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Posts posted by Bubble-AF

  1. Yep^^ I am burning my laptop every night hahaha :)) :)) and mum keeps wondering why electricity bill increases every month =)) =))  .... well, it's kind of my habit that I need music to make me fall asleep at night but I don't put on my headphones, I just play the music on my lap with a low volume xDD  (I own a room hehe^^)

  2. @Black_Meddle: Well, I think it's more for guys not gals hahaha .... one of my friends, he likes those kind of musics and I once asked him how could he stand such a strong and heavy mental music and he told me that it's fantastic @@"

    Currently, listening to this one, although I kind of don't understand the whole lyrics hahaha ... :)) but it gives me a chill and party feeling xDD
    Sunrise Inc - Tout le monde (feat.Miradey) OFFICIAL VIDEO

  3. chu3x said: DidoNiji said: chu3x said: DidoNiji said: chu3x said: Taking a short break from writing the fic and at the same time doing the fanvid drama just to say...
    Kim Jae Wook is looking OH SO FINE in that photoshoot...maybe I can add him in the tent with the other 4 guys? =))

    Okay okay...back to work now, to finish this chapter :)) Ciao a tutti!

  4. @ardorie28
    The translations in yellow color are what I got from guiguiwuyingjie (tumblr) ardorie28 said: Can someone translate this one please...thank you in advance :)

    A video cut of an entertainment news broadcast about “The Incisive Great Teacher” and how Nicky Wu treats his cast members

    Gui Gui, being the innocent girl that she is, said that Nicky Wu always buys water for her and that she only drinks water. The interviewer asked if he bought any of the drinks he sponsors, and she said yes. Gui Gui, realizing that what she said made it seem like Nicky Wu was being cheap, tried to correct her mistake, but she said he once bought a meal for them. Trying to fix her mistake again, she then said that he has bought meals for them before.
  5. lamey said:

    JenJ said:

    labbit said:

    JenJ said:

    OMG~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was reading comments in TaecGui Fb, it seems that some people got the Disc and one of the BTS has Taec teaching GuiGui how to dance Baek Ji Young's My Ear's Candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!FAINT~

    Omg!!! Jin Jia?? Can some kind souls share with us the video or pics....oh no.....i can't wait!!

    Same reaction as you! Goin Micheoso  Goin Micheoso Goin Micheoso Goin Micheoso Goin Micheoso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I want to watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..