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Posts posted by minggay68

  1. just watched eps. 11 & 12  with subs and i say had a lot more understanding of the situation....cried a lot in ep 11's scene with Soe Rae and her son, when they are to part from their hidden date (Gyoel about to go down to take the metro) this scene is tearing me a part...i think that what is more hard for Gyoel is his father's family, they're too much - a family of hypocrite to the max, even a child like him cant stand them at all....Then i fell more in love with Tae Oh, he's more and more caring to Soe Rae but they cant go forward to more than just being lovers  because of the undergoing annulement and such vicious ex-husband....Even though the subs in ep 12 are not synchronized, still wants to thank the one who works on it and will patiently wait for the rest to be subbed.

  2. sia3


    Two of my favourite scenes that I would like to share with you guys :)

    Episode 9: The New Beginning to Choi Young's journey in searching for the meaning of living
    Daejang new hairstyle, so gorgeous but what captured me the most is his expressive eyes in this scene. My favourite scene in the sense that not only *ahem* *clearing throat* daejang looked so darn hot in it, the scene is so beautifully shot with the mixed of the colours of red (background) and his blue outfit. This scene has been screen captured and photoshopped, I found it as wallpaper online and used it ever since on my phone :P

    What I love most is, he has no dialogue with ES. What LMH needs to do is act with his face and eyes and my god, he had me at his eyes!!! No words needed, he has communicated with the audiences perfectly with his eyes :x Don't believe me?
    See it for yourselves! Note: Watch full screen to enjoy the full effect :D

    Episode 23: Young taking care of feverish Eun Soo aka. hair combing scene
    When this combing hair scene came up, I thought of our conversation of CY's hair fetish however I couldn't laugh about it because the whole atmosphere to this scene is rather angsty. Uhmmm...I admit, ever since the beginning of Faith I have been very in tune and observant with LMH's acting especially with his eyes. It is difficult not to be attracted to his performance though. I often find myself observing his acting again even though I tell myself to observe KHS's acting when I replay the episodes. He has, many times, steal the thunder from KHS and everyone else...

    Ok, in this scene ES is at first looking slightly weak but still normal. But look closely once she started making the first puff, Young's eyes and face changes, eventually he hold her so tight as if he's so scared of losing her (which is true)...I simply love this little details LMH puts into it. He's so inside his CY's character I find it very enjoyable to watch.

    *Breathing hard* Oh good...second essay OFF my head *taking another deep breath*
    Geez...I have my closure but looks like to unaddict myself will take a longer time than I thought.
    Faith, seems like, is still my full time job! =)) :o

  3. Dont know if the drama crew check some of the messages here ( some says they do..) i'd like to convey to them a big BRAVO for this wonderful drama...it may not be that perfect to the max to suit all our expectations but it gives us all the thrills of love and faith between this two people, beautifully in love despite this "time travel"; that YES had to come and go to that portal trying to fit in the right time and for CY, that long wait....and to finally found each other...awesome scene, their stares says it all, finally reunited. 
    On the funny side, GC is as bad as he is the portal dont want to accept him in, it even looks like the portal spit him out even before being swallowed, a disgusting one.
    ....see you around guys.

  4. with all the kdramas i'd watched where there are those supposed to be sweet and romantic moments, most of them are far way too  cheesssy....it's not because i like FAITH that much [but its obvoius ; ) ] Choi Young manages to carry out the best romantic part very manly, even approprietely done...the sad scene about the loss of the Queen's baby, we heard Douchi sobbing in the background [he's very sensitive] CY  went infront of ES, discretly took her hand to confort her and have his shoulder she can lean on...that gesture is so awesome...and also i think it is what it should be for someone like him, a warrior not to be so showy to the public on how to extend his emotion to that person. 
    and as for the last scene (ep20), i'm joining the long wagon of the pervy's in here, i had my thoughts running wild after watching it too...:\">  :-*  :x     .i wont say anymore what's on my perverted mind because what you're all thinking is what i thought too.

  5. The rascals's father is very hilarious in this 6th episode....wearing attire of a great biker...but the real BIKE here is awesome...what's funny is that rascal father is too small for itself, hahaha! I think that the youngest rascal is his father's son ( meaning, the one who resemble the most in character, they're both immature ).
    BTW, i'm for the romance of the eldest rascal...a LSJ fan here.

  6. AWESOME indeed this weeks's first episode...where i noticed a lot of comments with the new names...it means that with the "KISS" episode makes these lurkers come to the open to express their joy, excitement, delire and whatelse??????
    I guess that this is the first kdrama so far that arrives to the almost 600 comments after the half period of the series. Wait,  because the second episode is not out yet and more to come to explode this thread again???!!!

  7. myphim said:
    Anomalous said:
    Why not?
    Choi Young as Thor: hot, sexy, and otherworldly God.
    Gi Cheol as the Hulk: since he is always angry. ;))
    Hwasuin as Black Widow: since she likes to toy with men so much.
    Jang Bin as Captain America: since he is such a righteous, good guy.
    Gongmin as Nick Fury: since he will be the one uniting this force. :))

    Now Eum-Ja is harder to place. Not sure who he can be?

  8. I'd watched ep14 yesterday night without subs and this morning with the subs...the difference is that the scene i saw where eunsoo went to see the queen and 'chat' with her and lastly ask if she can hug her was very touching...it makes me cry....but of course like you all guys i was swooning for the Eunsoo/ChoiYoung couple....later i'll prepare myself for that heartbreaking separation of these two...because we know since in the beginning that they dont belong to the same world (era).
    Will it become like in the end of the BBJX (chinese drama of which i dont know if some of you here saw it) where the girl eventually went back to her world, went to visit the museum and saw the painting of a scene she knows and was there at that specific time....and while looking at that painting it makes her cry, remembering that love and the pain...and then someone from behind her offers a handkerchief to wipe off her tears and when she looks up it is a man who looks like the king she loved...SO a reincarnation !!! Would our Choi Young be reincarnated to join our Eunsoo in the heaven's world? It could be a good suggestion, RIGHT GUYS? 

  9. myphim2009 said: Auntie Mame said: It occurred to me that it is really easy to 'nullify' fire-girl, flute-boy and GC.

    For flute-boy, all ES has to do is throw her handbag at his head.  The weight of most women's handbag is enough to stun him enough to stop blowing on that flute, if not, outright, knock him unconscious.

    For fire-girl, just throw a bucket of water on her.  And, she's OUT.  Just like the Wicked Witch of the East in "Wizard of Oz".  

    And, for GC and his hand-power, just swing the handbag and knock his hand, which will break the concentration.  Just like what Hermione did to Snape's spell during the first Quidditch match.  

    Now, if her handbag only had some type of glue for the noisy advisor's mouth, then, there would be serenity in the palace.  lol

  10. sia3 said: I'm soooo glad the police shield has been destroyed. The whole time seeing Lee Min-Ho holding that thing around agonizes me.
    It looked soooo unsuitable for him! LOL!

    Ep.7 is great. Sad for CY for having to end the former king's life and getting misunderstood by ES.
    So wanna give him a hug for that and tell him it is okay.

  11. @sunshine4ever....thanks for the reminder...actually i don't post that often here so am quite not familiar with the rules and regulations of soompi. Usually i'm jus a lurker but when i can't help it and appreciate some people's messages, that's where i log in and post to reply.

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