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    said: Can anyone provide me links for taecgui's fanfic. Thanks :-)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  2. bluemoonrising said: Biru Angel said: amylove said:

    We all got so excited to post the first gift...
    <br />

    Hmm...I was definitely expecting more too...I guess my expectations were too high...LOL<br />

    I was REALLY hoping for videos/DVDs of uncut ep

    Although it's nice of the production team to make this...some scenes/transitions were distorted or had pixels or something...and if I'm being honest, some of the fan-made MVs I've seen are actually better made...sorry production team!...but still kamsahamnida!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    These are Taec's proper pics that I have so far XD coz the rest that I have are his shirtless and rip-off shirts hahahaha  :)) :)) :)) :)ok that's all for now xDD7vxn.png


































































































































































































































































  4. Just SPAM TaecGui/Gui, lolzz XD



    OMG~~ Oooeeemmmgggggyyyyyyy..... I am super duper bored right now, Otoke!! otoke??@#$^%!^^*@!#FA@# Ahhhhh~~~~ and suddenly I AM LAZY AS H*** TT___TT Oh GOSH!!!!!!! seriously?! what's wrong with me?? WHY?? WHY?? Garrr!!! a lot of pictures in my lap are unorganized huhuhuhu ....... *crying crying* Spam!! SPam!!!!! SPAm!!!!!!!! SPAM~~~~~ spaM! spAM!! sPAM~~ SPAM~~!?? ....Hum!!

  5. GuiGui's birthday is coming soon, so just want to share guigui's pics a bit  XDD  :D :D

    All credit to the rightful owner(s)

    Don't want to hear you gals/guys say that I am Jjandori, so here are some of Taec's pics/2pm, lol
    credit as tagged and Baidu
    credit to rightful owner & tumblr

    PS: OMG, I feel like I am a BIG thief hahhaa 0.o .... one day those owners are going to kill me for sure Q_Q








































































































































































































    Nyta Tahar said: Hi morning to all taecgui shippers. I'm a newbie n love reading all post here coz i love this couple so much. If you have time, pls take a look at GWGM vietsub video, its totally different from the GWGM channel, so many unseen parts.









  7. Hello All Shippers HAHAHAHAHA ..... sorry for being MIA :P :P  but I did check and guard our perverted house though, lol  XD

    Well, about that educated fan but has uneducated manner, we should just give her/him a little small place to enjoy here coz she/he does not have anywhere to turn to.
    Any unappropriated comments/ posts we have the right to flag it, once she/he receives enough flags of spam/abuse she/he will be gone for good/bad Only GOD know :)
    Let's not quote those ugly comments/ posts coz it will just stain our beautiful perverted paradise, lolzz 

    OH yeah!! @angelangie it's one of my fav gifs hahaha xDD

    Andeee~  Andeee~ Andeee~  (GUIGUI's style)
    WHY you forget! WHY you forget! THIS IS TAECGUI's thread ??   Ti1RzBM.gifTi1RzBM.gif


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