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Posts posted by coollady6

  1. whoa, i don't know if someone has already posted about this, but i was updating my firefox browser today, and they have these themes that you can apply to your browser. i was looking at the different themes, and I was so surprised when i found a Super Junior theme one! whoa, that's crazy, i didn't know SuJu was popular enough to be a theme on a worldwide known browser, props dudes props!

    anyhow, if you curious or actually want to use the theme, here's the link: http://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/305735. or if you want these with individual members, here's the link: http://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/gallery/Designer/blue_angel

    they're all designed and made by blueangel.

    edit: okay, so it's not that special, but it's still cool and funny. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Super Junior: Yesung (cause he has fantastic vocals and he's just weird, strange, and has a unique sense of humor)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    DBSK: n/a
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So Nyeo Shi Dae: Taeyeon (she has the best vocals, she's the only one I can really stand cause her personality's just real)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wonder Girls: Ye-eun (sweet girl, nice/bearable vocals, has great personality, a little underrated in my opinion)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SS501: Kyu-jong (cutest kid and personality in the group; he's funny/sweet w/o even trying)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Shinee: Onew (soothing voice just makes me melt; awkwardness, clumsiness makes him relatable; great personality)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Big Bang: Daesung (hilarious w/ incredible talent though Seungri is a close second w/ his blunt tv personality)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2PM: Wooyoung (raspy voice is not great but i can still listen to it over and over again; great, genuine personality, and his santiness just makes him that much more lovable; cute as well.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2AM: Changmin (vocals are excellent; funny, comical presence and personality; a little underrated in his group imho)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2NE1: n/a
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kara: Nicole (just cute, adorable, and genuinely lovable girl; isn't afraid to be weird on tv, which i love)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    FT Island: n/a because i only know Lee Hong-ki (cute kid)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4minute: n/a (the rapper Ji-yeon does have great stage presence though)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Afterschool: Bekah (she owns the stage everytime with her strong rapping skills and stage presence)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CSJH The Grace: n/a
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Brown Eyed Girls: Narsha (she's one cool, laid-back 30-year-old)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Beast/B2ST: Yo Seob (cute kid with great vocals and funny, sweet personality)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    MBLAQ: Seung-ho (so very good-looking, and has a personality that seems real; he doesn't overact just to get TV-time)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Secret: Ji-eun (vocals are spot on; definitely has potential)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my opinions that hopefully some of you will take into consideration
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    just wanted to share my thoughts on this whole issue which has escalated to an absolutely ridiculous extent!!! i have no idea how the logic of some 2PM fans work, but no matter how i think about it, no matter how much i try to put myself into the passionate mindset of these fans, and no matter accepting of fans' emotions i am, i cannot in my right mind understand why people are reacting the way they are to what has happened in the past few days.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    first i'd like to say that i was doubtful of Jaebum ever coming back. i mean, it would've been nice and I would've been happy if one day he did come back, but the chance that he would come back after the september incident was always slim to none. it would've been awkward, it would've been hard for the group to go back to normal, it just was a lot of work that just wasn't worth it. THEREFORE, the news that Jay was definitely never coming back was saddening but really not a big shocker!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    second the initial reactions of some of the fans were just psychotic. if those korean fans wanted to prove to the rest of the world that you were obsessive, psychotic people whose lives revolved around idols whom they've never met or talked to, then they were definitely successful. i mean, a petition to burn JYP? come on! did those fans understand that burning someone is considered as murder to normal, civilized people?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but more importantly, the reactions and actions of some of the fans after today's press conference just filled me with disappointment. how can legitimate fans turn into vicious antifans in a matter of a couple of mere hours?! i honestly think Hottests and crazy fans should be happy that JYPE took the effort to give them a formal press conference and the time to explain the happenings of their company. i mean, fans might create the popularity of an idol group, but they in no way have control on the decisions that the group makes along with their management company. i'm pretty sure that when i became a 2PM fan, i never signed any contract saying that i had control over the group and i'm pretty sure i never brought any shares to 2PM, so i kept my distance and just stayed a fan, listening to their music, watching their variety skills, etc. these fans have to realize that they don't dominate 2PM and if they decide to leave the fandom of 2PM, so be it. 2PM can always gather up new fans who accept them for the 6 members that they are.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and the fact that some of them are actually bitter towards the other 6 members is beyond me. do they think that the members initially wanted Jaebum to leave so they would have to handle with all this drama? don't they understand that the members would only support Jay leaving permanently because it is for the good of the group, Jay, and JYPE. i'm not saying they're totally blameless, but when put in the position that they are in, it's hard to see the good in anyone, but it's also unreasonable to see the bad in the group and treat Jaebum like a freakin' saint. i mean, Jay is probably hurt by all this and if he is a victim in all this, then he can and is moving on with his life and making the most of it and he's happy, so all ends well. so just leave the other members alone, stop bashing them, stop spreading ludicrous rumors, and stop encouraging other fans to "quit" 2PM and let them form their own opinions without force.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my main worry in all this is that 2PM will be disbanded because of the crazies/antifans. i like 2PM a lot with or without Jay, i enjoy some of their music, and i love watching them show their personalities on variety shows. but if crazy fans take over and start asking broadcast companies to fire out the 2PM members, then the broadcast companies will be pressured to do exactly that, which means no more 2PM on variety shows, no more comedy, no more entertainment, no more fun. here's an equation that makes sense: antifans + crazies = no 2PM = no fun for you or me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    an equation that doesn't make sense: no jay + no hope for 2PM = no need for 2PM. what kind of stupid logic is this?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    if these fans continue to bash the remaining 2PM members, then they lose any hope of making it big, any hope of fulfilling their ambitions to be singers/entertainers, which means they'll basically lose their jobs and their dreams. with the economic downturn, i never thought a celebrity losing their job would be due to irrational fans.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm also mostly worried about the sanity of these 2PM fans/antifans. they are all probably smart, strong-minded individuals, but their logic here make absolutely no sense whatsoever! some have argued that it's not just about Jay coming back but about him getting the rights and treatment that he deserves...that JYPE's treatment of him was cruel and no one should get away with it? uh, seriously...i mean, seriously?! the last time i checked, JYPE is still producing good music, and Jay is happy back in seattle. and i've heard that he might even be collaborating with AOM in their new single. yeah...right...Jaebum is definitely suffering right now...come on now...get it together ya'll! i get the feeling that if they asked Jay to come back, he definitely wouldn't!!! just admit it crazies, you will never be satisfied no matter what JYPE, Jay, or the other 2PM do!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so here's my logic...a logic not based on any statements released by JYPE or by any 2PM daum/blogs/etc (i don't know why some of you still believe those statements released by fans, blogs, etc. i mean, there is no evidence that they are true so don't believe them and form your own opinions):
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (1) 2PM is a singer/dancer group, so their job is to perform and entertain...that's it. they are not there to hold your hands or fulfill your every little desire or whim, and if you don't like that, then leave and join another fanclub. (2) ALL the members worked their asses off to be in 2PM so you have no right whatsoever to decide whether they should be supported or not, whether they deserve to be treated as human beings, and you definitely have no say on punishing them for any crimes that they've done. that's the job of their own personal consciences, JYPE, and maybe the police (if they've done something illegal...hehe). you're just fans, no more and no less. (3) Park Jaebum is not a SAINT (and is no where near being one)!!! he's a normal guy in his twenties who just had bad luck, who made a mistake in a country where mistakes always come back to bite you in the behind. maybe he really did something wrong, maybe he didn't. whatever the truth is, it don't matter because he's decided to not be part of 2PM any longer, and that's that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so please to all fans out there, please stop hurting the current members of 2PM and just act like normal reasonable fans, please don't escalate this to the point where 2PM becomes no more. and please allow this 2PM thread to be about supporting the members instead about this whole debacle and about Jay (who is not in 2PM anymore...accept it!). i miss the days when this thread had discussions about how Taecyeon had too many teeth, how Nickhun is so in love with WY, how Junsu has such a beautiful voice, how Junho is a sick dancer, how Wooyoung's santii is gag-concert-worthy, or how Chansung looks like an old grandpa. oh the good ol' days...i miss it. :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi all, i know i'm a little late in responding to the finale of this drama, but midterms just took over! anyhow, here are my thoughts on the last two episodes and the drama overall.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i've thoroughly enjoyed all the scenes between KJ and CH, but this one was my absolute favorite. it was so heartbreaking because no matter how much both of them want things to go back to before and no matter how much they want to treat each other like mother and son, they just "can't do that". CH's tantrum was so spot on b/c it showed both hers and KJ's frustration about the situation and the fact that they really couldn't do anything about it. CH singing "Hodong's Don't Cry" combined w/ KJ's suppressed tears combined w/ a montage of the mother-son relationship was just so heartbreaking and brought tears to my eyes. Go Soo and Jo Min Soo really know how to play off each other really weell! just great...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    loved the scenes between CH and JW because if you think about it, both women are quite similar to each other. they're both stubborn, strong, and are dramatically affected by love. their scenes were also refreshing b/c they always included some type of life lesson. JW learning from CH about going through hardships, and CH taking comfort in JW since KJ couldn't be there for her. their conversations also acted as a channel for both to just vent and complain. i bet you that they would've been such a great mother and daughter-in-law pair.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    although this drama kinda lost some of its refreshing spark after episode 10, the one thing that was so great about the second half of the drama was that JW became a character that i actually cheered for and loved to watch in every scene. her feistiness and spunk came back, she was strong and assertive, and she had SENSE when KJ lacked it. take the second screen cap, for example. here, she was downright angry at KJ for not telling her that her mom had regained her memory, and she totally deserved to be! Han Ye Seul might not be the best actress out there, but i still like her a lot. and by the second half of the drama, i never once complained about her acting. i think she's stronger when she acts as a bold, assertive character rather than as a tragic weakling.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    as for the climatic scene above, i loved KJ's explanation at the beginning, but as it kept going on and on, it got a little too over the top, which is weird cause Go Soo is usually so good at this kind of stuff. I think the monologue was a little too long, so as it kept going, the audience (me) lost touch a little bit. i think Lee Kyung Hee should leave monologues to the likes of Shakespeare and Sophocles from now on...haha. despite all this, that one moment when JW's mom forgives KJ, there was like a beam of hope in both KJ's and JW's faces, and then BAM! she goes and tells them that they can't be together (the background music just immediately stopped in this part of the scene, which was brilliant!) even though i saw this coming, i totally believed from KJ and JW's expressions that they did not expect this to happen at all, which made it all the more heartbreaking. my other favorite moment was when KJ finally, verbally refused to do let JW go! how can she ask such a thing from him?! he was actually subtly shaking his head like he couldn't believe it. it was nice to finally see him speaking his mind out loud...those words "I can't live without JW ANYMORE!" oh my gosh, i was actually clutching my heart here b/c i felt so empathetic for both leads...those three years were for nothing. the second cap just shows how dejected all three of them are. the major impact of this scene was that any hope that JW and KJ had was gone, finito, and seeing characters lose their last string of hope is just...sigh...
































































































































































































































































































