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Posts posted by babybeck
































    I was SO amazed and impressed with this match :)
























    The opponents were bigger, older, and more experienced, but shootdori held their own <3
























    did anyone else think it was cute how taesu played with a tissue up his nose after he got hit in the face? I was cracking up so much. Haha. i love these kids
















































    Does anyone else think it's absolutely hilarious how different taehoon is on and off the soccer stadium?
























    When he plays soccer he's so charismatic and professional.
























    And off the field, he's this cute little boy with all this aegyo. <33 awww
















































    Oh yeah, I just have to add that I was impressed by the German kids as well. When they were playing, they were fierce and competitive, but when one of the shootdori kids got hurt, they made sure to go over and ask if they were okay and apologized if they did something wrong.
























    I want my kids to play soccer because it definately teaches them teamwork and good sportsmanship :)















































    I agree with everything you've said.
























    I am so proud of all of the Shoot Dori kids! Despite of that fact that they lost, I thought that the Shoot Dori kids did a great job and showed much improvement. The German kids were good too actually. And they were very polite, which I thought was very sweet.
























    No offense, but I have to emphasis on how OLDER and BIGGER the goalie from the other team is... He looks atleast 13. In fact, some of the freshman at my high school looks younger than him. lol.
























    TaeHoon and SeungJoon impressed me so much, since there's a lot of them in this episode. TaeHoon has mad skills, judging from this episode. He's a really quick guy, and quickness is very important when playing soccer. I was especially impressed at that one part where TaeSoo and TaeHoon passed the ball around to each other. Their passes were PERFECT. No matter how great a player is, he/she has to cooperate with his teammate in order to make scores.
























    Sometimes I think that TaeHoon is hogging the ball too much, and then I thought about it, and realized most of the scores that he made, there's not really anyone around him that's closer to the goal...
























    As for SeungJoon... he did great. He blocked out so many balls. I see that he's starting to use his leg to kick out the ball more. That's good.
























    I personally think that ALL the kids look really mature while they are playing, but once they are off the field, they are acting like little kids again.
























    And HyunWoo, he was annoying that older Soccer Play in the wheelchair. lol. Standing close to him and stuff.
















































    ^Thank you!
























    It's better for me to look it up now! Thanks a lot!
























    One thing I really like about this drama are the costumes and scenery. It's so pretty!
















































    Can someone please write Goong in korean? (the official name for this drama)
















































    I don't think I can find it in the first page?









  4. I don't get mad when people think Lee Jun Ki is girly. I mean, it's their first impression of him, and honestly, all the makeup and whatnot they put on him in appearances does make him seem so. So it's only normal that people think that way when they first see him (I'm sure a lot of you guys thought so too when you first saw him if you got to know him this year....)

    However, people who has seen his work and got to know about him more usually change their opinion. And I don't think Lee Jun Ki is gay...

    He's a Roman Catholic? Cool.

    Well, I know for one thing, Catholics aren't really open to homosexuals...




    oh i see...thanks for the explanation (",)


    there's this article at shcj saying both sbs and kbs are 'fighting' for junjin. cos shinhwa's suppose to be in the xman world cup special but shoot dori's having filming on the same day too. damn. as much as i'd love shinhwa to go on xman together, i hope junjin chooses shoot dori. the kids need their kam dok nim!



    I hope that won't happen. If JunJin ditches Shoot Dori for X-men, I'm seriously gonna be disappointed in him... Like, REALLY disappointed.








    I don't know about you guys, but it was kind of painful for me


    to watch this episode... Most of the other team members were taller


    than the Shoot Dori team by 1 foot. lol. The Team Coach (and that assistance coach?) from the


    German (?) team was hecka laughing about it too... haha, funny,


    but kind of sad if you ask me.


    I was really impressed with TaeHoon and SeungJoon in this episode.


    SeungJoon did a great job blocking the ball from going into the goal


    and TaeHoon, due to his speed, was able to score! Skills.


    It's funny comparing the goalie from the other team to SeungJoon.


    The dude in the other team is TALLER and WIDER, while SeungJoon is


    this tiny little dude, lol. I bet he can't even reach the top of


    the goal box thingy.


    I thought it was cute how the white kid on the other team shook hands


    with SeungJoon because he accidentally hit him with the ball. That's so


    cute and considerate. That kid was raised the RIGHT WAY. hehe.


    And it's so funny how SeungKwon was trying to block that kid that was HECKKA taller than him. lol.



