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    Rain isn't necessarily the ideal look now either. LOL. Girls fawn over his body more than they do over his face. You really don't understand what I'm trying to say. LOL. His face is charming, NOT handsome. He didn't change anything. No double eyelids and dark skin was accepted even before him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I do understand what you're trying to say, but it makes no sense.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It doesnt make sense because you got it wrong. I'll tell you why... because you didn't read the first post of me ^^. (I didn't mean the change over himself.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But rain was strong and continued to audition. He got accepted and was able to change the "beauty standards".
































































































































































































































    If he probably wouldn't have tried so hard, the beauty standard wouldn't have opened for people with dark skin and mono-lid eyes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well, thats what i made this sign >""<. Lets just say, that the music industry opened to people with small/mono-lid eyes because of him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wuah you people really understand only what you want do understand.
































































































































































































































    The fact is that rain didn't got accepted because of his eyes or should I say, because he was the opposite of the ideal look.
































































































































































































































    We already know that Korea isn't open to foreigners (in the M.Industry). The rest is your opinion. Im not going to deny opinions so I leave it to you.
































































































































































































































    Its not just about MADONNA or RAIN. They were just examples for the change thing.
































































































































































































































    Now I'm not going to repeat myself. I already said, what I had to say.

































































































































































    Uh I think what Rain had to deal with was not Racism but of something of a totally different prejudice: he wasn't considered pretty...he had dark skin, and a monolid...Back then having a sanga-pul and milky skin for men was more of a norm. But now Rain set the trend for Korean men to look like actual men, with his chocolate abs and his chiseled features. Rain had to deal with the beauty standards of biaseness, not actual racism itself..."To look more Caucasian" I think that quote right their was taken out of context...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ah you misunderstood me. I didn't say it was racism he had to with.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You said the answear by yourself
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Back then having a sanga-pul and milky skin for men was more of a norm. But now Rain set the trend for Korean men to look like actual men, with his chocolate abs and his chiseled features.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I repeat "Nothing changes when anybody tries to change it."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The Judges told him that he was a good dance but they didn't want him because of his looks. Probably not only rain but other people too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But rain was strong and continued to audition. He got accepted and was able to change the "beauty standards".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If he probably wouldn't have tried so hard, the beauty standard wouldn't have opened for people with dark skin and mono-lid eyes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hope you understand what I mean.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I dont deny the fact that non Asians have disadvantages in the Korean Music Industry. No matter, how many people deny about that, no matter how much you lie to yourself. This fact will not change unless somebody will have the strength and passion, to do so.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think, the audience might open their arms and minds when a non asian artist would get support from professionals like YG, JYP, SM or whatever.
















































































































































    The Answers to your question have nothing to do with ethnicity, its about personality.







    Is the person ready to give up several things for his passion, is he/she determined and strong enough to deal with the problems, rumors, criticism, racism and whatever.














    Good for you. Those people might even not care about asian music today, because i dont think that they've become fans of asia. Your post sounds like you were the only one who had to deal with racism. You know what? People said those things to me too, even though I am not chinese, japanese or korean.







    Why? Because they knew form my interest to Japan. That was even 10 years ago.







    My dad wanted me to stop being interested in Asia. People were are always telling that "I was richard simmons headed like all the japanese people too" there was even more, but at the end I didn't care. Eventhough I've had lots of haters, I performed with japanese songs several times.







    God gave us a brain, he gave us the ability to learn and understand. Don't blame the people who don't know anything about the asian culture and manners. They can learn, we can learn. But they can't do anything about their bithplace. I think there are for sure a lot of Korean who don't know much about their own culture. Not only Koreans but other people too.







    > What these people can do, is to learn. To learn the language, the culture and to understand the people of the country.







    Eventhough when they never can't become korean from the outside, they can become korean from the inside. Their body language, manners, the way they life. I made that experience with my German friends, who visited me/us often.














    Yeah, you are right! It's a fact that there aren't any famous non asians in the Korean Music Industry.







    So it's also a fact that it is hard for non-Asians to join the Asian Music Industry, "especially the Korean Music Industry".