    1 Year Later:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    on a happier note, i was smiling at the computer screen during this scene. at least one couple had their happy ending and we could actually see it! TJ and WJ's romance was a tragic one, but the fact that they reconciled just shows that people move on and different times, different circumstances, and some growth actually make a big difference. these two were a major reason why the first 10 episodes of WISFC were so awesome and so different. you, as the audience, actually cared for them, actually understood their actions, and actually were interested in their stories and personalities. a definite rarity in kdrama. it made sense how these two intertwined with JW and KJ, and i loved every second of it. too bad they basically lost their significance in the second half, but i don't mind cause i was so impressed with them in the beginning, and found it nice that they acted as a comic, light, and sweet relief from the parent-related drama that eventually took over. i also loved these two characters because they showed that everyone loses their cool, do irrational things, and makes mistakes in their lives, but they grow from it, learn acceptance, and continue on as normal. WJ and TJ both had their "bad, evil" moments, but this drama demonstrated that certain situations can turn anyone into an evil, hateful person, but those moments never last. this is almost never shown in kdramas cause the evil second leads always change too abruptly, but WJ and TJ changed naturally and realistically. yeah for second leads! i'm going to look out for both Sun Woo Sun and Song Jong Ho in the future, and I'm waiting for the excellently expressive Song Jong Ho to get a lead role soon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my favorite scene in the final episode was this one of JW and KJ passing by each other. i thought it did a terrific job of summarizing the relationship between these two. in the first cap, everyone is blurred out with only the two in clear view. then once people are put back into the picture, they have to act like strangers and go on with their lives without each other. this is the exact dynamic between JW and KJ. they are each other's great loves, and when they're alone, it's perfect. nothing else matters and for that brief second, they are perfectly happy. however, once other people are brought into their lives, once the images of others aren't blurred out anymore, these two are teared apart for natural reasons, and they're both back to being miserable. the PD did a great job in this scene, and this will probably be one of the most memorable kdrama scenes i've watched in a long while.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yes, KJ opening crying in this scene caught me by surprised because i've been so used him repressing his hurt and feelings; nonetheless i enjoyed this scene because these two finally got to show us how much it hurts to be apart. this drama was tagged a melodrama so i really wanted to see a huge expression of their pain, and this was just it. the fact that one accidental meeting could bring back so much pain just demonstrates how deep of a love they had for one another. and the fact that they could only cry when they both "think" that they're alone is even more sad. tear :(
































































































































































































































































































    the ending was fine, KJ and JW got to be together and that was all I asked for, so i'm satisfied. i liked that KJ's last remarks hinted at the fact that this was their story and it's him telling us his story with JW, so the audience could interpret this and conclude that he and JW lived happily ever and don't have to suffer any more hardships. thank goodness!
































































































































































































































































































    to end on a happy note, i wanted to add this screencap of the ending of ep. 11, before all the crazy happened:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this was a tragic scene where JW and KJ realized that YS had lost her sense and thought KJ was Ji-yong. it was a really serious scene, but i couldn't help laughing because when they both looked back to see who she was referring her, i thought KJ expression said one thing, "who she talkin' to? oh crap, you don't mean me right?" haha. inappropriately funny, but i loved it. haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Overall, "Will It Snow for Christmas" is definitely not the best drama out there, mainly because of the last 6 episodes. the first half was so realistic and natural, not like any melodrama i've seen before because the conflicts and relationships that developed between each and every one of the characters made sense, not artificial at all. I think the audience got so used to the greatness that was episodes 1-10 and so used to having major developments occur in every episode that we expected too much for the second half, which led to some disappointment. i seriously never expected the parents to have such a substantial role in the drama's storyline so i was quite surprised. despite all this, i still eagerly tuned in every weds. and thurs. to see what would happen. this drama brought back that anticipation that i always get when i watch a good drama. i had forgotten what it was like to anxiously wait for the next episode of a drama, to download an episode immediately after i get back home, and to want to discuss/analyze a drama in detail. and for this and for stirring up so many emotions from me (cause almost every episode broke my heart), i can say that i really really enjoyed this drama. it was a drama with beautiful directing, different writing, skillfully-used OST, and most importantly, outstanding acting by all the actors. and the fact that WISFC introduced me to the wonderfully expressive Go Soo is enough of a reason to make watching this drama totally worth it! (I kid, but still...)
































































































































































































































































































    thank you all for your insights, thoughts, caps, and links. this drama was a lot of fun (is that the right word?) to watch, and you guys made it all the more awesome. THANK YOU! :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi WISFC watchers!
































































































































































































































































































    so the quarter of school just started again, so i thought i should write my thoughts about ep. 9 and 10 before things get busy again.
































































































































































































































































































    episode 9 and 10 were great not only because of the kiss, but because there were a lot of development and growth in many of the characters: JW finally knew why KJ broke things off with her so suddenly, WJ finally found out the identity of KJ's one and only love, Chun-hee finally realized it was time to get over Jun-su (but for the wrong reasons), etc. Lee Kyung Hee is doing great job of keeping the pace going, even though i still think there are way too many conflicts for my heart to handle. haha. camera work is still beautiful as well. so onto ep. 9 and 10:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    episode 9 belonged wholly to Tae-Joon. it was his time to show his growth. he was able to get back on his feet after his fall (which was a result of his own cruel actions), he was able to reconcile his relationship with JW (even though they were only friends), and more importantly, he was able to show to us that he wasn't a total weakling, that he was flawed but that he still had enough self-respect to move on and try to get back on his two feet. because of this, i totally felt sympathy for him when he lost the bid to Beomsu group. i understood why he was so freakin' angry, why he was so pissed off that he acted recklessly and ended up at the police station. i loved the scene where he dejectedly told JW that he was planning to seriously start over with her. during that scene, i actually forgot about Kang-jin, and I actually warmed up to the idea of him actually ending up with Ji-wan. as for Song Jong Ho, his acting and portrayal of TJ just breaks my heart little by little. he manages to act out TJ in a way that no matter what he does, i still can't, for the life of me, hate him. i've said before that i never understood why Song Jung Ho never got to be the male lead, and his role here has convinced to watch out for him in the future. Song Jong Ho, i'm gonna be watching out for you from now on! haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    as for Ji-wan, i love that i finally got a glimpse of her old-spunky self again. i never really minded her reservedness and change in personality before, but i was really starting to miss the old Ji-wan, and in ep. 9 and 10, she came back! Ji-wan came back in that she wasn't gonna let an innocent person (Tae Joon) be cheated by "bad" people (Beomsu group), which is reminiscent of in ep.1 where she stated that she wasn't gonna stand there and let "bad" people play with other peoples' feelings. i also loved the revived Ji-wan because KJ got to see her in a different light. he finally saw how feisty and righteous she is, and how she wasn't afraid of him or Beomsu Group. it was also refreshing to see JW doing the chasing again. haha. she's finally doing the things that she wants, and she's not letting anyone or anything get in her way. that's the Ji-wan that i always enjoy watching. HYS's doing a great job so far. but why doesn't Ji-wan ever wear pants?! the girl needs some slacks, it's getting pretty cold nowadays.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    never in a k-drama have i ever felt as much for the second leads as i do for WJ and TJ in WISFC (this is probably helped by the solid acting from these two actors). one thing that i'm enjoying from the writing is that Lee Kyung Hee manages to change our feelings and opinions about every character in almost every episode. just a couple of episodes ago, this thread was filled with hatred for Tae-joon, and ep.9 brought some hate for WJ as well. now, it's the total reversal. People are respecting TJ for his newfound growth, and loving WJ for her acceptance of the JW's and KJ's love. i never once hated these two characters, but i felt some resentment, and like the rest of you, i am totally enamored by these two. however, the main reason why i love WJ and TJ is because i want them to get together as much as i do for JW and KJ. there are still hints of lingering feelings between these two that i've spotted in recent episodes. for example, TJ was obviously affected by the presence of WJ at the restaurant so much that he fumbled with his tie, and WJ was also upset at seeing TJ...so much that she even exaggerated her closeness with KJ. then there are times like the scene above where they have meaningful conversations and they look at each other like they still care and love each other. this phone call scene was one of my favorites because i felt that even though they were talking about the strong love between KJ and JW, they affectionately looked at each other as if they were implicitly talking about their own past love for each other. (cheesy right?) it's a bloody shame that things didn't work out between these two.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    even though Tae-joon was my favorite in ep.9, that one smile from Kang-jin brought me right back to loving him again! haha. jk. the kiss was sweet, tender, and quite characteristic of KJ and JW's relationship, but what i loved about this moment was the conversation preceding it. this scene was so clever because it was able to bring the audience right back to these two's childhood days, and it reminded us of why KJ and JW go through so much for each other. as i was watching JW talk about Go-Stop while chasing KJ, my thoughts were, "aww, i remember this scene. this is why i want these to be together and get their happy ending. now they can finally finish what they started so many years ago." the scene of JW following KJ up that hilly street was a clever way of giving of a flashback without actually giving us one.
































































































































































































































































