  7. ^ I C. Thanks.

    Must be tough for him...

    Picking between a high paying drama, versus a drama with an equally popular actor that has a high chance of success...

    Of course, I like Lee Jun Ki and Eric, so I'm hoping that he will take that offer :sweatingbullets: .

    Speaking of Eric, let me state my opinion of him...

    I know that he wasn't one of the "popular" one in Shinhwa back in the days...

    I was actually one of those people who overlooked him. His rapping doesn't impress me too much, and his style back then was pretty much gangsta. lol.

    However, ever since he got into acting, his style mature more, and his acting potential was finally revealed. (And somehow, he looks better?) Truthfully, I like the actor Eric more than the rapper Eric. He has charisma when he acts IMO.






    Whoah the MNIKSS vs M debate is getting quite intesnse.












    I can't comment on MG being overrated or underrated cause I haven't watched it yet. But it's kinda weird since some people kept saying that MG is overrated because the story/plot is unbelievable and others are saying that MG is underrated cause of it's not-so-high ratings compared to goong. :blink:












    But I'll deffinately comment on MNIKSS being overrated. Okay, I'm not biased. I love MNIKSS very much but, honestly I'm not being biased. It's not overrated cause it really has agreay dialouge and it teaches a lot. Maybe it's not the typical k-drama but that's what makes it unique and good. It was what the people needed. A change from the typicak korean drama plot, pretty and slim main lead actress. It's very realistic, okay maybe not the part where there was a love contract, but I mean the story was realistic and so was the ending. I think it's really a good drama with a good cast and great acting. It gave a lot of hopw to thousands of people, especially female one that have characterisric like SamSoon, even me. I think it deserves all the recognition it got. :)







    People are saying that MG is unrealistic while MNIKSS is? As far as I can see, both are unrealistic... I don't think that there's any "hott" guy in the world who would hire a liar to be his fake cousin, or one who would make a dating-contract with an unattractive older women so his mom won't nag him about dating...




    I don't really care about the whole unrealistic/realistic thing or whether a story is repetitive and is a cliche or not, all I really care is.... whether I enjoyed watching the drama or not.




    MNIKSS isn't a bad drama. It's a fairly enjoyable drama, much better than a lot of dramas... but I don't see the hype. It just doesn't leave a lasting impression in my mind afterward... and for a drama w/ a 50+ rating, I guess I expected a little more.










    Some caps I found looking around naver.








    ^TaeHoon always have this innocent, clueless look on his face.. hehe. it's so cute!




    The only time when he seems like he knows what the heck is going on is when he plays soccer. haha.




    And SungWoo's smile and missing front teeth are his trademarks! lol. When I first started watching, I couldn't recognize him unless he's smiling...








    ^ TaeHoon's nose looks cute. ^^




    and I dunno if it's just me, but i think SeungKwon doesn't have enough airtime.
















    ^This picture is kind of sad.




    I dunno if you guys remember, but in the first episode when SeungJoon wasn't able to stop the ball from coming into the net, there were two members coming to him... and I think they were asking him to PLEASE do a better job or something like that. I think that's one reason why his confidence level sinked really low.. even til now. He felt pressured by his peers. So I'm not really blaming him for having such low confidence anymore, because the other boys did make him feel worse... even if it only happened in the first episode, kids remember these stuff. Poor boy.




    Another disadvantage for him is that he's a goalie. The goalie always recieve a lot of pressure... Mental pressure...




    I think the reason why people feel sympathy for SeungJoon more than JiWoo's lack of "skills" is because he outwardly show that he cares. How he blames himself, how he cries....




    I'm getting too into the show,. lol.




    I need to stop.












    i think thats right, i just spelt it from your romanization




    yup yup








    i dont want to go to school today











    thanks a lot.




    wow. there's so many new ullzzangs now adays. hard to keep up. :sweatingbullets:





    no offense.. but i didn't see taesoo's great skills in this game.. no one really showed good skills i nthis game.. its nust that the other teamwas not that skilled.. just my opunion..






    I agree that that other team was "not skilled" except I would have worded it differently... The other team was just plain HORRIBLE. My gosh. (a little exaggerated)






    Some of the team members don't even know the rules of the game. And that one kid who cries, omg, he's such a loser. lol. At least when SeungJoon cries, he waits til it's break or the end of the game to cry. And he has a reasonable reason to cry... But that german (?) kid, he cries like crazy and runs up to his mommy. it's actually kind of funny. Also, that little girl... the really young one who has no idea what she's doing on the field... haha.






