.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  5. Really now? I just wanted to listen to some music on Pandora/Youtube (at different times I might add) and you have the audacity to barge in yelling how I'm taking the bandwidth and tell me to get off the computer? Then you get even angrier when I give my rebuttal; going on how I was on the internet all day and how I don't do anything. Puh-lease! You stay at home all day long, sleep until noon, expect everyone to make food for you, whine when the parentals tell you to pick me up from school, and play online games all day long. You claim that your ankle and pinky are better but you still don't go back to work because you need a doctor's note? What is this? You are not in high school anymore! If the darn doctor doesn't call back, take the initiative and call him instead! Then you moan and groan how no one loves you even though our parents spend so much money on you that there's almost never any money left for me. But its even better when you demand money from them after getting up at 2 P.M. because you spent the previous night buying pot for you and your buddies in the brand new car they bought for you. Goodness gracious! I can't believe I just wasted an entire post on you. We do not live in Salem, so work on yourself before you start pointing fingers "Abby", because that yellow bird might finally come after you. 

  6. Really now? We have the same group project every week and all you do is sit there and complain while I do all the work. I understand that sports and honors classes are a lot to handle at times, but if its to much for you, then give one up. I really can't believe you had the audacity to blame me for not doing anything when you never contribute anything. And when I tried asking you to do it instead, you start whining, "Fine then! I'll just fail!" You act as if its my fault that you now have weekend homework when in reality, I'm finishing the project and all you have to do is memorize it by Tuesday. Also, why are you constantly lashing out your anger with me? If you don't like me, get a new partner who want to work with. 

    I also found out that I might have strep but will still have to go to school next week because of the pinkberry mentioned above.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    *sigh* My terrible study habits from last year have come back with a vengeance along with procrastination. I was fine during summer school and with my summer homework :[ Go away so I can study and pass my classes with A's! 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  8. Warning! This post contains many grammatical errors.

    I feel like I'm falling behind in my classes even though school just started last week and my 4 of my 6 teachers don't teach and go off in tangents by themselves constantly. I also found out that the girl next to me hates Latinos even though almost 85% of the school population is from Latino/Mexican descent. And to the kid trying to convince me to join his very obvious pyramid scheme, you do not call potential clients pinkberries and John Tesh at them until you found out that I might have been interested. I worry about my very gullible friends who eagerly joining this scam when the people who told them about it haven't even made money yet even though they have been part of that business for months now! Also, this person is full of shady secrets so why would you trust this person? If you really don't like someone, then don't associate yourself with them and pretend to be nice to them! That just makes you look like a two faced pinkberry, especially how you tell everyone and their mom you don't like that person! I do not know if I love my father or if even loves me. He said it to me this morning but when I came home yesterday he called me a useless piece of **** and the gtfo of the house. My dog has been acting quite strange lately and this concerns me a great deal. Stop it with the FB relationships that are just photoshopped pictures of you two! You're my beset friend and I love you but stop getting boyfriends and telling them you will be together forever when you'll just break up the next month anyways. :[ Wow, this week has been a stressful week and its only Tuesday. I need to get  a hobby or job asap because I am going crazy and need something to distract me from the crazies in my life.

    Thank goodness for food, sleep, my lunch buddies, and my friends in second period who can always make me laugh. : D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^To each his own I personally find him quite handsome :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When did love become so complicated? After talking to that lady in the retirement home and hearing about her family, it makes me realize how different things have become especially marriage. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This seasonal  thing is coming back and that fact that I'm even allowing it instead of fighting it like I should is what scares me the most.

































































































































































































































































  12. Congratulations! You have succeed in making all of your children emotionally crippled, stressed out whenever we see, hear, or even talk about you. And thanks for only being reliable and there for us whenever we needed money. But most importantly thanks for "accidently" breaking the #1 trophy we bought for you when were kids.

    Happy Father's Day, dad! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I go to the mall almost every weekend, but I never buy anything because I'm too picky and worry about having buyer's regret. I almost never buy shoes except when I go back to school shopping with my parents because then I get to pick quality shoes! :D








































































































































































































































































    I had a dream that I was sleeping on a bed in a department store with IU's "You&I" playing on the overhead, when a worker announced my cousin's name who started poking my sides. I woke up with a start because it felt so realistic, but when I turned around, no one was there. :( 



  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..