    i also watched the preview, and i gotta say that i'm actually really really scared for what's about to happen. i have no idea what the writer has in store for us, but i'm seriously scared. this is a definite first for me in terms of kdrama. i also did not expect things to pan out this way...with the parents running away together. i also thought there would be parent opposition concerning JW and KJ together, but i did not think that the opposition would come from the fact that the parents want to be together! yikes!
































































































































































































































































































    i love this drama so much because it always manages to break my heart in so many different ways! i loved reading what you all have said so i hope my thoughts and opinions are just as good as you guys'. see you guys next week! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi all, i'm a little late but i'll add my thoughts on ep.6 (which was as you all have said already: freakin' awesome!)
































































































































































































































































































    what is love about WISFC so far is the solid directing and writing. the directing is so gorgeous to look at. every scene has some sort of misty/dreamy feeling to it, which makes the drama so attractive to just look at. and i appreciate the little perspectives that the PD chooses to show scenes from? for example, he likes to show scenes of inside ZoomIn cafe from the outside and we're watching through the blinds looking in. i don't know why but i like that the PD thinks about things like that.
































































































































































































































































































    also the writing is freakin' awesome. Writer Lee Kyung Hee is doing a bloody fantastic job. i like that her writing isn't always explicit. she doesn't have to tell us exactly what each character is thinking, instead there are subtle, implied meaning in the little things that are said during the dialogues. i love it. good writing is essential in a good kdrama, and she's hasn't disappoint so far. okay so onto ep.6:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I thought this scene was so heartbreaking, and it makes me understand and accept the change in JW's personality. yes, we all loved the spunky, kick-richard simmons young JW, but after what's happened to her, it's just impossible for her to return to who she used to be, and this scene showed us why. she has such a high fondness and respect for her brother, and if you mix that with the fact that she blames herself entirely for his death (& losing the pendent), that just leads to who she is right now. and the cap above of JW smiling while saying all that guilt-related stuff about her brother was even more heartbreaking to watch. i gotta say that this was one of HYS's better acted scenes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i love WJ's character. she's one of those people who loves so hard that when the relationship is over, she doesn't know what to do with herself. she's a strong-minded character, but love just breaks her down. it's kinda sad, if you think about it. take this scene for example. she knows how pathetic she looks in asking KJ out on the date, but she does it anyways in front of TJ. and i actually enjoy the scenes between TJ and WJ (both actors are great, by the way). every scene with these two together gives me a better understanding of how much they loved each other before, why they loved each other, and why it didn't work out. i thought it was sad how TJ genuinely asked her why she was acting pathetically because he knew how hurt she was. i'm so happy that they both have depth to their characters, and they're just not there to be obstacles for the main couple. i'm actually very curious as to how the relationship between these will pan out.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the actress who acts as KJ's mom is great too. her character could be annoying or overbearing, but the actress portrays her in a way where you feel so much sympathy for her character. i also love that KJ's mom has a childish side to her that is quite appealing to watch. this scene was great because Mrs. Cha understood the insecurities of Mrs. Han, and she tried to return the favor by promising that she won't even look at Mr. Han. and she followed through, because when Mr. Han came the next day, she comically tried to avoid looking at him. i appreciate that she loves her family as much as she still loves Mr. Han...to leave in order to help Busan says a lot about her character and her ultimate priorities.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the last scene was just perfect. it emotes the same feelings as a scene where a male lead confesses his love for the female lead except that there was no confession in this scene. at first, i didn't understand why KJ was saying those things to JW ("who are you to come into my life? do you want to die? etc"), but then i got it. he was so overwhelmed by three things: (1) the fact that he finally got his pendant back, (2) the fact that JW finally admitted to something pertaining to their past, and (3) the fact that she was crazy enough to try to find his pendant in the cold water. sigh...it was just great.
































































































































































































































































































    it's funny, but i think that the two female leads have a lot in common with each other. both WJ and JW are (or used to be) strong women with a mind of their own. they are both women who won't just stand there as someone takes advantage of them and hurt them, yet one thing has caused their downfall: love (yes, cheesy i know). WJ's has broken down b/c of TJ's rejection, and JW's has changed dramatically because of what her childhood-love did to her brother. it's really sad actually. and both women try to hide their hurt by smiling and joking about their situations. JW (in the scene w/ TJ) smiles as she talks about the brother, and WJ smiles as she tries to act like she really likes KJ in front of TJ.
































































































































































































































































































    and i just want to add that i'm loving Song Jung Ho more and more with each episode. his character is basically the perfect guy (great job, good looks, has loving eyes, loves deeply), except for the fact he's exceedingly weak (kinda reminds me of Mr. Han Jun Su). in fact, his story with WJ has been shown in many kdramas before. one poor person dates a chaebol person, the parents don't approve and offers money, etc. the only problem here is that TJ DOES accept the money, but it's clear (to me) that he did love WJ very much. and i think he's sticking onto JW to prove one thing: that he won't treat another girl like that again...he won't make the same mistake as he did with WJ. (maybe i'm giving him too much credit huh?) but Song Jung Ho is doing a fantastic job of showing the reasoning behind TJ's actions, and as a result, i don't hate TJ (well, not yet).
































































































































































































































































































    as for Han Ye Seul's acting, i'll admit that when i'm watching some of her scenes, t think, "if another actress was JW, would this scene be better?". but i've learned to stop wishing and just accept the scene for what it is. In fact, HYS is not bad actually. she's a lot better than what i've seen of her before, and some of her scenes are actually great. the only problem is that she's surrounded by such great actors who are all adding depth to their characters that it makes her acting seem lackluster. when i see a Go Soo scene, i always think that no other actor would do such a great job in portraying the emotions of KJ. same thing goes for Song Jung Ho. everyone, even the parent-actors, are doing their part and some more, so next to them, Han Ye Seul's JW seems out of place, which is a bloody shame because JW is greatly-written character. but you know what, i'm not going to complain anymore because everything else about the drama is so good that i'll just let it go and hope she improves. if not, then Go Soo makes up for all that anyways. haha.
































































































































































































































































































    anyhow, i thank everyone who have shared their thoughts on this drama because i love reading what everyone else thinks about this wonderful gem of a melodrama. i'll see ya all next week. (sorry for the long post :D )
































































































































































































































































































































































































    so i wasn't expecting to watch this drama because it's a melodrama, and seriously, melodramas are things of the past. i mean, Kdramas (good ones, i mean) have changed recently to be more realistic, subtle, smart, and witty so i was hesitant about Will It Snow for Christmas caused it seemed so "old-fashioned" in its theme. However, i've watched Lee Kyung Hee's other dramas (MISA, Thank You, and Sangdoo) and loved them all, so i wanted to give this drama a try. This was a good idea in that the drama is surprisingly addicting to me now (and it was a bad idea cause now i'm watching this drama when i should be studying for 4 finals! haha).
































































































































































































































































































    Anyhow, the first two episodes strangely drew me in mostly because of the two young actors portraying Ji-wan and Kang-jin. they were absolutely marvelous! Kim Soo-Hyun has an intensity in his expressions and acting that draws you in immediately, and Nam Ji-Hyun was so convincing as the naive, spunky hometown girl who didn't let people walk all over her (love her!). These two actors had such palpable chemistry on the screen that i'm really disappointed that we won't see them again, now that everyone's older. yes, it was a little abrupt that Kang-jin started to like Ji-wan, but i accepted it because it was a surprise for BOTH of them. JW didn't expect to like KJ but did so because he showed a nicer, less tough side of him to her, and he liked her because she saw everything that he was (his mom and their situation) and still respected him, she was strong in her morals (telling him he shouldn't let that bad-ajusshi get away with his actions), and cause she's just oh-so adorable. haha. i don't think of their relationship as a childhood love story because their relationship was cut short with JW running away from home, but i think it builds up a nice foundation for their relationship as adults. they weren't actually childhood loves, so i want to see how their romance develops in the episodes to come.
































































































































































































































































































    KJ's mom is quite a compelling character in that she has two sides to her that show ALL the time. she's a caring mom who will do anything to support her family, but she's also an obstacle to KJ cause she has major flaws. i like her and the actress portraying her, and i'm curious as to how things will pan out. i'm especially curious as to why adult KJ is so much more accepting of her now? why doesn't he care that she's a barmaid anymore? i guess he's accepted her, but i want to see why?
































































































































































































































































































    i know some of you have made predictions as to the relations between KJ and Ji-wan's dad, but i really hope no one's related or anything like that. i want to see a new, unexpected plot and this just seems so dull and old-school.
































































































































































































































































































    one more thing: Go-Soo...why has it taken me so long to find you in a drama? seriously, i've heard of him but never watched anything with him in it, so i didn't know how great he was. in the short segment that was in ep.2, i can already see the intensity of adult Kang-jin. Go-soo's eyes are just bloody fantastic, i couldn't get over how expressive they were esp. when he found out the bride was JW. gosh, even if this drama turns bad, i'll still be happy just watching Go-Soo. haha.
































































































































































































































































































    As for Han Ye Seul, I loved her in Fantasy Couple, but she's not the strongest actress out there. i keep picturing other actresses who would be a better adult JW, but since this drama has been such a pleasant surprise so far, i'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and hope that she pulls through. i hope she manages to keep the spunk that was in young JW. "crossing my fingers!"
































































































































































































































































































    and why is Song Jong-Ho always the second lead? someone needs to give him a chance and make him a lead someday...but i digress.
































































































































































































































































































    i really hope that the adult characters manage to keep up the appeal that the young actors had! they were just great, that's all i gots to say :lol: ... (off to go study now!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    hello All,
































































































































































































































































































    just listened to 2PM's new album and just wanted to add my two cents:
































































































































































































































































































    so i've always been a fan of Variety-show 2PM, but never a fan of their music. their songs never really struck me as good so I never listened. however, after all this controversy, I was glad that they'd successfully finished and released a full album, and i gotta say...it ain't bad, not bad at all.
































































































































































































































































































    now not all the songs are great, but i'll keep with the ones that I liked:
































































































































































































































































































