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Posts posted by sooyeon.

  1. yehh goohyesun's acting is strangely a bit too overboard in this drama imo

    i thought she was a better actor so i was lookin forward to her in this drama cos she looks

    so like an anime character

    i dont like junpyos curly hair XD i get the urge to go straighten it but ahh YAY its going straight sooon =)

    despite the drama being very very unrealistic =_= its still exciting to watch =)

    too bad i hav to wait till tomolo mornin to see ep4 T_T

  2. ohmygoodness XD

    i stopped watchin the japanese version

    of this as soon as i got up to the scene that ep3 ended at

    so now i hav no clue wats going to happen next but ahh

    seein the preview for tonites episode was so **gaahhh**

    for the preview wen JH is at the airport

    isnt the translation

    JH - its the next flight; I'm so glad I got to know you *kisses forehead*

    oh and that girl who asks is it true about junpyo..its that girl JD is frends with at school rite?

    hope she stays a good character =(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    1) being a public holidai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    5) him pickin up the fone nd sayin sorri*phew*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sooooooooo adorable ~~
































































































































































































































































































































    dbsg nd the kids r both equally adorkable nd cute nd hot =D
















































































































































































































































































































































































    waiting outside biology with a hot guy -_- ;; i wouldve been happier if he sed mroe than hi muahahha
































































































































































































































































































    ok finalli watched 3+4
















































































































































































































































    4 .. i personally found extremely boring ... and the stori hasnt progressed that much
















































































































































































































































    bUtt fo shaw i dont like hyorin now hehe
















































































































































































































































    nd im more contecnt with shin that eunhae playing chaegyong..
















































































































































































































































    yul is relli strange too .. the acting is funni
















































































































































































































































    butt i like the drama cos its the GOONG haha












































    okie dokie thank u for the eyecandy XD




















    aiiyah seominwoo is my new obsesssion out of the ulzzangs




















    and this thread grows so fast its scary =_= and i cant find the pge i last posted




















    and mikki looks relli skinni and strange shaped face in the one shes with a guy..she has cool hair =D





  9. aiiyah if the drama is on at 10 35 thas .. 12 35 for moi T_T which means ill watch it even later XD .. a weeks worth of waking up extra earli for goong =))

    yes hyorin is very mysterious in this drama..she does plai her part well but seriousli DONT GO EVILLL

    cos i relli despised her in the manga.. aiiyah i still havent ifnished the manga cos i cant get the raw for 10 to work T^T ..

  10. T^T i woke up 6am to look at this thread


    yay its ont onite..which is like tomolo for me ~~ aiiyah lok at wat this drama does to me .. im hungry ^_^

    yeh i relli dont want yul to turn evil...issert just me or has he relli lost weight? his cheeks r so hollow!!

    yooneunhye looks alrite wen shesin the drama.. sort of .. i didnt relli first agreee to her acting =___=;; but shes cute

    i recon the story is progressing relli slowli so far

    and i want to him hyorin in the head !!~~ heeheehee

  11. noooooo i want him to be lead in dramas ~~ i dont watch that many k movies -___- its just too short !

    newais. i want to meet himf ace to face and blackmail him `~~ oh junki oppa ~~~ ull get mroe fame and be loved mroe if u star in dramas .. ^^;;;

    yes ive set it. its his face structure that makes him appealing.. cos his jawline and cheekbones blahblah carry out his eyes and nose and mouth so well-ishly hehe poor vocab todai

    and id ont see him being girly nemore..he mite have long girlish hair though? thas bout it hehe but joongie oppa i still lov ehim but hell still look tonnes pretti to me..rpettier than a girl EHHE

  12. ^ agrreeed. hyunkyung looked rleli nice dancing to aha

    hmff i demand kibummie poo T_T

    how come micky hasnt been on for ages..2 episodes onli T_T ;; even is he has a busy schedule..i thought he was part of the show.. has he quit or is he gonna come on soon???

    and eunkyung left too -___-^ yyy

    alot of the casts personalities have changed.. i was a major nono eunbi but now i relli watch it for her and kibum =))

    cant wait for 59

  13. he looks hot and cute in drama city ep


    ive forgotten wat i was gonna say now .. ljk has this affect on moi =_=


    and his eyes shake .. wen he gets teary or confused or angry his eyes shake .. that makes him a good actor..its not fake acting >-<;; but emotions poor out of his eyes...wateva part he acts in wateva type of show he fits in perfectli and can digest that roll so well cos hes actualli quite good at acting..hope he comes out as leads in dramas and yadidadida in tha future =))

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