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    Well you can make your own gradients. With your gradient tool selected, click the gradient bar located in the options bar(at the top), the Gradient editor window will pop up. You'll see a gradient bar at the bottom. Double click the pointers to change the color.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    To add a solid border, you do 'Select All', then go to Edit>Stroke.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thats exactly what i find troublesome .. i dont know how to blend it o_o"





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    all i use is gimp & photofiltre >_<






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You can blend it by using the blending modes located on the layers palette. Click on the drop down menu('Normal') and a list of of different blend modes will come up. Try experimenting with each one.

































































































































































































































































































































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    few pics: 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    thanks for the links. :)








































































































































































































































































































































    btw the first movie will be called The Last Airbender. Avatar was excluded from the title because there's another film with the title Avatar that is being release around the same time. It's old news but I'm not sure if it has been mentioned here.
































































    Yeah each movie is probably gonna correspond to each element: water, earth, and fire like the tv series.
































































    I'm a little skeptical about the upcoming live action movie. How do they plan on fitting everything from Book 1 into one movie? Well they don't have to include everything but they're gonna have to leave out a lot of material from Book 1. My other concern is who they cast to play Aang and the gang.









    do you think there will be a Avatar 2?

    i hope so!
































































    i hate how NICk barely plays the Avatar!! :(:(































































































































    I've heard there were talks about making a new Avatar series that would be different from the original. New characters, storyline etc...
































































    Nick needs to hold a marathon airing every episode of Avatar!
































































    There's actually a online petition to continue Avatar. Feel free to sign if you want more Avatar. I did. :)









































































    ^ Yeah! I was wondering where Zuko's mom was. I keep forgetting that her name is Ursa. I HOPE they'll do a special, just so we can see the progress of the world's restoration? XD

    I was never a Kataang fan, so I may be biased in saying this, but yeah, I felt that their relationship at the end seemed a little rushed. It never seemed like Katara showed romantic interest in Aang and the development of her love just felt lacking. I mean, did she JUST realize she liked him when he kissed her at the invasion?
































































    I also thought they might break Ty Lee and Mai out of prison before the battle, but I guess we were wrong. ^^;































































































































    Next week people from Avatar will be at the San Diego Comic Con so we'll probably find out if there will be any more Avatar projects. I was hoping for a epilogue...
































































    Yeah their romance was pretty one-sided. Truthfully I've always seen Katara as a sister figure to Aang. I just think Aang doesn't look man enough to be with Katara lmao. Katara and Zuko match perfectly though imo. Although I like the Zuko and Mai pairing as well.









    I was on a movie marathon yesterday, haha! Dark Knight, Wall-E, and then straight home to Avatar. The last four episodes of Avatar were really good, but I'm sad to see it end. I don't think there will be a continuation of the series, but I hear M. Night Shyamalan is planning is making a live action movie, which is a bit...distressing to me. ^^; I'm not too thrilled over the idea, even though there were some unanswered questions at the end, like did Zuko find his mom and what happened to Azula. Is everyone just living in the Earth Kingdom now...? And I actually really wanted to see a more professional rendition of what Sokka was drawing at the end. It would've been cute to have a decent picture of them all together shown at the end of the credits. ^^;
































































    I did the same thing yesterday as well. I watched Dark Knight and Hellboy. I wanted to watch Hancock too but I needed to get home to watch Avatar.
































































    I don't know why they put that part in there where Zuko asks his father about his mom. I mean what's the point if you're not going to show Zuko's mom at all. Maybe they'll do a special or something?
































































    Anyone else here feel that KataraxAang was kinda forced? There was not much development in their relationship throughout the series. Most of the time it just showed us that Aang had a crush on Katara. But yet they get together just like that.
































































    The last 2 fights was epic. Kind of a downer that Aang didn't kill Ozai. I was kind of hoping that Mai and Ty Lee would fight as well but they only appeared at the end.









    Can't the Lakers use the mid-level exception to match the Warriors' offer for Turiaf? The mid-level exception is set at around 5.1 million. The Warriors are offering him just over 4 million a year for four years.
































































    The Lakers have bird rights on Turiaf therefore they don't need to use money from the MLE. They can match any offer for Turiaf including Sasha as well.
































































    The concern isn't if they can match it. It's are they willing to match it? Is Buss willing to pay for more luxury tax?
































































    They most likely wont match it and they shouldn't. That's too much money for him. Just let him walk.