    - "Tired of Waiting" is definitely my favorite. it's catchy, shows the vocal skills of ALL the members, and it has a mix of old 2PM with new 2PM (if that makes sense). i was really hoping that they would release a acoustic version of this song like the teaser version cause that one was so good, but i'm okay with the autotuned version cause it's catchy and that's all that I can ask of a song.
































































































































































































































































































    - "Heartbeat" is one freaky song. it's so all over the place, it's almost confusing to listen to because the beat changes so often. just when you get used to one rhythm, a random rap is put in or a whole new verse (that could be part of a whole other song) is added. it gets better if you listen to it over and over, but i'm really hoping that this isn't the song that they promote. it's just a messy song. The red light remix is better, but still not good enough to be a title song. Sorry, JYP, you kinda failed on this song.
































































































































































































































































































    - "I was Crazy for Me" is nice as well. very 2PM-ish, and the vocals are nice.
































































































































































































































































































    - "Back 2 U" is the second best song on the album. the R&B feel is quite different for 2PM but really refreshing to listen to. it has the least amount of autotune out of all the new songs, so it really gives me a good idea of what type of vocals each of the guys have. nice feel to the song. wish there were more songs like this one on the album. really hope the guys sing this on the radio or something like that so i can see a live perf. of it.
































































































































































































































































































    my favorite aspect about this album was that all the vocal and skills of the guys were shown to us (despite the strong use of autotune). and i gotta admit, that they all have quite unique and soothing voices. Taecyeon's "ladies do you feel me, sing a song like this..." in Back 2 U was just love. he has a really cool ability where he can rap really hard and tough one second, and then go soft the next. it's cool. Nichkhun finally got to show his vocals in this album and although he's not the strongest, his voice is quite harmonious and soothing. Junsu is fantastic as always...expected a lot from him and he definitely delivered. Junho's voice is probably the second best in the group. he's got great range, and he can probably sing any tempo in any genre. finally, my favorite is Wooyoung. I might be a little biased because he's my favorite member, but his voice is so unique and distinguishable that I was always sad whenever he only had one or two lines in their past songs. But this album had SOO MUCH Wooyoung in so many different ranges that I was blown away by his raspy voice. his beginning in "Back 2 U" was just bloody fantastic, and he proved throughout the album that he can indeed SING.
































































































































































































































































































    that's all for now. i hope you guys enjoy the album for what it is and stop this boycotting nonsense. Jay was a good leader, but he's gone (for now) so just accept it. you might have lost Jaebum, but you gotta remember that you still have 6 other cool, handsome, talented, funny guys to support.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi all. i wouldn't call myself an avid fan of 2PM, but i'm defintely a fan...an uneducated fan, that is. anyhow, i always knew there was a boy band out there called 2PM but i never looked into who they were, how many members there were, what they sang, etc. so it's only just this past summer that i've got to listen to their music (which is decent) and watched them on variety shows (where they're all hilarious and have a great deal of charm). i'm still not as familiar with them as the rest of you so excuse this upcoming question if it has already been answered:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from what i've seen of Kpop boy/girl bands, all the members of a group are close but there are always members in a group that tend to be a little more closer to each other than the rest. for example, in shinhwa, there are even couple names like Wanric, Ricsung, etc. so i was wondering: do the 2PM members have this too? is there such a thing as taecsung, Khunyoung, etc? are there two members of the group that are evidently closer and more comfortable with each other than they are with the rest of the group?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the reason why i'm asking is because from the variety shows i've watched, this is what i think is going on:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Chansung, JaeBum, and Taecyeon seem to have similar behaviors and interests...they're the more mature of the group (as in they're not into the cute image that much), they like to play games, and go dance in clubs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - JaeBum and Taecyeon seem to be quite close (maybe cause they're both from the states)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - JunHo and WooYoung...both seem to be very chummy, maybe because of the age closeness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - and finally, the most evident to me is the relationship between Nickhun and Wooyoung. They seem like the closest with each other in SOOO many of the clips i've seen. Wooyoung respects Nickhun as a hyung but he can also easily joke around with Nick easily. also, they've both got that cute image about them that totally works. these two are also adorable and hilariously wacky but only to a respectable extent where they never overdo it (never go over the top...never too vulgar (sorry but Jaebum gets on my nerves whenever he mentions yadong (porn) or brokeback because he does it ALL the time). one more thing and i'll stop: Nickhun seems to like Wooyoung more than WY likes Nickhun (which is adorable by the way).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so am i imaging this or do you guys see it too? haha. sorry about the rambling. anyhow, looking forward to what 2PM's next album has in store for us. i'm excited to hear different music from them. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh and Happy 1 year anniversary to the boys!!! that's quite a feat in the competitive world that is KPOP.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm so glad that so many people went back and watched Who Are You?. it really was a fantastic drama in all aspects: the acting, the plot, the comedy, the romance, and esp. the character developments. it was one of two dramas that stood out to me this year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BUT i just wanted to post because i'm kinda upset that Who Are You? wasn't nominated for ANYTHING in the 2008 MBC Drama Awards. i mean, i understand that it didn't bring in the highest ratings and it wasn't the most known drama, but MBC should've at least nominated it for something. For example, an acting nomination for Yoon Kye Sang (who so deserves at least the nomination! he was so good. his transition from Seung Hyo to Il Gun was flawless, funny, and totally believable. isn't that what acting is all about?! i mean, East of Eden might be the highest rating drama for MBC this year, but some of its leads aren't nearly as expressive and believable as YKS was in Who Are You?. what a freakin' shame.) or maybe a nomination for the excellent OST, which was so delightful in this drama and utilized so well in almost all the scenes. or the consistent writers who were so good in creating characters that the audience actually cared about? i don't know. i mean, i wasn't expecting Who Are You? to win but at least it should have been nominated, as an acknowledgment of its excellence, of its efforts, of its actors, of its poignant writing, of its ANYTHING!??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm just a little upset :tongue2: and really sad :tears: . oh well, this drama will always have a special spot in my heart, so i'll just forget this year's lackluster MBC Acting Awards and make-believe that Who Are You? was nominated for something. haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi all, I'm not the most fervent Big Bang fan out there, but I just recently listened to their 2nd album, and i gotta say that i love it. sorry to say this, but i wasn't very impressed with the Stand Up mini album, but this Remember album is a mix of so many good things.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    first and foremost, the new improved version of Lee Moon Sae's Sunset Glow is really impressive. i mean, i love the original and have heard quite a few remakes, but Big Bang's version is the perfect combination of the classic with a unique Big Bang influence. it sounds like a totally different song with the same great familiarity. i'm quite impressed, i don't know any other word to describe it except "impressive". plus, i love Daesung's voice in this song...it's very distinctive and catchy to listen to. plus the music video was hilarious!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my two favorite songs in the album are Remember and track 4: 반짝반짝. they are both quite catchy. you can distinctively tell that they're both Big Bang songs, but they still seem different from their other past songs. once again, Taeyang's voice is unparalleled, but I'm loving Seung Ri's vocals in these two songs. He sounds a lot more mature. as for Daesung, i always love his vocals. the rapping is also quite good.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    overall, i just felt that i should shout out to the Big Bang guys for a great job well done on their second full album. just when i thought they were done, they surprise me and surpass my expectations!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (if this post sounds like a bashing against Big Bang in any way, just please know that i don't mean it to be that at all. I just wanted to compliment their 2nd album, which i'm loving right now.) :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hello to all Gourmet watchers,
































































































































































































































































































































    I've been watching this drama since almost the very beginning, and it was absolutely amazing. originally, i only watched it because i had read some summaries and it sounded decently interesting. it eventually became an obsession where i was willing to wait almost two hours to download each episode (thanks to aigoo by the way.). anyhow, it was addicting in all sense: the solid actors, the consistent and satisfactory writing, the brilliant directing, the entertaining soundtrack, and of course, the delicious FOOD! anyhow, i've finally finished the drama and thought i should add my input of the drama to this wonderful thread, which has been great in posting news, pics, summaries, etc.
































































































































































































































































































































    Warning: Spoilers in the review!!!
































































































































































































































































































































    The Storyline/Writing/Plot: the writing was consistent and flowed very well. the plot seems simple on paper, but the PD and writers were excellent in the way they executed this storyline. every competition, every new person that was introduced in most episodes, every innovated korean dish caught my eye and made me glued to the screen. i especially liked the fact that as SC was learning more about cooking, we, the audience, were also learning about the different traditions and landscapes of Korea, which i have never seen before. yes, the story kinda got dull or repetitive sometimes, and i stress the "sometimes", but hey, it was executed well, and that is all i ask for. plus, the development in the main leads were so apparent, and trust me, i like me my character developments. haha. also, the stress on family issues. i've never seen so many people with so many family issues, but this was what Gourmet was all about: people trying to deal with their family-ties-related issues. SC with his BJ, SD with his mother's abandonment and unknown death, JH with her power-hungry father, JS with her tasteless mother, etc. great wrting in this drama. the scenaries and film shots were gorgeous to look at as well. additionally, i was a little hesitant to watch this because i've always been afraid of kdramas that are more than 16 episodes (as they usually lag to an almost unbearable degree), but Gourmet was solid in keeping every episode fresh and entertaining. Bravo to the writers and PD, BRAVO.
































































































































































































































































































