    I haven't see any non famous non asian in the Korean Industry, but there were serveral Muscians who were not only active but also successful in other countrys like Japan (and maybe China), before you and I knew that music even exist. I know one, but I don't think he was the only one.







    Like most of you said.







    Rain said too that he could not imagine a non Asian in the Korean music Industry. But actually he had similar problems in the past.







    "The judges did not like him, but they didn't want him because of his looks/single eyelids. He said, "back then, it was popular to have blond hair and to look more Caucasian"







    At the end they choose him, because of his willingness. He auditioned again and again, until they accepted him.







    >>>>> And today? You see a lot singers who have single eyelids. Some people even like it more.







    Back then, I can imagine that people might even have said the same like as you.







    why? Probably because they/you are not used to it.







    I've read somewhere in this topic that someone said "racism can not be changed"







    Thats wrong, everything can be changed, unless someone tries to change it. (ex. Montgomery Bus Boycott, Madonna)







    If nobody tried to changes something then nothing is going to happen.







    When I don't practice, exercise then I am not going to learn anything. Nothing is going to happen when I don't stand up and try to reach my goals.







    Through Madonna, s** and naked skin became an easy thing. Back then, showing skin was seen as a scandal.







    20 Years ago, the same was with the german Industry too. In movies and on TV there were only germans. 10 years ago only a few foreigners appeared, but today, yeah well there is still racism,. People/Teachers are and were often racist to me too. But it changed compared to the past. Most of the german artists are foreign.








    Look at this. Far East Movement really didn't gain popularity until 2010.







    Why, do they get now attention? Because they tried, and they worked hard for it. This shows that protesting doesn't make us look like fools. Because FEM did too. They did what they liked. And many others did too.







    Even when protesting, or believing in our dreams would make us look like a fool. clench your teeth. when you aren't able to fight against the blame of others, how are you fight against the other things in the future.







    Why are the Asians allowed to, dye their hair, to get a tan, wear lenses and do to plastic surgery to look more causcian.







    And Caucasians are getting blamed with doing the opposite.







    YouR african friend seems to be annoying, and I wouldn't not consider someone as a friend, whom I look down like you do. Let her do what she want's do to. I also know such people too.







    You know how you act? You act like korea is yours. You see the things to superficial. There are people, who are not only listening to Korean Music. Not because it's korean music, but maybe because they are passionate about the whole thing. It maybe gives a different feeling. I grew up with wanting to stay on a stages in Asia, wanting to became a part of avex. Because I loved not only the music but also the language. I am happy not to be german, cuz the people here seem to beincompetent for me. Everything is so one-sided. Germany is not a country nor a language which suits music. Thats what I think.







    And about the Caucasian should just stick to America or Europe" thing...







    this would be a good choice, for people who are only into music general.







    The Music Industry of Japan and Korea is different. To me, the people work more passionate. I like the production of music there, i like the language, and the fashion. Of course I would like to integrate myself. And I think many others feel the same way as me.







    What we need is support. Imagine, someone beautiful and talented gets the support of companies like YG or JYP, the person gets also support from other artists. If someone gets that opportunity then I can imagine that this person can be successful.









  12. post audition just means the first audition before the second audition

    ah, the person might misunderstand that. I had to read it 3 times, to get what you mean. Because it sounded strange to me^^".

    Post audition is the opposite of online auditioning.. you send in a package via post mail



    not everyone who send them an email. but people who tried to send them files... like pictures, mp3s or whatever... (i think)

    an other member of soompi got the same mail as you... just look at this... google helps..



    try to google that address 397-5 YG building 6F, Hap-jung-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea... there are only a few(3-5) websites, which show this address.

    서울시 마포구 합정동 371-26번지 덕양빌딩 3층 신인개발팀 앞 > now google this one and you'll see that it is even posted on their official and audition website

    and in this pdf page 6 at the bottom http://www.yg-audition.com/2011_YG_AUDITION_MENUAL.pdf

  13. hi i have auditioned for yg entertainment via email and have got this message back i just wanna ask if anyone recieved this as well and also is the address given correct because i don't know which one is the real address please help

    (below is the email i received )


    I'm YG audition manager.