    But man... the kids from the other team seem really immature (?). I'm not saying that the shoot dori kids aren't... but they are more mature than those other kids.






    Even though it's amusing to see the crying and whatnot of the other team, I hope shoot dori won't be playing with kids who suck too many times... It's not a competitive and it doesn't help them improve at alll... (not that shoot doori is REALLY good)






    And the new kid, TaeSoo, im really glad he's in the team. He's definitely going to help the team score a lot of goals in the future.






    The three best players at this time is MinHo, TaeHoon, and TaeSoo.






    The others are doing great, but I hope SeungJoon will show more improvement.










    && babybeck; wow, that's the first time I read someone say






    Taehoon isn't that good looking.. hahah.






    He actually beat Seungjoon on some online uhljjang thing.






    It was mentioned maaaaanyy pages back^^











    I meant that TaeHoon to me isn't good looking in a conventional way...






    I do find him adorable.






    Features wise, SeungJoon beats TaeHoon. The first time I saw them both, I immediately noticed them, but I SeungJoon stands out a little more...






    But TaeHoon has this adorable-ness on his face that SeungJoon doesn't have. And plus, I honestly think that TaeHoon has more charisma than SeungJoong (though I like them both). I mean that way he acts and everything... I dunno. I can't really describe it... cuz it's just cute. This can be applied to some of the other kids too actually.






    I like them both.






    SeungJoong = cute good-looking






    TaeHoon = cute cute






    (according to me)






    jiwoo needs a chance to prove herself. not just like a couple minutes in a game..






    or go in when someone is hurt, but just given some time and some experience to






    adjust and learn the game. i gues it's a little harder for her than the boys











    I do agree w/ you that she does not have enough time in the game.






    But the thing is, why put her in the show when they aren't going to let her play EQUALLY with the guys? <_<






    Is it because she's a girl?






    I find it unfair. :angry:












    I've finally caught on to the show (and no, it's not because junjun is in it). I just keep seeing the thread on the first page of soompi, so i decided to check it out. hehe.






    Anyway, my favorites are TaeHoon and SeungJoon.






    TaeHoon... he's not exactly good looking like SeungJoon, but there's something about him that's really cute. And the fact that he's so into the game... When he plays, he seem to be REALLY into it. I like that about him. I also like how his hair flies in the hair when he runs (not trying to sound like a child molestor or anyhting...). I dunno, something about him is just appealing. haha. cute.






    Also, I see potential in him...






    SeungJoon, he's obviously the ulzzang in the group. I can tell that he's gonna be very good lookng when he grows up. I just wish that he can gain more confidence...






    TaeHoon seems like he's gonna grow up to be a nice guy.






    But SeungJoon, I dunno.... I can only imagine him being a jerk when he grows up. haha.






    And the girl, um, no offence, but what's the point of her being in the show? Not trying to sound sexist... I mean, I am a girl too. JiWoo just doesn't cut it for me. And the fact that I don't really see any improvement in her... annoys me. Even though she made a goal this week, it was basically luck. She was in a position where everything was to her advantage. There was no one there to block her from kicking the ball into the goal. I'd rather see a girl who's not really cute, but has 'potential' to improve to be in the show. I mean, it's cool to see a girl in the show and everything, but JiWoo is just a girly girl... She's just seem like she's there just to be there. Atleast the other kids actually try and have potential...






    I dunno. That's just what I think.



  14. ^^

    I think that he might have auditioned for the role that KKR (the ulzzang) played. The role of the guy-friend of the main girl, i think... who doesn't have many parts.

    Either that or he might have auditioned for the main role, but I don't really think so because it might have been already reserved for SSH.

    If it is true that LJK auditioned for the the role of the "guy-friend" in He Was Cool, and didn't make it... it's kind of sad, because the person who got the role is KKR, and let's just say that he can't act whatsoever and they definitely picked him solely on looks to attract movie goers.

    I think that LJK was underrated in the past, but I'm glad he got to where he is.

    Anyways, if anyone found the He Was Cool audition clip, please to let me know!










    ^Minwoo was in nonstop starting from episode 195 onward(excluding episode 196). But in some episodes, Minwoo isn't in a lot of scenes...






    And not sure where you can get some of the raw episodes, but i got some eng. subbed eps on the clubbox link in my sig.






    I need to catch up w/ nonstop5 subbing.



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