    The Relationships: this drama was sooo good at showing the many complex relationships btwn the multiple characters. (1) SC and Chef Oh had such a realistic relationship, where it was clear that they were close to each other and respected each other, but not to the extent that they agreed on everything. for instance, Chef OH didn't agree on SC leaving Um Nam Jeong and selling vegetables on his truck all his life, but he respected SC enough to let him get through the whole running-away phase. they understood each other, and it was such an ideal relationship. this made the death scene all the more devastating. (2) Joo Hee's and Bong Joo's relationship was also intriguing in that it is a typical k-drama relationship that i've seen many times before. the whole two people who grew up together and were put together as a couple before they could even decide for themselves. on the outside, they looked ideal, but their internal conflict was what caught my eye. the fact that he was digging his own grave in trying too hard to globalize Um Nam Jeong and she not only disagreeing with BJ's goals but she also had feelings for his rival, SC. ooh the drama. loved how their relationship progressed. although i wished that she would've grown a little more aggressive in the end. but i love the fact that it was BJ that ended their relationship. he understood that they were two different-minded people with different ideas for the restaurant so he let her go. (oh i forgot the fact that she was in love w/ SC. haha.) anyhow, i thought the ending scene with these two was perfect. how they both apologized and he asked her to maybe reconsider him in the future if she was taken. how sweet and BJ-JH-like that ending was. (there were more relationships, but i don't want to write an essay here.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lee Sung-Chan aka Mr. Perfect (Kim Rae Won): SC was seriously the best part of Gourmet, and it's not cause KRW is such a terrific actor. sidenote: the only thing i've ever watched of KRW was My Little Bride, and he was pretty great, though not enough to pique a fanatic out of me. i've never watche any of his other dramas cause they're all kinda...well...not my taste. but boy, am i gonna watch out for his future projects. he's so great at expressing all emotions, i mean ALL OF THEM. when SC was angry, on the verge of tears, uncomfortable, shy, determined, perplexed, had girl-trouble, etc. i saw it all in KRW's acting. it didn't hurt that he's so handsome...haha. big props to KRW in this role. i'm seriously anticipating an end-of-year award for him for his role of SC. he was excellent...no spot on. no one could've portrayed SC as well as KRW did. anyhow, as i was saying about SC, he's one of the most amusing and complex characters i've seen in k-drama, and i loved him for it. he was the perfect guy in terms of character and personality (i mean, who didn't like SC in the drama except MW?). he's one of those characters who i would love to be friends in real life. and the fact that he wasn't perfect in terms of dealing with his problems head on and in terms of JS made him even more memorable. all in all, SC is going in my book as the best K-drama male lead. he can cook for me anyday. (below are my favorite caps of SC - mostly of him smiling. i totally melt when i see him smile. can't help it.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kim Jin-Soo (Nam Sang Mi): now, i've always liked NSM as an actress. i mean, she's really talented (OMG, she can ACTUALLY act!), but she's never been in a drama that showed her worth (i mean, a drama that i've been able to watch). you guys don't know how glad i was when i heard that she was gonna be the female lead of Gourmet. before there were complaints that she overacted, and i might be a little biased, but i never thought she overacted, and if she did, i think it was appropriate for her character. i mean, JS is my ideal female lead to watch: she's feisty (the woman goes all out to get an interview), sweet, caring, comical/hilarious, adventurous, opinionated, and just downright cool. not only did NSM look great as a lead next to KRW, but JS is the perfect counter to SC. NSM did an extraordinary job showing the many emotions and frustratings of JS. when she cried, it broke my heart, esp. when she was on the verge of crying when she was telling SC about how her mom's food is the best in the world. her many vests during the show were pretty cool too. she wasn't weak either, which is a huge plus in a female lead. NSM was perfect as JS, end of story.
































































































































































































































































































































    (below are my favorite caps of JS as well.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Finally, onto the romance, The Delicious Feast ("JinSooSungChan") Couple: i absolutely adore this couple. to tell the truth, this was the main reason why i got so into the drama. i was waiting to see the progression of these two as the weeks went by, and boy was the wait totally worth it. these two were so compatible in so many levels. they both had professions related to food, they were both the same class level (seriously i was getting tired to seeing the coupling of two people from two contrasting class levels.), they were both down-to-earth people who were never hesitent to get their hands dirty, and they were comfortable with each other, not just in terms of romance but their friendship was great to watch. what i loved most about these two was that their characters were utilized so uniquely in Gourmet. i mean, SC already had a love interest in JH, a girl that he practically grew up, and JH was in my opinion the perfect female interest in k-drama standards. however, JS came in the picture as an annoyance. a girl that SC had no interest in and who he had just met out of nowhere. usually, the coupling would be JH-SC, but i loved that it was SC-JS instead. i mean, JS might not have been the flawless female lead, but her interactions with SC were those of a long-lasting relationship. i mean, these two had conversations that flowed so exceedingly well. they fought, joked around like they had known each other for years. also, the progression of this coupling was nice to see as well. i loved the whole annoyances-to-close-friends-to-a-big-fight-to-friends-again-to-romance storyline SC and JS went though. yes, the progression was slow and the lovey-dovey scenes were limited, but the progression was nice and most importantly, totally plausible. relationships like that of JS and SC do occur in real life...at a snail's pace...and this was what made the end so much more worthwhile. i gotta admit that i was still a little worried that by ep. 21, SC was still pretty passive with his feelings for JS, but it fit SC's personality. he's definitely the most daft guy i've ever seen in terms of girl-relations, but when he finally saw JS as his perfect other-half, it was nice. he handled in his SC-like manner...you know, awkward but sweet. they will forever be my favorite couple!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My Favorite Scenes in the Whole Series: (they're mostly SC-JS scenes, but it was unavoidable.)
































































































































































































































































































































    1. This isn't a specific scene, but i seriously loved the entire beef competition. it was so intense...all of it. this sounds stupid, but i remember being on the verge of my seat as i was watching Butcher Kang cut up the cow. i was waiting for something bad to happen so i was nervous. i loved how every part of that competition was interesting enough to dedicate a whole episode to each part. it was great. in my opinion, this was the best part of the entire drama.
































































































































































































































































































































    2. Jinsoo and Director Han trying to host the Beef Competition. hilarious!!! they were perfectly nervous, awkward, and lost together. haha
































































































































































































































































































































    3. Whenever SC was in a cooking competition and acknowledged JS after he won. this was such a simple gesture, but it was so poignant and meaningful to me. usually, in dramas where the guys are in a tough competition/contest/etc., the girl is usually only there to watch. here, JS played a contributing part in SC's cooking. (1) she was there with him as he was making the coals and (2) she was the one who encouraged SC to have a cooking competition against Matsumoto. JS was the first person SC acknowledge in both instances, and it made me love these even more.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    4. When JS unknowingly repeated SC's words as she was serving customers in the restaurant. it was hilarious cause the customers thought she was weird for mentioning foods totally unfitted for the restaurant.this scene was so subtle, but i thought it was funny and cute. SC is really clever in catching JS's attention. this goes to show the engaging powers of SC. haha. oh by the way, i loved how stubborn JS was in forgiving SC. i mean, the guy took forever to finally apologize, and she rightfully made him suffer for it. another reason why i love JS.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    5. the quick peck/kiss was nice too. i agree that it would've been nice if it was a real kiss, but i'm definitely not complaining. once again, this kiss was so characteristic of SC and JS. him being spontaneous and totally unromantic, but so sweet of course. and she pretending to be modest when it's so clear that she was pleasantly surprised. i also liked the fact that their first peck occurred while they were doing manual labor, not in a romantic setting at all. once again, so SC-JS-like.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    6. When SC discovered that his father had died. this scene was so memorable and so heart-wrenching. it was absolutely silent, and SC's frozen gaze at his father was so hard-hitting on the audience. i felt and understood SC's emotions in that scene. that he was surprised, in denial, and completely frozen. props to whoever wrote that scene and KRW for acting so freakin' well.
































































































































































































































































































































    7. the last episode. yes, i found the whole brother hugging multiple times kind of corny, but understandable b/c they were practically at odds with each other throughout the entire series. it was nice to see them cooking together again. i also loved the progression in cooking competitions. Um Nan Jeong Successor Competition - first it was brother against brother but in a friendly atmosphere. Beef Comp. - then, it was brother against brother in a fierce-resentful manner. Matsumoto Comp. - finally, it was two brothers against a foreign rival. loved how the competitions told a story on their own.
































































































































































































































































































































    also, many people probably thought that there should've been more romantic scenes of SC and JS in the last episode. i mean, their first real date was happened on the last episode? come on now. but i thought there was a lot of visible hints that they had progressed as a romantic couple in this last episode. for instance, during their date, as JS was making the tea, there's a quite flash of SC looking lovingly at her. picture (1) shown below.
































































































































































































































































































































    then, my favorite scene of ep. 24 was when SC woke JS up to go get some ingredients with him, and she totally ignored him and went to sleep(picture 2). this scene demonstrated that they were back to being comfortable again but now, SC wanted her there with him cause he sees her as his future-to-be companion. and JS was comfortable enough to reject him. HA! it's also nice to see him asking to meet with her instead of the other way around cause we all know how long JS had to wait in order for SC to realized he liked her.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    overall, GOURMET was an absolute gem to watch. i'm glad it's over cause now i can start school without being obsessed with a drama. love everything about this drama, and now, i'm gonna go find and eat some korean food. Kimchi here i come! :P
































































































































































































































































































































    (oh, and sorry for the long post. i just wanted to write everything down before i forgot everything. thank you all for this wonderful thread. it's been fun. :D)

































































    ^ No, that's not really what I meant.