    We only have an audition by post audition

    you just apply your application in post audition

    We need your songs(Pop 1, Korean Pop 1, just cover), the application(introducing paper),

    some photos and something else (like dancing, beat box..).

    Address is "397-5 YG building 6F, Hap-jung-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea"

    This is a first-step audition. So If you pass this audition, You have to do the seceond-step audition in Korea.

    And You have to can speak in Korean. It's a necessary.

    Beacuse of Our Trainnig Teachers. Everyone is Korean.

    So If you want pass the audition, you need a Korean abillity.

    Thank you. Bye."

    i think thats a automated message, which everyone gets when they try to send in their stuff via mail.

    They might have forgot to update the message.

    Because Im sure about the address which I posted before. A while ago It was posted on their official Website too.

    Can someone translate this message. It posted on their twitter


  14. that should be the new address.

    i got the same one

    and its the address i found in many websites

    that wrong

    this is the right one

    Deokyang Building 3rd Floor,

    371-26 Hapjeong-dong

    Mapo-gu, Seoul

    South Korea

    Zip Code: 121-884

    this is from their me2 day

    [서울시 마포구 합정동 371-26번지 덕양빌딩 3층 신인개발팀 앞] (13.Dec.2010


  15. gah, this is so awesome, good (late) luck to everyone auditioning ^o^... I was planning on sending a tape to YG in Korea but then heard some stories and don't trust the mail office anymore lol xDD I assume by the time they'll come to europe, I'll have my own record company lol

    please share you experiences after auditioning~ ^^

    what did you heard about the mail office

  16. on the new yg auditon formular there is an area which is called 지원부문.. what does that mean Google says "Support Division?"

    what do i have to write there?

    and on the name area in says "Hangul" so I have to write my name in hangul right?















    Singing: 8.5/10







    i think your voice is really good, i love the vibrato and control! i'm not japanese, but i've taken language classes and have experience in singing in it, so i hope my input will be helpful. i think your "t"s are a too hard (at times). you're hitting them like a regular American speaking style, but it should be a bit more subdued like a cross between a "t" and "d". i think in general you might want to make your sounds a bit more delicate sounding (unless the song is more harsh, it's more understandable). ack, i don't really know how to explain myself. ^^; i think the opening sounded a bit more "awkward" in sound ("hanashi"(?), the "ashi" sounded really not Japanese-like). i apologize if i'm being offensive!! i wish your microphone was better because your vocals sound so good, but there was the peaking sound at the higher/louder notes ;-;













    No you are not offensive, I'm glad about your comment!thanks. (Dont be afraid, I want to know your opinions about my voice). The first word is not hanashi, its arashi :). Now I can hear the mistake too. I think the "I" sounded a little too hard?iish xD? i'll work on it.







    I don't get what you mean with peaking sound. Do you mabye mean squeaking sound? New microphone is on the way to me :). But I think the squeaking sound is because of the mixing settings. I'm not the best when it comes to mixing up song ^^". Also youtube affected the quality( i think)










    Jesus Christ.... I still haven't received anything... *** SO FRUSTRATING *** It's like everyone ignores anything I send...








    BTW, Thank you for the update (^__^) Please let me know if you get any further news...















    they are even not answearing me.. i asked them 2 times for the john teshing adress they were writing about, ( on their website) "You can email to introduce yourself and we can give you an address that has capacity for such files. "



    Even though they ask, it is not a requirement for the audition application and you can leave it blank if you feel uncomfortable (I would strongly recommend omitting this information to prevent identity theft as your SS number is very important and should not be freely given out). This will only be required if you are signed and employed/represented by Bros. Ent. in some contractual agreement for tax purposes...








    Yeah, I feel unconftable about it. Since im not their trainie. From where do you know that it is not required.








    Becauese their application form says "I understand that this information is correct and complete. This form is for








    information only and is not an offer for employment. It is further understood








    that all submissions become property of Brothers Entertainment and will not








    be returned."


  20. Somehow I think it was just so that, in some cases people fill out all the forms (apply for Singer, Actor, and Producer) to see how multi-talented people are .______. it's a bit of a waste of everyone's time, isn't it...?

    they would have told us like for the dancing category. They said those who are applying for singing can dance too.

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