    For those who are not yet up to date w/ the drama. This is RE: Ep. 38 just ULed by Soshisubs




















































    the grandmother said that Daejin (the elder son) isn't her real son? WTFFF??
















































    :o more plot twists?!
















































    I'm guessing like what, she was probably the 2nd wife or something of Daejin and Daegoo's father? It's not uncommon for people to remarry or find another wife if they are widowers and have young children to care for right? So maybe Daegoo and Daejin are really just half-brothers? Dang it's really nice of Daejin to take care of the grandmother than... the majority of modern people would choose to put her in a facility or an elderly home.




















































    Is that why the grandmother favors Daegu's family (and thus Soobin) over Daejin's It doesn't seem like the grandmother is particularly nice to TAepoong or TAeyoung, and they're sons! Don't traditonal Korean families favor sons >>>>>>> daughters So why do they act like soobin is the next christ coming or something I mean moreover, TAeyoung is the eldest grandchild + eldest grandson, I thought in the Korean filial hierarchy that makes Taeyoung the SUPER IMPORTANT person I don't see grandma favoring or spoiling him!??




















































    Why the heck doesn't she just go live w/ daegu then? It'd sure make a lot more peace... PLUS the grandmother is such a freaking gold-digger! Like how she reacted when Soyoung's mother (Lee Hwaran?) came and proposed for Youngsook to become a partner in her business. The grandma, she'd fit in better with Soobin's mom anyway!!!




















































    The thing I don't understand is, although Daejin's family is not well off, like Youngsook told Saebyuk before, it's not like they're starving for food. It seems like although they are all pulling together to make ends meet, they're not beggars?! Why does the grandmother act like she's so impoverished or something? That really richard simmons me off. Doesn't she know that there are so many other elderly people who are less fortunate than she is? I mean just a few episodes ago they met the poor halmonee who got LEFT BEHIND BY HER OWN SON! And here the grandma is still complaining and crap. Seriously, she needs a reality check and someone go count her blessings for her >:o




















































    Also the grandmother reprimanded Youngsook for her behavior towards Yeonshil... and grandmother said oh if it was her she'd congratulate her about soobin and etc. That's SO BS!!!!!!!! If it was GRandmother over there with Yeonshil when Lohas Madam came over, and if Grandmother was asked to hide, she'd throw a FIT! I hate people who say one thing because it didn't happen to them and criticize irresponsibly like that. What a total nut case..... <_<


























































































































































    I agree. The grandmother is annoying. Why would Youngsook congratulate Soobin on her engagement if she's being treated like crap. It's like well "I'm really pissed right now but hey congratulations on your daughters engagement." C'mon, be more realistic.




















































    anyone else here thinks the actress that plays Soobin does a terrible job at acting angry? Everytime I see her try to display an angry expression, I'm like "seriously just stop freakin trying."









    It's unbelievable that it's finally ending after all this time. I feel sad, yet relieved. Takahashi really dragged this on for too long.
































































    I feel the same way. Truthfully, I've only continue reading it until now just for the sake of finishing it. Not so much for enjoyment.









    where can i watch this show online? :D

    I love it but I keep missing it on TV -_-































































































































































































    Has every episode up to date. ^_^

    I can't believe they'll make us wait half a year for new episodes that they've ALREADY finished. I guess the more impatient fans are going to be getting the DVDs once they come out....and then it'll be leaked onto the net, and the TV runs themselves will get low ratings. I hope not.
































































    Yeah Nick totally screwed up... -_-
































































    Finale trailer that was shown at NYCC:
































































































































    Looks freakin awesome. Sucks that we have to wait all the way till July. <_<












































































    Avatar update:

    At the Avatar panel at the New York Comic Con, the trailer for the conclusion to book 3 revealed that all new episodes will return to the air in July 2008, including the four-part series finale. The next DVD will still be released on May 6, 2008, and will include episodes that have not aired in the United States yet. A full report on the panel is forthcoming.









































































    Did anyone watch episode 2 of Code Geass.

    Even more insane. So many things are popping out at once. And the whole beginning of why he lost his memory is explained. ><
































































    I'm totally anticipating for the 3rd episode.































































































































    Yeah it was better than the 1st episode. 2x more awesome!
































































    I lol when I saw Nina's shocked face.
































































    From watching the preview, the next episode doesn't seem all that interesting. It's just Lelouch in school?









    did you watch the new episode? where'd you get it from !
























    If you want to watch it online, you can watch it at Anime Blogz
























    or if you want to download, just search up Code Geass on Tokyo Toshokan and you'll find several torrent links to the episode.





  20. The Baby Baby performance was awesome and thank god they changed the outfits! So much better now.

    and wait...is that Baby Baby MV official or fan-made?

    I actually really like the MV even if it was just a compilation. A lot of happy, cute, and funny moments of the girls. I'll be watching this MV everytime whenever I get really angry about something. Watching this MV just makes you smile and happy.

  21. yah but when he faced yammi or whoever that big dood was that was with Ulquirora I remember when Yami asked him how he blocked his cero, Urahara replied that he simply countered it with his own cero.

    Well I just watched that part again and Urahara says this: "so I just negated it by hitting it with a similar attack."(DB Sub)

    And like what h2obubbli said...that red energy blast is probably one of his Zanpakutou's abilities. Urahara can probably fire energy blasts with Benihime just like Ichigo can with Zangetsu.

  22. I don't think it was cero. Just because the energy blast was red doesn't necessarily mean it was a cero.

    Benihime = "Crimson Princess"

    Beni=type of red or crimson


    And thank god the story is finally progressing now. The last few months, I merely read the manga just for the sake of finishing each chapter and not reading it out of enjoyment.

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