    Before they got into the fight over SungChan's misunderstanding of JinSoo, their relationship wasn't even in the lover stage yet. The only memorable scene was when SungChan made JinSoo the bracelet, which I felt was more an emotion he felt because he felt sorry for her about her mother. It wasn't really a "romantic" moment, it was a friends moment.
































































































































































































































































































































    Then, they decide to meet at the restaurant in Korea, which is really a last-minute thing before JinSoo gets on the bus. It's kind of a start, but wouldn't really consider it a date.
































































































































































































































































































































    Then they have the fight.
































































































































































































































































































































    After SungChan apologizes, he grabs her hand, which is completely signifying that he likes her in a lover way. Which is what I'm confused about, because they weren't in that stage at all. I thought it would take some time.
































































































































































































































































































































    I just feel like Gourmet is rushing things, but still a great drama.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I totally agree with you Happy_Day. When I watched the hand-holding scene, i thought the same thing. why does he suddenly like her? what's with the hand-holding when i've seen no REAL indication of his romantic affections for Jinsoo? by this scene, i'd only thought that they had just renewed their friendship, now with Sung Chan SLOWLY, and i mean really slowly, coming to terms that he might care for her for reasons beyond friendship. so i was a little confused (but, trust me, i wasn't complaining. haha).
































































































































































































































































































































    However, i think ep. 20 did a good job of halting that sudden romantic scene when Bong Joo exclaimed that he wouldn't let Sung Chan take away Joo Hee like he did with Uhm An Jung. by saying this, Jinsoo finally comes to terms that Sung Chan has/had feelings for Joo Hee, therefore, he's still hesitant about his feelings for Jinsoo, therefore causing another conflict and halt to the highly anticipated sweet scenes between the two. i think this new conflict is a totally good thing because it makes the romantic progression btwn SC and JS less abrupt. also it gives them time to pick up their friendship from before the BIG FIGHT, allowing SC to gradually come to the realization that he LIKES Jinsoo. I prefer the friendship-fight-friendship-romance storyline more than the friendship-fight-romance plot. and the new conflict (JS realizing that SC does indeed have feelings for JH) allows our two leads to follow the first storyline mentioned. i don't know if i'm making any sense, but i love the writers for doing this. it's less sudden and creates for more anticipation of the lovely couple. i'm not mad that SC and JS have separated in Ep. 20 AGAIN. it just makes their eventual reunion even better. and now with the kiss scene coming up, i'm freakin' excited. honestly, scenes of SC and JS as FRIENDS are just as satisfying as their romantic scenes.
































































































































































































































































































































    but the writers better give us some cute scenes after making us wait so long! haha.
































































































































































































































































































































    anyhow, i just wanted to mention how much i loved the ep. 19 scene where JS was working in the beef restaurant, and she kept repeating the words that SC was yelling outside to her customers. it was hilarious how she was so easily influenced by SC's words outside of the restaurant that she was repeating them without even knowing. what a clever scene that was. props to the writers. small but cute scene.
































































































































































































































































































































    oh and this is my first post here on this thread even though i've been watching Gourmet since the beginning. i love this drama to the extreme. thanks everyone for all the articles, summaries, pictures, comments, etc.


































































    I really don't know.
































































































































































































































































































































    I want to download the songs that she used in the vid for SH and YI's story.
































































































































































































































































































































    I Love You - Mighty Mouse
































































































































































































































































































































    My Dear . . . - Loveholic
































































































































































































































































































































    If anybody could give me links to download these, you would be a lifesaver!
































































































































































































































































































































    - Kyu































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here are the downloading links for the songs you asked:
































































































































































































































































































































    Mighty Mouse - I Love You (Feat. Yoon Eun Hye)
































































































































































































































































































































    Loveholic - My Dear...
































































































































































































































































































































    if the top link doesn't work, here's a sendspace link:
































































































































































































































































































































    Mighty Mouse - I Love You
































































































































































































































































































































    Enjoy. I Love the song by Loveholic. oh and thanks for the links to the music video. it was nice seeing a quick scan of SH's and YI's relationship. You guys, even though being addicted to Who Are You? every weds and thurs. was really bad for me and my schoolwork, i'm seriously missing the show right now. there's nothing good on at the moment and I'm seriously having a Who Are You? withdrawal. haha. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hello fellow threaders. It's amazing how many new supporters this thread has gotten since the last couple of episodes. just wanted to thank you all for the picture caps, quick and long summaries, opinions, gushing over YKS, and other goodies. this drama is absolutely amazing and i just wanted to express how much i enjoyed it.
































































































































































































































































































































    so when i first heard about Who Are You?, i thought it was a hilarious concept, and i knew i was gonna check it to see how they would handle the whole falling-in-love-with-your-father-but-not-really scenario. it having Yoon Kye Sang helped a little too. i'd seen him in My Sister in Law is 19 and found him absolutely adorable. let me tell you this: YKS is one of those actors who has this ability to make you believe that he has really fallen for someone...the look in this eyes, gosh...the guy's amazing.
































































































































































































































































































































    well, anyways, i was just watching this for fun cause it was the only drama i was interested in at that moment, but it was never a serious addiction...you know one of those lets-just-watch-it-for-the-heck-of-having-something-to-watch. but boy, did this change as i continued watching. it gradually became an addiction for me...where i was refreshing the thread almost everyday to see if anything new came up. it was kinda scary for me actually. haha.
































































































































































































































































































































    anyhow, i'll just list a few factors of this drama that i absolutely loved.
































































































































































































































































































































    Plot and the way it panned out: if you think about it, the whole concept of a father taking over another guy's body to watch over his kid is a pretty clever concept. don't know about you guys but this was the first i've heard of this scenario. however, it was a concept that could've been handled in two different manners. (1) cheesy, where the series just consist of the taking-over-the-body scenes and trying to be funny about it or (2) the way it actually panned out...in a funny, but poignant way...very progressive as well. i loved how there was a new revelation after every two or three eps. first, SH starts having nightmares about IG, then he sees flashes of him, then he sees him for reals, then he hears him and they start to converse, then Young In seeing him. how clever was this progression! loved it and i love the writers for being so clever with it. one more thing: i really enjoyed how it became harder for the viewers to distinguish between the SH and SH dad characters as the series went on.
































































































































































































































































































































    Love Story: boy, was i worried that it would get overly awkward when the two start falling for each other. but i underestimated the writers' skills and the way they handled the romance blew me away as well. it was awkward or weird at all...well, not in a gross i'm-falling-for-my-own-father kind of way. because SH and SH dad were easy to distinguish, this helped in the romance because those nice romantic scenes only occurred when SH was SH. also, loved their awkwardness...it's so weird because we all know real life is full of awkward moments that never turn out perfect. Who Are You? portrayed this exceedingly well. and i totally believed that they were falling for each other. it was gradual, nice, and just plain sweet. ("Ibba Nuh!" who would've thought these two words would be so romantic to hear...haha.) one complaint though: why were there no hand-holding scenes? that would've been really sweet to see.
































































































































































































































































































































    Go Ara (aka Young In): i gotta give her props as this is her first acting project. she was quite impressive and i believed her. she's quite talented in those crying scenes as well. and the father-daughter scenes broke my heart. she's still young, but i think if she continues to act, she'll become great....fantastic one day. also, she was so convincing, the whole age thing was a second thought for me. so what if she's 11 years younger than SH. there's chemistry and that's all that matters. however, i can't help but wonder what the drama would've been like if there was a more experienced actress acting as Young In. Sorry, i'm just curious.
































































































































































































































































































































    SH and IG scenes: most of my favorite moments from Who Are You? are when these two are together. the talks they had...the lessons they learned from each other...it was absolutely heart-warming watching the growing relationship between these two. these scenes convinced me that even thought IG originally came back for YI, he played a more pivotal role for SH. without IG there to pester, advise, and scold SH, SH wouldn't have progressed in the way that he did. also, their scenes were so simple yet they always left an impression on me. also, i loved the beginning when it was so obvious when IG had taken over SH's body. loved the change in personality. it was sooo freakin' hilarious!
































































































































































































































































































































    Who Are You? OST: love love love love the soundtrack for this drama. this is the first drama where i actually loved all the songs. they're all so soothing and calming. love love love love the soundtrack and the way the music director, Kim Sang Heon, used the songs to enhance the storyline in the drama. love love love the soundtrack. i can't stress this enough.
































































































































































































































































































































    Finally, our favorite guy/actor - Mr. Yoon Kye Sang (aka Seung Hyo): honestly, it didn't take Who Are You? for me to form a liking for YKS. he left an impression on me with his drama (Sister-in-Law is 19), but Who Are You? did change my simple liking for him into an obsessive fan-girly crush. i hate admitting this because i've always told myself that i shouldn't get obsessed with someone who i probably will never meet, but i don't care...i can't freakin' help it. he's so handsome and charming. but enough about my liking for YKS, let's go to his acting. alright, he's one talented actor, i can tell ya that. the way he portrayed SH was so brilliant. i could tell what SH was feeling and thinking just looking at his expressions. and when he cried, it broke my heart. Yoon Kye Sang has this ability where you just have to look at his eyes and you get what he's trying to convey. he's one talented actor.and i look forward to seeing him in future dramas. loved his interpretation of IG and also of SH dad (IG) trying to act like SH. hilarious! (tangent: also, his wardrobe in this drama was soo casually sophisticated. who knew an OCD guy would have such nice taste in clothes. loved his casual collar-wear in ep. 15 when he kissed YI.)
































































































































































































































































































































    Favorite Scenes:
































































































































































































































































































































    1. ep. 7 - SH dad visits his old home and folds YI's laundry. laugh out loud stuff. and the way he said bra was hilarious. SH's dad obliviousness to how he came across as he fondled with her laundry was so funny.
































































































































































































































































































































    2. ep. 11 - SH whispers to himself right after Young In leaves to picnic with JH, "Kajimalago" or "Don't go, just stay here with me" the music in the background and the pace in which he said this was so convincing. you know, i understood that at that moment he didn't like YI romantically yet, but he knew he wanted her around. Can anyone say AWWW?
































































































































































































































































































































    3. ep. 16 - YI and SH dad are having lunch and they both try to hide their tears. the way they both tried to secretly wipe away their tears was so heart-wrenching to watch. great acting by both.
































































































































































































































































































































    4. ep. 14 - as YI goes to her house, it's raining, SH is in his car and he ask IG, "I can't get out and follow her right? I can't go after her?" oh my gosh...this broke my heart!!!
































































































































































































































































































































    5. ep. 15 - when SH all beaten up sits next to YI lying on his bed after being chloroformed and asks his soccer ball to wake up cause he won't kick her. the teary eyes, the caring/worried look, the pacing of the way he talked...all perfect. and when he teared up when she asked him if he was crying...best freakin' scene between these two. even better than the hugging and kissing scenes.
































































































































































































































































































































