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  1. Depends on how LONG the distance is. I started dating my now husband right after my high school graduation and 2 months later had to leave the state for college 2.5 hours away while he attended college at home. We just celebrated our 10 year anniversary last year. 


    It's all about the effort and patience you put into the relationship. Keeping each other updated with your life, making the time and effort to visit each other, etc. 


    2.5 hours away is far, but do-able in a day trip. If you lived like across the country and couldn't visit one another without a plane ride...then i probably wouldn't be as optimistic. 

    • Like 2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    lols, it's so cute (the "does it do any tricks" one, but gosh. Child pornography!!! lols
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    keep it up and don't hurt yourself working at school!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and it so freaky, i was reading the bonus section and the moment i read everywhere by michelle branch....it came on...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMgggg i love that first one, the hamster one. Soooo cute. I just finished them all, lols. all so cute and hilarious. Sometimes, i feel bad for the guy, other times, not so much, lols.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    "i don't like your bear."

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    WOAH! that's crazy, i've always thought someone took the pics for him haahha. mad skills at self camming!
































































































































































    i think that it's normal for them to claim to be taiwanese instead of chinese cause i know a LOT of taiwanese people who don't think of them as chinese, but rather as taiwanese.
















































































    SHE is beginning to grow on me after hana kimi, lolz








































































































    happiest: this time i was over at my friends house to watch movies and he was there and he wanted to hear the songs on my mp3 but i didnt want him to so we were fighting over it and he grabbed my hand and just held it, while the battery went out. i told him, but he didnt believe me, so i took it and i tried showing how it was out of batteries, but it turns out it wasnt...but he was still holding my hand and then during the movie we were just sitting really close together and once in while our hands would find each others.
















































































    saddest: when i found out he got himself a gf while i was away








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    me. I'm 17 this year...never realy had a relationship either -___-
































































































































































    welll, recently i've been called fat alot.
















































































    I'm in china and whenever waitresses or salespeople want to talk to you, they call you "lang lui" or "lang jai" (pretty girl, cute guy etc) and when the waitress said, lang lui to me, my aunt scoffed in front of all my relatives and my uncle's friends and said, "that girl isnt pretty!" -___- well, yeah, i may not be pretty but it was just rude of her to just say it that loudly in front of so many people.
















































































    and just a reply to one of the soompier from before,
















































































    i think it IS a chinese thing or maybe even asian thing to think that girls are fat even when they seem average because in asia, most of the girls are stick skinny so when they see someone who is somewhat bigger than that they think it's fat.








































































































    "if you jumped off a bridge, i wouldn't jump in after you, i'd be at the bottom, waiting to catch you."
















































































    my guy friend likes making lines like these, and i happened to be the first one he talked to that day, so he gave it to me. =)






















    i'm currently watching this, i wanna ask, is that ep 6 that was uploaded on megaload that was posted in this thread [i forgot by who >_< sorry, it's like a few pages back] is it the whole thing?










    Rainie's expressions are very...interesting, lolz. Mike is so hot, but his smiles creep me out >_< and his bobby pins! ah! He looked so much better without them!


















































































































    okay, so he's hot, can sing, can write, smart, a freaking prodigy, a model student, can play instruments, and he can do splits. TT_TT why can't more guys like him exist?!!!!!

















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