    6. MY FAVORITE SCENE IN THE WHOLE SERIES: ep. 14 - SH and IG are both sitting on the stairway of Blue Star Corporation. the whole dialogue about being tired and just sitting down was so brilliant. it was so simple yet so realistic. watching them sit down like that even helped me relax. it was so nice to see SH just doing what he wanted to do...not being all business-like and all. this moment was just so poignant and will be one of those scenes in k-drama that i will never forget....NEVER!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    All in all, it's pretty obvious that I thoroughly enjoyed and loved Who Are You? It was a surprise, but a good one. It will remain one of my all time favorites korean dramas...and I don't know about you, but those are pretty rare these days. it's been an absolute pleasure watching Who Are You?.
































































































































































































































































































































    (sorry about the long post. my bad, my bad. haha. :D)
















































    Hi all, i've been an occasional lurker on this thread and i appreciate all your insights, opinions, picture caps, summaries, etc. it's crazy how you guys can have such strong opinions about a drama. i'm glad this drama is ending soon so that i won't have to go on soompi everyday to see what happens next, but i'm also sad it's ending cause it's such a good drama...well, most of it. anyways, i know this is off topic, but i just recently watched the Manwon Happiness/Happy Shares Company episode with Yoo In Young (who's Soo-Ah in this drama), and there were a lot of scenes with her interacting with the rest of the Migo cast. I just wanted to share those clips, so i uploaded them on youtube. here they are:








    Clip 1








    Clip 2








    i love how close the cast is. they even eat out together! i guess being close is inevitable since this drama is over 160 episodes! also, i find it extremely ironic but cool how close Kim Ji Suk and Yoo In Young are in real life when they're characters are the exact opposite on the show. anyways, hope the clips are okay, and have a great day everyone. i'm counting down the last couple of episodes.... :D




















    wow, surprisingly, i'm really looking forward to Strongest Chil Woo now! just having Eric in the cast was enough to try the drama, but the new additions of cast members now make it a must-see. love Eric as an actor ever since the amazing Que Sera Sera...the guy was always a decent actor but QSS brought him to another level for me.








    I was so thrilled when i heard that Goo Hye Sun was gonna be the leading lady. she's so adorable but a good actress. it's funny but after i heard she was in the cast, i automatically agreed that she would have great chemistry with Eric....don't know why...they both have very modern looks. hope they don't disappoint my expectation. can't wait. plot sounds interesting too. looking forward to this one!!! :D




















    can i ask if the fanfix is here on soompi or anywhere? I really want to read it since it was good...no great enough to be turned into a real movie? i'd really appreciate it. the trailer looks good by the way. and there's no denying the appealing Jang Geun Suk. haha.








    nevermind, i found it. silly me, should have checked before i asked. my bad.









    i only want the OST 일월지가 by Sun Ye of Wonder Girls. do anyone send me the link to that song where i can dl it?








    you can find the entire OST of Conspiracy in the Court right here at soompi.com. here's the link to the exact page where the OST is: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...2111&st=120 . just click ctrl F and write "hansung" and it'll take you there. or you can just scroll down and search for it.








    or if you just want the song by Sun Ye, i uploaded it for you here: Sun Ye - Il Wol Ji Ga. Enjoy, it's a pretty good song, but i prefer JK Kim Dong Wook's Parallel Lines.




















    Hello to all Big Bang fans!








    So I was never a fan of Big Bang until recently, as in 2 days ago. haha. my first BB song was G-dragon's This Love, but i didn't like it. however, i did like the song "Forever With You"...but this was as far as I got w/ their music.








    NOW after watching TOP's and Seungri's Manwon Happiness episodes and a whole bunch of BB's performances, I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THEM! not just for their adorable and amusing personalities, but because their immense talent at such a young age. I'm the same age as them, but they're producing music while i'm just starting freakin' college. haha. big props to Big Bang for doing so well and they definitely deserved all the honor they received this year. :)








    G-Dragon (Ji-yong): i'm amazed he wrote "Lies". honestly, when i first heard the song, i laughed like crazy cause i thought it was sooo ridiculous. after listening to it over and over and over, it became addicting (Lies was my 3rd BB song). Love Ji-yong b/c he's soo talkative and into what he does. in the interviews i've seen, he talks soo much (this makes sense as he's the leader, but still it's nice to see how passionate he is about music). now into the superficial stuff: he has the sweetest smile in the world. one thing though: he should keep his hair up like in the Real Concert BB had. he looked the best there. he also has a very unique singing voice. props to you Ji-yong!








    Tae Yang: honestly, Tae yang was the last member i noticed out of the five. he was so quiet in the Manwon Happiness episodes so i didn't see him. this completely changed when i starting watching BB's performances. he was sooo freakin' awesome in both dancing and singing. he is definitely one of the stronger...if not the strongest...singer in the group. this is impressive cause didn't he start off his music career as a rapper? his voice suits BB's hip-hop genre so well. he's multi-talented, what more can you ask of a singer in this music industry?








    Seung Ri: he is soo cute and adorable, it's not even funny. and the fact that he expresses his knowledge of his cuteness during interviews makes him comical and distinctive among the other members. he was hilarious in Manwon Happiness...talking to himself, singing to himself, encouraging himself to not eat...all worth watching. i've noticed that his voice is strong in some songs and not as strong in others. that's okay cause when he sings, it's fantastic to my ears. an awesome personality and singing voice = Seung Ri. also he's pretty good at rapping too. (i've also noticed that he constantly has dark bags under his eyes...hope he gets more sleep. haha)








    Daesung: he is my favorite member in Big Bang. he is soo eccentric and comical in everything he does. he's not afraid to look ridiculous anywhere he goes. he's cute, amusing, and funny all in one. and his liking for the character Doremi is sooo hilarious!!! have you guys seen his Doremi chopsticks..haha? he isn't the strongest vocalist in BB technically but when it comes to strength, the guy sure can belt out those high and intense notes! i find his voice addicting to listen to...when listening to BB's songs on my ipod, i find myself constantly rewinding to his parts to listen to his voice. you guys have no idea how many times i've rewinded his chorus part in "A Fool's Only Tears"...he's amazing in that. Daesung is also very expressive in his performances...his singing and dancing. there's no doubt in my mind that i have a soft spot for Daesung.








    TOP (Seung Hyun): he might represent the bad boy of the group but he's far from it. watching him in Manwon Happiness, he was soo respectful to his seniors, and it wasn't a fake I-have-to-respect-them-because-they're-older-than-me, but he seemed sincere in his treatment of his seniors. i found this really sweet and it gave me more respect for TOP. he has such a unique look too. if i had seen him w/o knowing that he was part of BB, i would've never known that he was korean. very distinguishing look that i don't mind looking at..haha. also i think i have a little crush on TOP. Daesung is my clear favorite, but TOP makes me smile whenever i see him on screen. his rapping is sooo sick...he sounds sooo freakin' good. he has a fantastic singing voice too. i love his singing in "She Can't Get Enough". i listen to that song and watch that perf just to hear TOP singing. he should definitely sing more for BB. it would be really refreshing to hear his vocals once in a while. though, i'd settle for his extreme rapping as well. one more thing: TOP has the best style in BB. love his clothes. he's such a sophisticated dresser...he looks good in everything. very suave. i mean, in Manwon Happiness, he pulled off a grey sweater with pink dress shirt...he looked soo good (only he could pull off something like that) (see, i told you i had a crush on him).








    hope Seung Ri's ankle fully recovers, TOP to recover and come home from the hospital, and G-Dragon to get some rest. Big Bang certainly lives up to their name. I'll make sure to visit this thread again. thanks to all for their sharing of anything related to Big Bang. oh and Happy Belated New Years to everyone here!!! :D





  21. hi again,

    thank you for all your nice welcoming comments. you guys are probably some of the nicest/accommodating threaders/posters i've come across here at soompi.

    oh and i have a question: from some of your posts, i kinda got the feeling that there have been some MAJOR hostility towards JJH from non-threaders....is this true? what a shame.

    oh and i saw that A LOT of you have the same signatures of Joo Ji Hoon...is that like a club/fan site thing or something? by the large number of people who have this image as their signatures, this must mean that you guys are really dedicated to Joo Ji Hoon.....props to you guys. one more thing: i laughed when i realized that Hunnies was a nickname for JJH's fans....at first I thought you all were calling each other Honeys, but accidentally spelled it wrong "hunnies". haha. silly me.

    so i came across an article about JJH, and i don't know if you guys have seen these photos or not so i'll just post the links, not the images to conserve bandwidth.

    they're additional photos of him coming to korea from his trip in Japan:

    photo credits to the contributors and writers at popseoul.com.





    if these pictures have already been posted, just tell me and i'll obligingly get rid of them. thanks. you guys are seriously cool. :D

  22. hi to all Joo Ji Hoon Fans,

    just wanted to drop by to add my input concerning this young model-turned-actor. so when i first found out about JJH, it was during that whole GOONG mania, where everyone was obsessed with this drama. i, however, watched one episode of this drama and lost interest, but i heard it was good so props to Goong for becoming as successful as it was last year. so i wasn't engaged with Joo Ji Hoon cause i didn't like his haircut in Goong...honestly, i thought he looked more feminine than the main female lead...Yoon Eun Hye. haha. then, i heard about his worldwide popularity, and i never knew why he was soo famous after just ONE drama.....i mean, sorry, he just wasn't my type to get all o-o-ga-ga over...if you get my drift.

    but of course there's a HOWEVER because my opinion changed after i watched him in the awesome drama The Devil. first of all, he finally cut his hair..very clean cut...and i thought he looked a thousand times cuter and handsomer. honestly, he didn't look feminine anymore. and when he smile, gosh, i didn't think it was possible for him to get any cuter but i was proved wrong once i saw him smile. his looks are great and all that, but the one thing that caught my eye was his improved acting in The Devil. he portrays the mysteriousness and meticulousness of his character soooo well....i'm quite impressed. for those who have watched the devil, it's sooo obvious that he's the culprit behind all the murders and tarot letters, and he shows this soo well. oh and it's seriously sooo heart-wrenching to see his character cry...Joo Ji Hoon crying is soo convincing in the way that we, as the audience, can see that his character is restraining from crying but he can't keep it in cause he's hurting soo much from his past/present and actions. one more thing: when he does his evil "haha, i'm the mastermind behind all this" smile, he seriously freaks me out. haha. i was watching the drama during the middle of the night alone and when he smiled like that, i freaked out and was afraid he was behind me...haha. seriously, i'm sooo impressed with his acting and am so glad that he made me eat my own opinions that he was just popular cause of his looks. i have a newfound respect for Joo Ji Hoon and am looking forward to his next works/dramas.

    you guys know what would be funny?....if his next role was a hyper over-the-top comedic character...that would be interesting to watch because with Joo Ji Hoon's looks, i don't know if he could pull of that comedic look since he's sooo serious all the time. haha.

    so, the thing about JJH is that i rarely see him smile in his dramas, so i posted some photos of him in The Devil smiling and sporting that new haircut of his. (i don't know if he has the same haircut anymore cause the Devil ended a while ago.)


    have a great day everyone...now i understand why this thread has reached to page 1376!!! gosh, that's crazy. :D
































































    alright, so i finally got a chance to listen to Dongwan's new album and i think it's one of the more engaging korean albums i've listened to...my opinion might not be credible as i'm a huge fan/admirer of Dongwan and his voice...but i'm usually very picky when it comes to music. so let's just say....Dongwan certainly DID NOT disappoint with his first solo album.
































    so i listened to each song in a scrutinizing manner and here are my comments on some songs:
































    Track 2 - 삼총사 (Feat. MC몽, 허인창): this song is one of the more catchier songs in the album. DW's voice sounds exactly as i expected it to be...fun, strong, and addicting. the chorus is very easy to sing to (even if I'm not korean) and MC Mong's rapping voice matches great with DW's...hey, they aren't close friends for nothing. haha.
































    Track 5 - Scream (Feat. D.Bace, DJ Tukutz Of Epik High): alright, i've seen some of DW's rock solos during concerts and i thought they showed the strength in his voice very well...they really helped him show to others that he CAN sing on his own...however, i was never engaged by any of these performances...maybe b/c the songs weren't his. nonetheless, i'm sooo glad that he included a rock song in his album because it is sooo freakin' awesome. Scream is soooo good and i find myself listening to it over and over again. DW's voice shows here that he can go beyond ballads and pop songs and that rock is definitely not an obstacle for him. i love this song because DJ Tukutz helps with it (and i've always been a big fan of his), b/c the chorus has a mix of a japanese flavor to it (i mean, i almost thought he was singing in japanese), and b/c the song is sooo different from what we all expected. also, this song is sooo DISTINCTIVELY Dongwan...it doesn't sound like anyone except DW. So "Anyone, anyway, any chance SCREAM"...for this song cause so far, it's my favorite out of the 12.
































    Track 6 - 사랑이 가여워: out of the songs that only include DW, this one is my favorite. it's a ballad but it has something different to it...i don't know...it's just that as i was listening, i was predicting the rhythm of the song, but it kept changing on me...and i loved that. also, DW's voice is excellent here so....i'm happy. :D
































    Track 7 - My Love (Feat. Eric): you guys were right...this song is definitely a Minwoo song, but the cool part is that you expect MInwoo to sing a song like this so it's even more refreshing because DW's in it. haha. i have to give major props to Minwoo for his songwriting abilities...he's got talent and a lot of it too. this song is R&B sounding and once again shows that DW is exceedingly versatile. now i've always thought that Eric was a talented rapper but i never thought it was anything special...this song however was made better with his rapping. it was sooo nice to hear Eric's voice...i don't know, after watching Que Sera Sera, i planted in my mind the idea that Eric was an actor, and not a rapper, so it was soooo nice to hear his rapping here. it's very soothing and i have new respect for him cause NOW, i see him as one heck of an actor-singer. also, is it me or do you guys hear some Weak Man (8th album) rhythm being incorporated in this song?
































    Track 09 - 남은 사람 (Duet with Hyesung): i've been anticipating a solo with both HS and DW ever since i found out about Shinhwa and now my wait is done and they did not disappoint me one bit. i mean, it would've been nice if the song was more upbeat, but this duet shows the range of these two talented vocalists. their voices complemented each other so well that i almost lost track of who was singing which part as i was listening to the song. i loved it how the song didn't separate their voices by verses of the song; instead they both took part in every part of the song. i love the end when they took turns to sing. and you guys are right, this song does sound like a Hyesung song...these two are my favorites in the group and listening to this song only enforces my addiction to their voices. haha.
































    Track 10 - 사랑해선 안될 사람 (Duet with Byul/Sung): love this duet, very soft and relaxing to listen to. loved the last part when they both sang together simultaneously...Byul has tremendous talent in singing, DW obviously has talent...these two blended perfectly together. all i GOTS to say is that DW should sing with female singers more often with that extraordinary voice of his.
































    Track 11 - 진담: i heard this song before, but here, DW's voice sounds more mature and experienced so i like it.
































    so that's it, sorry for the long post but i had so much to say about his album and didn't know where to exert my thrill for DW's first solo. :D
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    just a couple of comments about some recent shinhwa stuff:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Andy on Jiwhaza!: all who have not watched this episode of Jiwhaza with Andy are missing a glance at a more open and comfortable Andy. here, he shows no inhibitions and just says whatever he wants. he makes numerous attempts at being funny that are not only hilarious but adorable as well. i mean, i've watched shinhwa on a couple of variety shows and Andy's active but you can tell he's still more reserved than the other members. well, all that reservation is GONE cause Andy is amazingly cool in this episode. i think it was because he was on the show with celebrities he's really close with like Jeon Hye Bin, Hwang Bo, and Lee Jung. there's this part (mentioned earlier) where he hits his forehead and says "oh my god, the writer noona didn't tell me that!!" there's this other part where he answered a question wrong on purpose and said to the Host, "I'm sorry, I wanted to be Funny." haha. andy was cool before but now he's awesome to the max!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hyesung: i have a question: I've been hearing about Hyesung's 2nd album for a while now...i think since last year....but why did it take so long for him to release it? i'm sooo excited for it cause his first album was fantastic with his extraordinary voice and i want to hear his second. did something happen?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dongwan: love his three songs...my favorite out the three is Track 04 with MC Mong...it's really catchy and DW's voice is great like always. Dongwan's has always been my favorite member and for some weird reason, i was really nervous about his solo album...i don't know, i was afraid it wouldn't turn out very well...is this normal to have concerns for an artist? haha. but i was sooo wrong...his 3 songs are fantastic...all really great. DW's voice, like always, is top-notch and just as addicting as before. his voice is quite impressive and now we get to hear a entire album of it. haha. anticipation for album is HIGH!!! really looking forward to his songs with (1) Hyesung (these two voices are sooo different yet they blend so well together and it doesn't hurt that they're my two favorites), (2) with Eric cause Liar is one of my favorite Shinhwa songs, and (3) with Byul cause she has a fantastic voice as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh and concerning his new look....i don't know, i've been sooo infatuated with his old hair (you know, the 8th album haircut) that i don't really like his new look. but he looks fine esp. w/o the facial hair. haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i just finished this drama and thought I'd put my opinions here. remember this is just opinion and i mean no offense by it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    overall, the plot and the characters were fine. the plot made sense and followed through in the end, which i was very satisfied with. also, the romance wasn't too sappy or dragged so that was good as well. however, i wished there were more romantic parts between Lee Su Ha (Lee Da Hae) and Hwang Dong Gyu (Lee Ji Hoon). i was a big fan of LDH with Lee Dong Wook in My Girl, but I gotta admit that LDH and LJH make a really adorable and compatible couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    things i loved about the drama:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - SH and DG together. cute is the only word to describe them together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Lee Ji Hoon's acting: i loved his character the most in H!M. He is an excellent actor who makes his character really convincing. there were actually times when i was annoyed with SH because she was so oblivious to all that he did, but i guess that's typical in K-dramas. also, i loved the scenes where he was drunk...he was soo good and funny. i also enjoyed the scenes where he hanged out with Kkot Bun Ahjumma...adorable once again. oh yeah, and his scenes with his assistant, Rep. Jang, were hilarious. they are so funny together. there were times when i only watched the episodes so i could see the comic moments between these two. weird huh?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - DG's aunt: she has got to be the coolest aunt in all K-drama history. she understood everything, accepted everything, and was comical throughout the whole series. she looks a little too young to be aunt to DG and CM though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - my ultimate favorite scene in the whole drama was the morning after DG and SH found out about each other's feelings. that scene was soo fitting for the drama...not to serious, but sweet nonetheless. i loved the scene so much, i even uploaded it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8KoIB00B8o .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    things i didn't like so much:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - the same storyline in almost all of the episodes. i mean, in every episode the same thing happened: CM tries to woo SH but fails; DG doing something good for SH only to get in trouble; SH getting mad at DG for reasons i don't know why; SH and DG reconcile and are happy friends again; Grandpa wanting SH's home;etc. i mean, some of the eps were still funny and intriguing because of the way in which the directer structured the drama, but i still found myself wanting to fast forward many of the scenes, esp. during the mid eps. of H!M.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - SH's tendency to cry over every little thing. Lee Da Hae is one of the most talented criers that i've ever seen, but the whiny cries that she had to do in H!M sometimes got a little irritating. also, i thought her character here was not as clever or complex as Ju Yoo Rin in My Girl. she was too naive and innocent for my taste. but of course, i still love Lee Da Hae cause she's so talented.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - SH's friend and half-sister got really annoying for me. i think i skipped most the scenes they were in. sorry.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so that's it. overall, this drama was worthwhile in that it wasn't a complete waste of time. i enjoyed most of the eps., but it definitely wasn't the greatest drama of all time. but this is just my opinion. all the actors were great and i'm looking forward to seeing them in future k-dramas.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hello! Miss was fine, which is all i expect from dramas. i watch them to be entertained, and H!M did that so i'm happy. :rolleyes:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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